2009年8月1日 星期六

Google translations of the Elegies

Elegies for June 4th

刘晓波简历 Liu Biography


December 28, 1955 was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province


1969 - 1973 with his parents to the countryside to Inner Mongolia to the right-wing former flag dashizhai Horqin Commune


In July 1974 as an educated young people to jump the queue to the Jilin Province Nong'an 3 Gang Commune


Back in November 1976 when the workers of construction companies in Changchun City


Jilin University in 1977 into the Department of Chinese learning, graduating in 1982, received Bachelor of Arts degree.

年进入北京师范大学中文系读硕士学位,1984年毕业获文艺学硕士学位。 1982, Beijing Normal University, Department of Chinese reading of a master's degree, graduating in 1984, received master's degree in literature and art.


1984 - 1986, taught Chinese literature at Beijing Normal University.

--1988年在北京师范大学中文系读博士学位,1988年毕业,获文艺学博士学位。 1986 - 1988 Department of Chinese Literature at Beijing Normal University, read a doctorate in 1988 graduated, received a PhD in literature and art.


August 1988 - 11 Yue, University of Oslo, Norway was invited to teach Chinese contemporary literature.


December 1988 - February 1989 was invited to the University of Hawaii teaching Chinese philosophy, Chinese contemporary politics and intellectuals to carry out the study of the topic.


March 1989 - 5 Yue was invited to the United States a visiting scholar at Columbia University, the latter due to return home to participate in "6.4" interrupted.

5--6 月4日在北京参加“6·4”运动。 May 1989 - 6 Yue 4 in Beijing to attend the "6.4" movement.

1月因参加“6·4”运动而被捕。 June 6, 1989 - January 1991 for participating in "6.4" movement have been arrested. 19899月被开除公职。 In September 1989 have been discharged from public employment.

1—1993元旦,在北京从事写作及民运。 January 1991 -1993 New Year's Day, in writing and pro-democracy movement in Beijing.

年元旦-5月,作为访问学者前往澳大利亚,中间受邀赴美国,接受记录片《天安门》制片人卡玛的采访,并在哈佛大学、加州大学、卫斯理学院等发表演讲。 1993 New Year's Day -5 months, as a visiting scholar to Australia, in the middle was invited to the United States to accept documentary "Tiananmen" and producer Kama interview, and at Harvard University, University of California, Wesleyan College speech.

5月-19955月,在国内从事写作及民运。 May 1993 -1,995 years in May, in writing and pro-democracy movement in China.

1月,因从事自由写作及民运、呼吁为“6·4”平反、保障人权而被囚禁,完全失去自由。 May 18, 1995 - January 1996, because in the free writing and pro-democracy movement, calling for "6.4" vindication, protection of human rights have been imprisoned, totally deprived of their freedom. 获释后继续从事上述运动及自由写作。 Continue after the release of these campaigns and free writing. 曾执笔《反腐败建议书————致八届人大三次全会》和《汲取血的教训推进民主与法治进程——“六四六周年呼吁书》。 Has authored, "caused by the anti-corruption proposals ---- Third Plenary Session of the Eighth National People's Congress" and the "lessons from the process of the promotion of democracy and the rule of law -" 64, "the sixth anniversary of the appeal."

年。 October 8, 1996 - October 7, 1999 Owing to the above-mentioned reasons, was arrested three years of reeducation through labor.


October 7, 1999 released in Beijing, engaging in free writing and civil rights protection.


December 8, 2008 in the "Rights Charter" on the eve of being taken away.

《零八宪章》是一份突破性的宣言和请愿书,呼吁中国的政治改革、更多人权和结束一党专制。 "零八

the Charter" is a groundbreaking declaration and petitions calling for political reform in China, more human rights and an end one-party system.


Liu was detained at an unknown at the "residential surveillance"


Up to 6 and a half months after he was formally arrested and has been involved in the drafting of "零八Charter" and was charged on suspicion of "inciting subversion of state power."

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

1.体验死亡(北春、2000、7)—“六•四”一周年祭 1. Experience the death of (North Spring, 2000,7) - "6 • 4" 1 anniversary of the Festival

体验死亡(北春、20007—“一周年祭 Experience the death of (North Spring, 2000,7) - "6 • 4" 1 anniversary of the Festival


纪念碑一阵阵抽泣大理石的纹路浸透血迹信念和青春扑倒在坦克履带的铁锈下东方那古老的故事突然新鲜欲滴 Waves of sobbing marble monument lines blood soaked faith and youth throwing himself under the rust in the tank tracks the story of the ancient Orient was suddenly fresh and dripping

浩荡的人流渐渐消失犹如一条慢慢干枯的河两岸的风景化作石头所有的喉咙都被恐惧窒息所有的颤抖都随硝烟散去只有刽子手的钢盔闪闪发光 Mighty flow of people fading slowly like a dried-up river landscape into a stone all the throat are all the trembling fear of choking with the smoke of gunpowder are dispersed only a hangman's helmets glistening


我不再认识旗帜旗帜象还不懂事的孩子扑在妈妈尸体上哭喊着回家我再不能分辨白昼和黑夜时间被枪声惊呆象失去记忆的植物人我丢掉了身份证和护照那个曾经熟悉的世界在刺刀挑起的黎明中找不到一捧泥土掩埋自己 I do not know is not sensible, as the banner of flags flutter in the mother of the child's corpse, cried to go home I can no longer distinguish between day and night time is shooting stunned as loss of memory in persistent vegetative states, I lost identity cards and passports that had been familiar with the The world can not find the dawn of the bayonet to stir up a handful of mud buried their own

赤裸裸的心与钢铁碰撞没有水没有绿色的大地一任阳光蹂躏 Naked heart and steel there is no water there is no collision term sun-torn land of green


他们等呀等等待变成野兽的时刻等待时间编出精致的谎言直等到手指变成利爪眼睛变成枪口双脚变成履带空气变成命令来了终于来了那个等了五千年的命令呀, etc., etc. They wait for the moment into a beast waiting time to compile the sophisticated lies straight into the eye until your fingers into claws the air gun legs turned into a command to the track finally came five thousand years of waiting for an order that

开枪——杀人杀人——开枪和平请愿与手无寸铁拄拐的白发与扯着衣襟的小手决不能说服刽子手枪筒打红了双手染红了眼睛烧红了一粒子弹一股浑浊的宣泄一次犯罪一种英雄的壮举 Shoot - kill kill - shoot unarmed peaceful demonstrations and Shui Zhu skirts of white hair and inviting little hands never able to convince the executioner barrel hit his hands dyed red eyes and red-hot bullets of a vent turbidity Yi Gu a crime of a heroic feat

多么轻松死亡就如此降临多么容易兽欲就得到满足那些年轻的士兵也许刚刚穿上军装还没有经历过被姑娘亲吻的醉意却在刹那间体验到嗜血的快感杀人是他们青春的开始 How come so easy to die on the vices of how easy it is get to meet those young soldiers might just wear the military uniform has not yet experienced being tipsy kiss the girl but in an instant to experience the thrill of bloodthirsty murder is the beginning of their youth

他们看不见浸透连衣裙的血听不见挣扎着的尖叫对钢盔的坚硬和生命的脆弱他们毫无感觉他们不知道一个昏庸的老人正在把古老的京城变成又一处奥斯维辛 They can not see the blood soaked dress struggling to hear the screams of the helmets of the hard and life fragile that they have no sense they do not know a stupid old ancient capital is being put into another at Auschwitz

残忍与罪恶拔地而起象金字塔一样辉煌而生命崩溃如深渊听不到一丝回响屠杀雕刻出一个民族的传统岁月悠悠,如废弃的语言做最后的诀别 Cruel and evil as they stand like a glorious pyramid and life collapsed like an abyss can not hear a trace of response from the massacre of a nation carved out of the traditional time has passed, like abandoned the language of a final Farewell


我本想在阳光下加入殉道者的行列用仅存的一根骨头支撑起虔诚的信仰但,天空并不会为牺牲者镀上金黄一群饱食死尸的狼在正午的温暖中喜气洋洋 I wanted the sun to join the ranks of the martyrs with the support of only one bone from a devout faith, but the sky does not give the victims on the golden-plated group of dead wolves eat three square meals in the midday warmth of jubilant

遥远地我把生命放逐到一个没有太阳的地方逃出耶稣生日的纪元我不敢正视十字架上的目光从一支烟到一小堆灰烬我被烈士的酒灌醉以为这个春天已经消逝 Distant to me to be exiled to a life where there is no escape from the sun's birthday era of Jesus on the cross I dare not face up to the eyes from the ashes of a cigarette to a small pile of wine I was drunk that martyrs have disappeared this spring

当我在深夜的烟摊前被几个大汉拦路抢劫戴上手铐蒙住眼睛堵住嘴巴扔进不知驶向何方的囚车蓦然醒悟:我还活着当我的名字在中央电视台变成新闻中的黑手” When I was in the middle of the night by several of the former Han dynasty Yantan handcuffed blindfolded highway robbery thrown in to plug the mouth of the van did not know where you suddenly wake up heading: I am still alive when my name into the news on CCTV's " Black Hand "

无名者的白骨立在遗忘里变成一枚英雄勋章我被自编的谎言高高擎起逢人便讲我体验过死亡 Unknown person standing in the bones of the dead turned into a forgotten hero Medals I've been composing high Qingqi lie sleeping, I have experienced the death talk

尽管我知道死是神秘的未知活着,便无法体验死亡而死了就再不能体验死亡但我仍在死中飞翔沉沦地飞翔无数个铁窗后的夜晚和星光下的坟墓被我的噩梦出卖 Even though I know that death is the unknown mystery alive, you can not experience the death of death would no longer be able to experience the death of flying, but I am still dead in the sink to fly at night after the countless bars and Star under the graves were sold out of my nightmare

除了谎言我一无所有 In addition to a lie I have nothing

6月于秦城监狱 In June 1990 at the Qincheng Prison

Posted by (歪詩污) 1 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 1 comments

2.给十七岁—“六•四”二周年祭 2. To the 17-year-old - "6 • 4" 2 anniversary of the Festival

给十七岁—“二周年祭 To the 17-year-old - "6 • 4" 2 anniversary of the Festival

题记 :你不听父母的劝阻,从家中厕所的小窗跳出;你擎着旗帜倒下时,仅十七岁。 Question in mind: You do not listen to parents, warning them of the little window out of the toilet from home; you the Host flag fall, only 17 years old. 我却活下来,已经三十六岁。 I was alive, has 36 years of age. 面对你的亡灵,活下来就是犯罪,给你写诗更是一种耻辱。 The face of your souls, survive is a crime, to give you poetry is a disgrace. 活人必须闭嘴,听坟墓诉说。 Living must be shut up and listen to the grave to tell. 给你写诗,我不配。 You write poetry, I do not deserve. 你的十七岁超越所有的语言和人工的造物. Your 17-year-old transcends all languages and artificial creation.

我活着还有个不大不小的臭名我没有勇气和资格捧着一束鲜花和一首诗走到十七岁的微笑前尽管我知道十七岁没有任何抱怨 I am alive and have been forgiven, I have the courage and qualifications of the notorious holding a bouquet of flowers and a poem came before the 17-year-old smile although I know 17-year-old has no complaints

十七岁的年龄告诉我生命朴素无华如同一望无际的沙漠不需要树不需要水不需要花的点缀就能承受太阳的肆虐 17-year-old age to tell my life simple and minimalist as the expanse of the desert without water, trees do not need no embellishment flowers can withstand the ravages of the sun

十七岁倒在道路上道路从此消失泥土中长眠的十七岁象书一样安详十七岁来到世界上什么也不依恋除了洁白无暇的年龄 17-year-old fell to the dirt road on the road disappear in their final 17-year-old book-like calm 17-year-old came to the world's white too busy to do nothing apart from the age of attachment

十七岁停止呼吸时奇迹般地没有绝望子弹射穿了山脉痉挛逼疯了海水当所有的花,只有一种颜色的时刻十七岁没有绝望不会绝望你把未完成的爱交给满头白发的母亲 17-year-old stopped breathing when the bullet miraculously did not penetrate the mountain of despair spasm crazy sea water when all of the flowers, only one color of the moment 17-year-old did not despair, do not despair, you put the unfinished love to sweating white-haired mother,

那位曾经把你反锁在家中的母亲那位在五星红旗下割断了家族的高贵血缘的母亲被你临终的眼神唤醒她带着你的遗嘱走遍所有的坟墓每一次她就要倒下时你都会用亡灵的气息把她扶住送她上路 Who had been locked at home in your mother who cut off in the five-star red flag under the family's noble lineage of the mother was dying your eyes Will you wake up traveled with her all of the grave every time she would fall when you will be living with the dead to take her breath Bata Fu Sheung

超越了年龄超越了死亡十七岁已经永恒 Beyond the age beyond the eternal death of 17-year-old has been

1991年6月1深夜于北京 June 1, 1991 late in the evening in Beijing

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3.窒息的广场—“六•四”三周年祭 3. Asphyxia Square - "6 • 4," the third anniversary of festival

窒息的广场—“三周年祭 Choking the square - "6 • 4," the third anniversary of festival

这个全世界最大的广场挤满人群和呐喊只是一瞬间水银泻地般的奔逃除了恐惧就是空旷殉道者的苍白中钢盔与晨光共舞被上帝审判的人正透过某个窗口欣赏着黎明之杯中盛满的紫黑色液体 The world's largest square packed with people and cry only a brief moment of panic as the mercury diarrhea in addition to the fear that open pale martyr in the helmet with the Morning Dance by God on trial, through a window to enjoy the dawn of the cup-sheng full purplish black liquid

有勇气穿过广场的男人也能徒步穿过太阳系灰烬一旦燃烧变成温暖的词青涩的果实就会在死亡中成熟献给不需要玫瑰的女人她的嗓音照亮地狱象一柄阴雨天的红伞面对横冲过来的坦克站着不动挥舞柔软的手臂 Have the courage of men through the square on foot through the solar system can also be burned into ashes, once warm words Sentimental fruit will mature in the death of a woman dedicated to roses do not need to illuminate the hell of her voice, as Yibing rainy day red umbrella red cross over the face of the tank stand still soft in the arm waving

她倒下的一瞬间四周一片空旷是谁顺手丢下的废纸落在她高耸的前胸又被一阵风吹起遮住那双修长的手臂就算她从来没有读过《圣经》 The moment she fell down an open space surrounded by the paper who is smoothly dropped on her high-rise was again a gust of wind blowing chest covered pair of slender arms even if she had never read "the Bible"

也不该被上帝遗弃在路边堆起的垃圾旁也不该让血污粘住那在小伙子的梦中飘飞的长发 God is not being abandoned in the garbage piled up on the roadside beside the bloodstained stick that has not let the young man's dream Piaofei long hair

如果是另一个春天她与男友手拉手走在这个广场她也许不会为偶尔踩死的一只虫子而惊叹此刻,她失血的双唇却惊呆了地下的蛀虫它们犹豫地伸出夹子抓到的只是血腥 If it is another spring to go hand in hand with her boyfriend that she might not be in this square for the occasional bug and trampled to death by a breathtaking moment, she was stunned bleeding lips on the ground floor moth caught clip out of their hesitation, just bloody

这个被死亡掏空的广场为了一种绝对的权力就窒息了所有生命 This has been hollowed out square to the death of an absolute power to stifle all forms of life

这个被死亡塑造的姑娘为了一行纯粹的诗放弃了所有文字 This was the death of the girl in order to create a line of pure poetry to give up all the text

1992年6月6于北京 June 6, 1992 in Beijing

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

4.一颗烟独自燃烧—“六•四”四周年祭 4. A burning cigarette alone - "6 • 4" 4 anniversary of the Festival

.一颗烟独自燃烧—“四周年祭 . A burning cigarette alone - "6 • 4" 4 anniversary of the Festival

咖啡冰淇淋威士忌中清凉的冰块几个老外向我提问我的回答有股大饭店的洗手间和公共厕所的混合气味 Coffee ice cream whiskey in the cool of the ice a few foreigners to ask me questions I can answer stocks hotel washroom, and a mixed smell of public toilets

手指游离于身体一颗烟独自燃烧与灵魂构成死角九十度的垂直某种梦境血红空白的背景抽搐着大火焚烧后的树林残存的秃枝上烤焦的羽毛讲述春天 Fingers separated from the body and soul of a burning cigarette alone constitutes some kind of dream dead vertical degree bend blood-red background of a blank after the convulsion the fire burned bare vine forest remnant of scorched feathers about the spring

谈话说笑爵士乐模糊了面孔烟已经烧到了尽头烟蒂的记忆在临终前从新衣服的撕裂处突然翠绿破碎的遗骨可以用来买单侍者微笑着赠送一个不新鲜的果盘 Joking talk jazz blurred the faces of burn to the end of cigarette smoke has been for naught, the memory of the new green clothes, tearing at the broken remains of a sudden can be used to pay the waiter smiled and presented a non-fresh fruit plate

握手拥抱道别的寒暄用多种语言坟墓没有国籍一只手从空酒杯移向做最后挣扎的烟蒂透明的烟缸展示尸体有灰烬有口水有夜生活的糜烂春天很冷我的醉意被跟踪脚印中的窃听器使我不敢稍做停留 Shook hands and embraced the grave to bid farewell greetings in multiple languages is not an empty wine glass in hand on the nationality of a move to make the final struggle of the cigarette butts in ashtrays and transparent body with the ashes of a saliva show a very cold night in the spring of erosion of my tipsy tracked footprints in the I do not dare to stay slightly makes eavesdropping

古老的城市焕然一新只有那个日子陈旧得象致命的病毒没有人愿意接近我看见了亡灵象拉直头发的姑娘立在马路和星光之间车流中的迷失者是天地间的全景是此时此刻仅存的生命 Only that the old days of the old city a new look like a deadly virus that no one wants to close I saw a dead girl as straighten the hair standing on the street and the Stars lost in between the traffic between heaven and earth who is the panoramic view is the only remaining at this time lives

1993年5月31于北京某酒吧 May 31, 1993 in a Beijing bar

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

5.从一块石头的粉碎开始—“六•四”五周年祭 5. From the beginning a stone smash - "6 • 4" fifth anniversary of the Festival

从一块石头的粉碎开始—“五周年祭 Crushed stone from a start - "6 • 4" fifth anniversary of the Festival

这里开始下陷一块石头的粉碎笔直且深不可测有人疯了逼迫大地与他一起玩杀人的游戏 Subsidence here smash a stone straight and unfathomable it was crazy to play with him to force the earth to kill the game

在瞎子的眼底徘徊围绕黑色的火焰还没有诞生的人先于我死去母亲的子宫变成地狱地狱在羊水的喂养下变成刽子手的天堂奥斯维辛或耶路撒冷经过焚尸炉的冶炼哭墙的残砖如此坚硬 The fundus in the blind wandering around the flame of the black people who have not yet before the birth of my dead mother's womb into a hell, hell in the amniotic fluid feeding into a hangman's paradise under the Auschwitz crematory after smelting or Jerusalem Wailing Wall Canzhuan so hard

那种惊人的遗忘帮助废墟死而复生幸运者被腐烂滋养一纸悔罪书苟活了肉体蚊虫鼓胀的尸体粘在一面雪白的墙上伸手拍打水泥掌纹变成街道的裂痕浸满了黎明的血 Forgotten that staggering back from the dead to help the ruins were decomposed lucky nourish a paper book penitence Gouhuo the body bulging bodies of mosquitoes sticking to side walls of white cement, palm reaching tapping into a crack in the streets of blood soaked the dawn

闭上眼睛之前这把刀又一次雪亮照澈内脏如同核武器点燃雪茄使地球患上肺癌向情人告别在柔软的身体里寻找被切割的感觉仿佛生来第一次直视就注定毁于另一种目光 Close your eyes once again before the knife sharp nuclear weapons, according to Che visceral lit cigar, as the earth to the lovers bid farewell to suffer from lung cancer in the soft body for the feeling of being cut open heart seemed born for the first time it is doomed to be destroyed another look

大脑中有一只鞋找不到通向记忆的路 The brain has a shoe can not find the road leading to memory

1994年6月5于北京家中 June 5, 1994 in Beijing, home

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6.记忆—“六•四”六周年祭 6. Memories - "6 • 4" sixth anniversary of the Festival

记忆—“六周年祭 Memory - "6 • 4" sixth anniversary of the Festival


夜晚 Night

悬挂在锋利的边缘 Hanging in sharp edges

数次醒来想看清些什么 Wake up several times to see what the

数次睡去如临深渊 Several sleep immersive abyss

大雾在体内弥漫 Filled with fog in the body

微风偶尔闪亮 Breeze occasional flashes

一根针游走在血管里 Walk a needle in the veins

连缀起支离破碎的词句 Put together from fragmented phrases

思绪破败 Thoughts run-down

象离散的情人 As discrete lover

抱怨着彼此的背叛 Complained about the betrayal of each other


为一种被流放的妄想 As a kind of exile in delusion

需要简明清晰的虚无 A clear need for simple nihilism

时光倒流如同时光飞逝 Turn back the clock as time flies

血泊中的面容睁大眼睛 A pool of blood in the face, eyes wide open

尘土的气味飘散开来 Off from the smell of dust released into the atmosphere

记忆的空白 Memory blank

象现代化的超级市场 Like a modern supermarket

今天是情人的生日 Today is Valentine's birthday

每一小时都很珍贵 Every hour is very valuable

都必须用潇洒的 All must be graceful

百元钞票和信用卡 Hundred dollars banknotes and credit cards

添满 Fill up


意识到自己是劫难的幸存者 Aware that they are survivors of catastrophe

我会尽力感到震惊或羞愧 I will try to shock or shame

意识到活下去是宿命 Aware that to live is the fate of

我几乎潸然泪下或痉挛 I almost shed a tear or spasm

自由是一条名牌领带 Freedom is a brand-name tie

摆放在熏香的衣柜里 Placed in the incense of the closet

尊严是一张用不完的支票 Dignity is one could ever use a check

在饭店和商场之间 Between the hotel and shopping malls

在银行和股市之间 Between the bank and the stock market

千百次地传递 Thousands of times to pass

那无数张激动的年轻面孔 That excited young faces of countless

曾经是旗帜是口号是标语 Once the banner is the banner slogan

是自由女神手中的火炬 Is the Statue of Liberty's torch in the hands

一场阴雨过后 After a rain

变成没人念的悼词 No one read into a eulogy


死者们上路时 The deceased were when on the road

我不曾相送 I have not Corporate Banking

外交公寓里宽大的浴缸 Diplomatic spacious apartment in the bathtub

浸泡着受惊吓的肮脏肉体 Dirty flesh soak the frightened

军车停在立交桥上燃烧 Military vehicles stopped at the overpass on the combustion

枪口对着阳台上的摄象机 Muzzle facing the camera on a balcony

蓝眼睛和黑眼睛相互对视 Blue eyes and black eyes with each other in the eye

找不到打开家门的钥匙 Can not find the key to open the door

是谁,偶尔拍下了 Who are occasionally photographed

站在坦克前 Standing before the tanks

挥动手臂的小伙子 The young man waving arm

使全世界为之感动 Throughout the world and be moved to

但,除了坦克上的炮口 However, in addition to tanks on the muzzle

没人看清过他的面容 No one would watch him face the Qing

他的名字也无人知道 No one knows his name

后来呢后来呢 Later, it was then

他踪迹全无 He vanished

曾为他流泪的世界 Offered him the world's tears

也懒得再去寻找 Do not bother to find Zaiqu

他们上路时还很年轻 They are still very young when on the road

扑倒在地的瞬间 Throwing himself on the ground the moment

还为一线生机抽搐挣扎 Convulsive struggling for a lifeline

他们被投进焚尸炉时 When they were thrown in ovens

身体还很柔软 And he's still soft

无名的尸体化为灰烬 Unknown body reduced to ashes

一个时代或漫长的历史 Or a long history of an era

也至多是一缕青烟 Also at most a wisp of smoke


生活只是无差别的连续 Life is just a continuous undifferentiated

一天和一年没有区别 There is no difference between day and year

谈恋爱和搞阴谋没有区别 There is no difference between love and intrigue

抽烟、闲聊、泡酒吧 Smoking, chatting, and Pao Jiuba

性交、搓麻、洗桑拿 Sexual intercourse, mahjong, sauna

贪污、跑官、贩卖人口 Corruption, officials has, trafficking in persons

剥下了皮的身体 Peeled off the skin of the body

一副不辱使命的凛然 A fail in their mission awe-inspiring

时间真的住进了疯人院 Time to really live in a madhouse

金钱那么轻易地 Money so easily

原谅了刺刀和谎言 Forgive the bayonets and lies

小康的日子很享受 Is enjoying the day off

作为替屠杀辩护的理由 As a defense for the massacre of

象儒道互补的形而上学 As complementary metaphysical Confucianism and Taoism

成为人人都接受的理想 Became an ideal accepted by all


这个民族的灵魂 The soul of this nation

惯于把坟墓记忆成宫殿 Memory into a palace, accustomed to the grave

在有奴隶主之前 In a slave-owner before the

我们已经学会了 We have learned

怎样下跪才最优美 How to kneel down before the most beautiful

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7.我将放纵我的灵魂—“六•四”七周年祭 7. I will indulge my soul - "6 • 4" seventh anniversary of the Festival

我将放纵我的灵魂—“七周年祭 I will indulge my soul - "6 • 4" seventh anniversary of the Festival


我是一个残疾人拖着被子弹射穿的腿目光被绷带缠得太久散发着腐烂的锋利我的手指象我的呼吸夹着劣质的烟草留下有毒的灰烬灵魂象卖淫的身体裸露着紧贴冰冷的石阶地下的哭泣是被遗弃的婴儿躺在生锈的针尖上 I am a disabled person had been shot through the legs dragging eye was bandages Chande exudes rot for too long sharp fingers of my breath as I left behind toxic tobacco sandwiched poor souls like prostitution, the ashes of the body exposed the close the cold stone steps on the ground floor crying is the baby lying abandoned on a rusty needle


我是残疾人孑然一身走进这座被罪恶弄成残疾的城市为了乞求活命的面包我把自由交给了股市贪欲和欺骗象汽车的尾气污染着空气阳光和人的表情 I walked into this has been disabled all alone in the crippled city of evil in order to beg for survival of bread I make free to the stock market greed and deception as car exhaust pollution, the air and sunlight and human expression

那次革命盛宴散席后幸运的英雄们漂洋过海继续参加舆论和捐款的大餐无奈留下来的精英们来不及掩埋同伴的遗体来不及擦净裤脚的血痕就一头扎进了浩浩商海留下无家可归的亡灵象饥肠辘辘的野狗找不到一块骨头 Fortunately, that revolution, after the Feast of San Xi heroes traveling at sea continue to participate in public opinion and contributions left over from the feast of helplessness elite companions buried the body too late too late to wipe the blood stains on the trousers a headlong into the vast sea to leave business homeless, hungry souls like a wild dog found a bone

那 次民主会餐的酒杯被戒严的子弹击碎后到处都是免费的饭局身价十万元的黄金大宴咀嚼后剩下的残渣中还有几片从东洋进口金箔闪着无辜的微光几个男人当着妻子的 面满口酒气地交流着嫖娼时积累的经验局长、大款、作家和学者争相攀比的不是钱与名而是谁的鸡巴能够坚挺不倒从午夜到世纪末的黎明从泰国海滨到纽约第七十二 街 The glasses have been the Democratic dinner that martial law after a bullet shattered everywhere free dinner banquet worth 100,000 yuan of gold residue left after chewing a few pieces there are still imported from Japan shining gold glimmer of innocent several men in front of his wife speak a lot about the alcohol exchange of experience with prostitutes, when the Secretary, moneybags, writers and scholars, comparisons are not competing with the name of money, but a firm whose cock could not be brought down from midnight to the end of the century the dawn of the waterfront from Thailand to New York 72nd Street,


我僵硬在混沌之中不敢移动不敢弯腰任卑琐在身边起落任猥亵穿透心脏人们的微笑很纯洁只闪着人民币的光命中注定的殉难之路与妓女唇印叠在一起呻吟和泣血也轻浮放荡需要可口可乐来解渴江核心的主旋律残存的暴力句法在港台的软语包装下是小康时代的文化口红 I did not dare move among the stiff in the chaos can not stoop any Beisuo landing in the side through the heart of any indecent people smile is pure light only shining yuan road to martyrdom fate lip print stacked together with prostitutes and groan Tears of Blood is also frivolous debauchery need to Coca-Cola to quench the core theme of Jiang's residual violence, language syntax in the soft package of Hong Kong and Taiwan is a well-off age of culture and lipstick

一个八十年代的先锋作家冲着中南海的红墙撒尿 1 eighties writers directed at the vanguard of the red walls of Zhongnanhai pee

为人民服务的腥臊变成BBC的头条他又和洋倒爷勾肩搭背进口一批漏气的避孕套不朽的红色幽默魅力来自精巧的唇舌象一把切蛋糕的小刀甜蜜地割下人的尊严萨义德沉重地叹气东方主义复活了孔子在坟墓中放了一个振兴中华的长屁啊! "Serve the People" in the headline of BBC Xingsao into his arms around another and foreign imports of a number of leaks Daoye condoms immortal charm of the red humorous tongue from the delicate sweet as a cake-cutting knife to cut off people Said heavy sigh the dignity of the revival of the East in the tomb of Confucius, put a rejuvenating long fart ah!

腰身好舒展呀! Good waist stretch!

逝者如斯危难中的华夏大地此刻是多么需要腐朽的资本主义垂死的共产主义没落的封建主义 Lost time is never a crisis in China at the moment how much land needs decadent capitalism, communism, dying the decline of feudalism


我家简陋的住房紧邻着李鹏的深宅大院通向万寿路一号的柏油路与宽阔的长安街比起来象一条乡村小道每天的某个时刻这里站满了警察所有的车辆必须绕行让黑色的奔驰驶过车里的人正在打盹梦见儿子携巨款外逃 My family poor housing next to the courtyard and Li Wanshou on the 1st of the asphalt road leading to the broad Chang An Avenue and a village path, as compared to the daily here at some point the police lined up all of the vehicles must detour to the black "Mercedes" car drove through the dreams of people are nodding his son Xie Jukuan flight

经 常是皎洁的月光下经过这里的车都要接受突然的盘问路两边的树杆上反铐着男男女女他们说不清彼此的关系描了眼影的被怀疑为妓女拿着手机的被认定为嫖客武警的 钢盔吸引了星光恐惧穿透夜的血管红指甲绿指甲蓝指甲都无法引诱坚强的战士只有印着领袖像的大钞票能够用乞求的表情收买这样的夜晚 Under the moonlight often bringing a car over here, suddenly undergo cross-examination on both sides of the Trunk Road, handcuffed the men and women on the relationship between them can not tell one another painted a shadow of the suspected prostitutes have been identified as holding a mobile phone clients People's Armed Police The helmet has attracted starlight night of fear through the blood vessels green nails blue nails red nails can induce a strong leader of the soldiers is only printed as a major expression of begging for money can be used to buy such a night


黑暗统治的城市早已告别了被勒住咽喉的黎明又一次迎来被茅台、XO和精液浸透的夜晚 The city has already bid farewell to the dark rule of being reined in once again usher in the dawn of the throat is Maotai, XO and semen-soaked night

在这座无耻得接近完美的城市里一切都被包装只有残忍是透明的纯粹的透明 In this shameless too close to a perfect city, everything was packed only pure cruelty is transparent transparent

在这个正义也要靠广告上的大腿推销的时代自我亵渎的人得到太阳的加冕仪式的盛大得如同剥了皮的甜橙绽开橘黄的嫩肉享受着失去味觉的舌头 In this just has to rely on selling advertising time on the thigh of the person to be self-desecration of the sun as if a grand coronation ceremony skinned sweet orange blossom of the orange taste of the meat tenderizer enjoy losing tongue

我是一个残疾人无力逃脱这样的城市这样的时代唯一的庆幸我还有被放逐的灵魂它没有腿没有眼睛却能够拄着双拐不辩方向也不避风雨四处流浪 I am a disabled person unable to escape the city in this day and age the only fortunate that I have been exiled soul it has no legs, no eyes, leaning on crutches but could not avoid the wind and rain did not argue the direction of four homeless

日于北京 June 2, 1996 -7 Day in Beijing

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8.那个日子—“六•四”八周年祭 8. That day - "6 • 4" Eight Annual Festival

那个日子—“八周年祭 That day - "6 • 4" Eight Annual Festival

那个日子是一种疾病从祖先初次乱伦后它便遗传下来潜伏在皇帝精子中作为命运那个日子选择了没有免疫力的子孙女娲用泥土造人和补天精卫用生命填海谭嗣同的身首异处也无法挽回一个民族的健康 That day is a disease from the initial ancestor of incest after it will be inherited sperm lurking in the emperor as the fate of that day chose the descendants of Nu Wa no immunity built with soil and replenish the skies Jingwei Tan with his life and reclamation of the body in the first Yi Chu can not restore the health of a nation

五千年的不治之症突然有了一剂良药那个日子给我们懦弱的骨头唯一一次坚强的机会从一面镜子到整个天空我们再也找不到欣赏阿Q式虚荣的理由那个日子的绝望把我们逼到了没有任何退路的悬崖粉身碎骨的瞬间就是疾病痊愈的时刻 Five thousand years of incurable disease suddenly had a medicine that day gave us the only time the bones weak strong opportunities to benefit from a mirror to the whole sky We could not appreciate the reasons for A Q-style vanity that desperate days of our Pushed to the cliff there is no escape route to pieces of the moment is the moment of healing diseases,

如果在创世的混沌中我们曾把自己当作人圣贤的教诲使我们有骄傲有敬畏有谦卑如果我们在屠刀下拥抱过情人的尸体为什么那个日子的尖锐能擦亮全世界的目光却惟独刺不痛我们的眼睛为什么那个日子的手臂从子夜举到黎明从鲜红举到紫黑我们却爬向刽子手的脚下 If the chaos of creation by virtue of the teachings of sages themselves as people make us proud to have awe of humility, if we embrace under the knife over the body of why that Valentine's day be able to polish the sharp eyes of the world except the gill was Why do not hurt our eyes that day in the arm held from midnight to dawn move from red to Zihei we are at the foot of the executioner creep

被扒光的男男女女从焚尸炉的青烟中站起草草地梳洗一下,甚至来不及对镜自恋就匆匆步入五星级酒店去服侍豪华套间的大床微笑得那么精致准确象秦始皇陵展示的令人叹为观止的铜马车 Men and women have been stripped of blue smoke from the crematory in the drafting of the grass stops grooming about, or even faster in the mirror narcissism in a hurry into the five-star hotels to serve luxury suite bed smile was so refined and accurate display of the order as Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum carriage of copper were breathtaking

我们疾病又发作了那是从未体验过的享受丢失了灵魂的我们庆幸只剩下肉体发达的四肢已经足够彻底的唯物主义者无所畏惧我们不是上帝的造物从不用担心末日的审判我们的疾病多美呀西施的美林黛玉的美皆根植于这种疾病 We also attack the disease that was never experienced the enjoyment of lost souls We are fortunate that only physical well-developed limbs, a thorough materialist fearless enough that we are not God's creatures from the end of the trial, we need not worry about the disease more than the beauty of Xi Shi Mei Lin DaiyuU.S. are rooted in the disease

上帝又能怎样有上帝的白种人也有撒旦每天进教堂忏悔的金发不也得了爱滋病那炼狱的烈火不是只能徒劳地燃烧白白地浪费统治世界的互连网治不了这个绝症 God, how can the white people of God into the church also has a day of repentance Satan Is not got blonde hair and that AIDS is not only the fire of purgatory to burn that have been wasted in vain to rule the world the Internet can not cure the terminally ill

唉呀呀我们是无产者除了锁链我们一无所有多么令人骄傲的赤贫没有眼睛没有耳朵没有嘴巴没有皮肤没有心灵没有记忆一无所有的无产者只有那个日子那种疾病白种人最致命的病怎么能与我们相比那么年轻的爱滋才有几十年的历史而我们的疾病古老得远远超出耶稣的诞辰 OhWe are proletarians have nothing apart from the chain we are very proud of how much poverty there is no mouth, no eyes, no ears, no skin, no soul with no memory of the proletarians have nothing that day that only white people the most deadly diseases, how can the disease when compared with our Then the young AIDS have decades of history of disease that we have to go far beyond the ancient birth of Jesus

再说了爱滋病太浅薄还需要性交没有一点点道义感召力而我们的疾病多深刻学而时习之养得浩然之气顿悟成佛无知者无畏无产者无耻从孔夫子到郭沫若从三皇五帝到唐宗宋祖从贞女烈妇到文臣武将从毛泽东到邓小平从圣贤到引车卖浆之流 Besides the HIV is too shallow and do not need a little bit of sex appeal and our moral disorders, deep learning and learning when they grow too moral spirit of proletarian enlightenment Buddha无知者无畏shamelessly from Confucius to Kuo Mo-jo from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors from the Tang SONG Zu Zhen Female Liefu to Fumiomi military commanders from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping and sell cars from saints to a lead slurry and the like

…………………… ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

我们这个民族能够用那种疾病抵御一切因为我们每个人都要在子宫中学习无耻而无耻者才能做到真正的无畏—— We are a nation able to withstand the kind of diseases, all because each of us must learn in the womb can be shameless and brazen are truly fearless --

从践踏生命到亵渎神灵 From the violation of life to blasphemy

我们轻易挥霍了那个日子如同我们从未有过那种疾病 We are easily squandered that day, as we have never had the kind of disease

1997年6月4凌晨于大连市劳动教养院 June 4, 1997 early-labor center in Dalian City

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

9.又逼近并击穿—“六•四”九周年祭 9. They approached, and the breakdown - "6 • 4" 9 anniversary of the Festival

又逼近并击穿—“九周年祭 Also close to, and the breakdown - "6 • 4" 9 anniversary of the Festival

菜盆中苍蝇的尸体被我细细地咀嚼后吐向残红的黄昏一群秃头在操场上随着口令重复同一个动作等待就要到来的检查电视中的赵本山或宋祖英同屋人的大笑或聊天他们熟悉所有的明星最喜欢哼着心太软” Kitchen in the fly's body was thin to chew, I spit to Canhong the evening, after a group of bald on the playground with the password necessary to repeat the same action to wait for the arrival of the inspection or the TV in the Zhao Benshan Song Zuying roommate's laughter or chat they are familiar with all of the star's favorite humming "Xintai Ruan"

去摸屏幕上的乳房和屁股 To touch the breasts and buttocks on the screen

我仍然坐在角落里给妻子写第609封信文字突然昏厥胃的痉挛左右了笔尖几乎是本能地感到那个时辰又逼近了从划破的纸张的反面击穿我脑后的反骨那块每晚被妻子温存爱抚的反骨那块在初中一年级时就被群专的小号囚禁就被棍棒砖头砸击的反骨 I still sit in the corner to his wife wrote the first letter of 609 words about the sudden swoon of the tip of stomach cramps almost instinctively felt that the time came and they approached from the opposite of the breakdown of paper pierced behind the anti-bone piece of my night His wife was gentle caressing of the anti-bone piece of a grade in junior group of professionals of the trumpet was imprisoned was hit with sticks bricks hit the anti-bone

被击穿的时刻坟墓一定很孤独纵使我有勇气再一次坐牢也没有足够的勇气挖掘记忆中的尸体如同我不敢吞下嚼烂了的苍蝇 By breakdown of the moment must be very lonely grave once again, even if I have the courage to jail do not have enough courage to tap the memory of the dead as I can not swallow a fly Juelan

死亡埋葬了正义之后已经抛弃了死亡 Dead burial of justice have been abandoned after the death of

地下的孩子们腐烂得只剩下发丝纤细的哭泣偷偷飞翔使晴朗的夜晚雨雪弥漫天空的心脏停止跳动犹如未婚先孕的子宫里怀着一堆石头和冰块婴儿为了逃避人工流产在母腹中学会了自杀 Underground decay leaving only the children crying thin hair flying secretly to make clear night sky filled with rain and snow in the heart stopped beating like a bunch of unwed womb Huaizhuo stones and ice baby in their home in order to avoid abortion ventral learned to commit suicide

我再一次拒绝进食掏空身体,也无法走进信仰的废墟拼凑反骨的碎片当百合花找不到泥土时就把它栽种在海上盐的追悼和守侯 Once again, I refused to eat hollowed out the body, can not piece together the ruins of faith into the anti-bone fragments when the lilies can not find it on the soil when planting the memorial service at sea salt and Shouhou

今夜,梦中没有情人却有一只发抖的蚂蚁蚁群被戳进洞穴的刺刀尖惊醒蚂蚁也许不知道大屠杀意味着什么但是,当有智慧的生物都在遗忘中渐渐麻木时蚂蚁那颤栗的记忆使大地完整 Tonight, the dream is not shivering lover there is a colony of ants has been the thorn tip awakened Chuojin cave ants may not know what it means to the Holocaust, however, when the intelligent creatures are forgotten when the numbness gradually the memory of ants that shudder to make the earth a full

1998年6月4凌晨于大连市劳动教养院 June 4, 1998 early-labor center in Dalian City

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

10.站在时间的诅咒中—“六四”十周年祭 10. Standing on the curse of the time - "64" 10 anniversary of the Festival

站在时间的诅咒中—“六四十周年祭 The Curse of the standing time - "64" 10 anniversary of the Festival

站在时间的诅咒中 The Curse of the standing time

那个日子格外陌生 Particularly strange that day


十年前的这一天黎明犹如一件血衣太阳,被撕碎的日历所有的目光都停留在这唯一的一页世界化为一个悲愤的凝视时间不能容忍天真死者们抗争着呐喊着直到泥土的喉咙嘶哑 Ten years ago, the dawn of this day is like a sun, clots of blood, was torn calendar all eyes are the only one to stay in this world into an indignant gaze of time can not tolerate the dead were innocent and fight till the soil with a cry hoarse throat

攥住监室中的铁条这一刻我必须放声大哭我多么害怕下一刻已经欲哭无泪记住一个人无辜的死必须在眼睛正中冷静地插进一把刺刀用失明的代价换取脑浆的雪亮那种敲骨吸髓的记忆只有以拒绝的方式才能完美地表达 Monitoring room posing with iron rods at this moment I have to cry how much I have been afraid of tears the next moment to remember the death of an innocent people to be calm in the eye inserted into the middle of a bayonet with the cost of blindness in exchange for brains of the Only the memory of that Qiaoguxisui discerning to reject the perfect way to express the


十年后的这一天五星红旗就是黎明训练有素的士兵以最标准最庄严的姿势护卫着那个弥天大谎在晨光中迎风飘扬人们掂起脚、伸长脖好奇中有惊诧和虔诚一个年轻的母亲举起怀中孩子的小手向遮住天空的谎言致敬 A decade later, the five-star red flag on this day is the dawn of well-trained soldiers in the most standards the most solemn security posture that lie at the dawn of a fluttering in the wind people Dianqi feet, neck elongation have shocked and pious curiosity of a young mother held arms from the child's little hand to pay tribute to the lies of the sky covered

另一个白发母亲吻着遗像中的儿子她掰开儿子的每个手指仔细清洗指甲中的血污她找不到一捧泥土让儿子在地下得到宁静她只能把儿子挂在墙上这位走遍无名墓的母亲为了揭穿一个世纪的谎言从被勒紧的喉咙中抠出那些窒息了的名字让自己的自由和尊严作为对遗忘的控诉被警察跟踪和窃听 Another white-haired mother, kissing her portrait of the son, son, break apart and carefully cleaned each finger nail in the bloodstained she could not find a handful of dirt in the ground to be quiet so that her son she could only hang on the wall his son to go all over the tomb of the unknown mother of a century in order to expose the lies from being plucked out of the throat tighten stifled the names of those who make their own freedom and dignity as the forgotten by the police complaint tracking and eavesdropping


这个世界上最大的广场已经被翻修一新犹如山沟里出来的刘邦做了汉高祖之后用母亲与神龙私通来演义家族的荣耀多么古老的轮回从长陵到纪念堂刽子手都被庄严安葬在豪华的地下宫殿里隔着几千年的历史昏和暴君之间一边讨论刺刀的智慧一边接受陪葬者的跪拜 The world's largest square has been renovated, a new inside out as if the valley has done a Han emperor Liu Bang, after years with the mother and the dragon fornication glory of the family how the ancient Kingdoms of reincarnation to the Memorial Hall from Changling executioners were solemnly buried in the luxurious underground palace across the thousands of years of history between the side of the discussion headed, and the tyrant, the wisdom of the bayonet side of those who prayed to accept buried with the dead

再过几个月这里将举行盛大的庆典纪念堂中保存完好的尸体和做着皇帝梦的刽子手将共同检阅走过天安门的杀人工具如同秦始皇在坟墓中检阅不朽的兵马俑此刻,那个阴魂回味着生前的辉煌那些坐吃山空的后代将在阴魂的保佑下用白骨铸成的权杖祈祷新世纪更美好 In a few months here, a grand ceremony to be held in Memorial Hall, well-preserved bodies and doing the emperor of dreams will jointly review the executioner walked Tiananmen instruments of death, as Qin Shi Huang in the tomb of the terracotta warriors and horses reviewing the immortal moment, pondering over the lifetime that soul the descendants of those who rest on its laurels of glory in the soul of the willing, a token with the bones of the dead cast better pray for the new century

在鲜花和坦克之中在敬礼和刺刀之中在鸽子和导弹之中在整齐的步伐和麻木的表情之中旧世纪的结束只有血腥的黑暗新世纪的开始没有一丝生命之光 In among the flowers and tanks and bayonets in the salute being among the pigeons and missile pace and numbness in the neat expression among the older end of the century only the bloody beginning of the darkness of the new century, not the least bit light of life


拒绝进食停止手淫从废墟上拣起一本书惊叹尸体的谦卑在蚊子的内脏里做着黑红的梦靠近铁门的监视孔与吸血鬼交谈不必再那么小心翼翼突然的胃痉挛给我临终前的勇气呕出一个时间的诅咒五十年的辉煌只有共产党没有新中国 Refusal to eat to stop masturbation picked up from the ashes of a book remarkable body of humility in the mosquito gut dream of doing black and red near the gates of surveillance hole and vampires do not have to talk to a sudden stomach cramps so carefully gave me the courage before death vomit one time, fifty years of glorious curse not only the Communist Party of New China

1999年6月4凌晨于大连市劳动教养院 June 4, 1999 early-labor center in Dalian City

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

11.献给苏冰娴先生─“六四”十一周年祭 11. Dedicated to Mr. Su Bingxian ─ "64" 11 anniversary of the Festival

献给苏冰娴先生─“六四十一周年祭 Dedicated to Mr. Su Bingxian ─ "64" 11 anniversary of the Festival

) (A)

你突然离去的噩耗正值冬季少有的大雪为肮脏的北京披上伪装的时辰天安门广场上执勤的武警用皮靴踢碎了一个孩子堆起的雪人 Suddenly, you left the bad news comes as a rare snow in winter in Beijing for the dirty don camouflage hour armed police on duty in Tiananmen Square kicked with boots, a child stacked pieces of Snowman

我想起十一年前你的孩子就像这个雪人被罪恶的子弹击碎枪声响过之后恐惧在每一个大脑安装了监听器叹息和泪水也被录音 Eleven years ago, I think your child is like this snowman was evil gun sound off after a bullet shattered the fear the brain is installed in each listener sighs and tears have also been recorded

) (B)

不许悼念不许追忆不许失去儿子的母亲和失去丈夫妻子见面不许高位截瘫的小伙子坐著轮椅,接受一次尝试行走的搀扶不许寡母接受一束鲜花不许孤儿得到一个新书包不许任何温暖的手为无家可归的冤魂添一捧土种一株草更不许所剩无几的眼睛寻找刽子手的藏身之处不许不许不许不许…… Not allowed not allowed to look back not allowed to lose their memory of his son's mother and his wife lost her husband not allowed to meet fellow high paraplegia wheelchair, subject to a widowed mother trying to walk arm allowed to accept a bouquet of flowers not allow orphans to get a new schoolbag no one was allowed a warm hand to homeless Tim of innocent people can be attributed to a handful of soil is more kinds of a grass is left of the eye allowed the executioner to find hiding places not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed to ... ...

十一年前不许一滴雨落在龟裂的土地上十一年后不许雪人有短暂生命 Eleven years ago, allowed a drop of Yula the land in the cracks after eleven years not allowed to have short life Snowman

) (C)

雪下著犹如一代代冤魂堆积起来那冰清玉洁看上去是虚幻的假相红太阳一出来只有成顿的垃圾填满记忆 Under the snow piled up innocent people from generation to generation as if it appears to be illusory idols冰清玉洁red sun out of just one ton of garbage to fill into the memory of

刺刀能够劈开身体和影子割断雪花和大地却割不断烛光和夜晚任何形式的祭奠于那曾经热的血都过于苍白你让鲜血变成满天大雪以坟墓的姿态飞翔 Split body and the shadow of bayonets to cut off the snow and the earth was cut off and at night, in any form candlelight memorial in the blood that are too hot once you get the blood into a pale sky snow to the grave posture of flying

) (D)

关于死亡我能说的决不会多于你临终前的眼睛每一瞥带来的震撼决不亚于一次末日审判 With regard to death I can say will never be greater than dying before your eyes, every glimpse of the shock of absolutely no less than once a Domesday

2001年1月17于北京家中 January 17, 2001 in Beijing at home

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12.我身体中的六四—六四十二周年祭 12. My body in the 64 - the anniversary of Liusishier

我身体中的六四六四十二周年祭 My body in the 64 - the anniversary of Liusishier

这个日子似乎越来越遥远,但它之于我却是一根留在身体中的针,是一群失去了孩子的母亲在缝补残梦时遗忘的,它一直在寻找一双手,接替母亲们的工作。 This day seems increasingly remote, but it was one of my stay in the body of the needle, a group of mothers lost their children when mending Canmeng forgotten, it has been looking for a hands to replace their mothers工作. 它寻遍了我的全身,刺死过无数幼稚的冲动和欲望。 It is searching all over my body, stabbed numerous childish impulses and desires. 它常常游弋到心脏的边缘,仔细倾听心的跳动,偶尔会用针尖试探地触碰心的表面。 It often cruising the edge of the heart, carefully listening to the heart beating, occasionally tried to probe them with the tip touching the surface of the heart. 有一次,它曾长久地停留在心脏的边缘,下决心奋力一刺,结束所有的罪恶。 On one occasion, it had a long time to stay in the heart of the edge of a gill determined to strive to end all evil. 但是,在行动前的瞬间,它犹豫了,不敢继续向前,它知道生命的脆弱,抵不住轻轻地一扎,应该留下一点余地,一点时间,让血液把锈迹全部吸收。 However, the moment before an operation, it hesitated, afraid to move forward, it is aware of the fragility of life, give way to a gently rolling, we should leave some room for some time, so that all the absorption of blood to rust. 仅仅是由于没有找到那双手,它才踌踌。 Simply because there was no finding that his hands, it was Joo Joo. 针的本性很野蛮,渴望穿透一切,以血来喂养其锋芒。 Needle is very brutal nature, eager to penetrate everything with blood to feed the cutting edge. 它的锈迹渗入血液,血液的流动使皮肤发紫发青,我的大脑常常在一阵阵极度亢奋之后,产生剧烈的疼痛。 Its rust infiltration of blood, the blood flow to the skin purple hair blue, my brain waves are often very excited, after a sharp pain. 这根针留在身体中,只为了一个简单的理由——寻找一只手,以确立它的永恒道义性。 This needle to remain in the body, only for one simple reason - to find a hand, in order to establish its eternal moral nature. 它不允许懦弱的神经肆虐地颤抖,针尖成为良知的守望者。 It does not allow cowardly nerves rampant tremor, tip to become the guardian of conscience. 命运把我交给了它,死于这根针是早晚的事,犹如冬日把一滴水交给冰,或夏天把一只眼睛交给炽热的太阳。 Fate took me to it, died of this needle is a matter of time, like the drop of water to the ice in winter or summer, put an eye to the hot sun. 现在,此刻,我正在感受它的锋芒和锐利,锋芒照亮内脏,锐利的滑动清洗懦弱。 Now, at the moment, I was feeling its edge and the sharp edge illuminated internal organs, sharp slide cleaning □ cowardice. 在睡眠中,这根针已经习惯了我的胡思乱想和梦中呓语,昨夜惊醒时,听到它发出清脆的声响,闪光而奇妙,像身体中的一道彩虹,阴云密布的天空中我一定能感觉到,它的生命比我的文字更长久。 During sleep, this needle have become accustomed to the imagination and the dreams of my nonsense, last night and woke up when he heard it sends the crisp sound, flash and wonderful, like the body of a rainbow in the dark sky I'll be able to feel to, it's life longer than my words. 它充满活力,悠然地游曳在身体中,每一次无意中的触碰,都使它更闪亮更尖锐更有不可动摇的合法性。 It is full of vitality and drag leisurely swim in the body, each time an inadvertent touch, are even more acute and more to make it more shiny unshakable legitimacy. 在我的身体中,有一个死角格外荒凉。 In my body, there is a particularly desolate corners. 是这根针,使尸体发出呻吟,使睁不开的双眼在黑夜里目光如注,透视出一切。 Is that the needle, so that the body issued a groan, so that the eyes could not open eyes in the night, such as injection, perspective out of everything. 膨胀的罪恶不安于角落的狭窄,它要深入到记忆的核心。 Disturbed by the expansion of evil in the corner of the narrow, it has to go deep into the heart of memory. 那些背叛的时刻,为正义蒙上虚假的激动,我的灵魂与心脏分离,如同一个淫棍的肮脏生殖器,玷污了那个纯粹的夜晚。 Those who betrayed the moment to cast a false excitement of justice, my soul and heart of the separation as a Yingun dirty genitals, tarnished that pure night. 真冷呀。 Really cold. 针,盲目地游走,足以使血液结成冰,被亵渎的死亡像一座被抢劫一空的陵园。 Needle blindly walk, enough to make ice-buildup on the blood, was the desecration of the death as a looted cemetery. 大理石墓碑前的烛火跃入眼底,能熔化这根针吗? Marble tombstone candle before jumping into fundus, can melt the needle do? 身体中的针尖能变成烛火,温暖每一块墓碑下的夜晚吗? The body of the needle can become candlelight, warm each night under a tombstone do? 我等待那只手,以缝补残梦的果决和耐心,让这根针刺穿心脏,肉体的悲哀和神经的哭号,毒化了思想,却升华了诗。 □ I am waiting for the hand to mend Canmeng's determined and patience, so that the roots of acupuncture to wear the heart, the sorrow of the flesh and nerves crying, poisoned the thinking, but sublimation of poetry. 2001年5月18于北京家中 May 18, 2001 in Beijing at home

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

12.一块木板的记忆—六四十二周年祭 12. A board's memory - the anniversary of Liusishier

一块木板的记忆六四十二周年祭 A board's memory - the anniversary of Liusishier

我是一块木板一寸半厚的长方形木板被遗弃的命运,让我和一个年轻人的相遇让细致的木纹保存了那个被坦克与血肉对峙惊呆的那个被子弹逼进死胡同的黎明 I am a board a thick rectangular wood Cunban the fate of being abandoned, so I encounter a young man so meticulous preserved wood that has been stunned tank confrontation with the flesh of the bullets that were pressing in the dawn of the dead-end

长安街抽搐时我也跟着震颤履带碾过我的一角植物纤维发出挤压后断裂的嘶叫我想躲避想逃走我知道钢铁比我坚硬但,我,不能! Chang'an twitch when I have followed the tremor run over tracks sent to my corner of the vegetable fiber after extrusion fracture screamed like I want to escape to escape I know that the steel harder than me, but I can not!

傍边,不远的地方一堆已经模糊的肉体离我太近,头正中裂开一个大洞很深很黑,血腥已渗入木纹深处豆腐脑一样雪白的那是什么? Bangbian, not far away from the pile of flesh, I have started to blur too close to his head split open a big hole in the middle of a very deep black, bloody tofu brain has been infiltrated into the depths of the same wood-grain white What is that?

那是什么? What is that? 我不知道我想他比我勇敢像我出生地的顽石更比我脆弱比我痛是我庇护下的小草我要救他 I do not know, I think he has courage than I like my place of birth of the hard stone is more fragile than I than I was my pain under the aegis of the grass I want to save him

那些与他一样的生命逃吧逃吧越快越好他们比我年轻面对坦克履带他们比我脆弱逃得越远越好还未成熟的小草 The same as the lives of those with whom he fled to escape bar bar the sooner the better they are younger than I am faced with tank track their fragile than I am spared from the farther the better the grass is not yet ripe

来吧! Come on! 已经无力逃走的年轻人躺在我满是污垢的身上我仅仅是一块被丢弃的木板无力抗拒钢铁的碾压但,我要救你无论是尸体还是奄奄一息 Young people who have been unable to escape lay on my body full of dirt I'm just a discarded wooden rolled steel, but unable to resist, I would like to rescue you, whether dead or dying

来吧! Come on! 头上被炸开了大洞的年轻人我在你瞪大的眼睛里看见一堆堆钢铁冲过来的疯狂那些驾驶坦克的士兵甚至比你还年轻 His head was ripped a big hole in my young eyes to see your Dengtai a mad rushing piles of steel tanks, soldiers and even those drivers younger than you

来吧! Come on! 刚才还和同伴手挽手向着黑色的炮口和枪口挥动手臂的年轻人闭上你凝望天空的眼睛用血用白色脑浆把我和四肢残损的你粘在一起紧紧的 A moment ago, and companions arm in arm toward the black muzzle and the muzzle of young people waving their arms, close your eyes Staring at the sky with a white blood brains and limbs of defective me you stick together tightly

我想倾听最后的心跳说些什么我想抚摸碎裂的皮肤下正在冷却的血液里残留的最后一丝体温如果可能,把这温暖带给你最牵挂的女友 I would like to listen to the final heartbeat what to say I want to touch the skin of fragmentation is being cooled remnants of the last vestiges of blood temperature, if possible, bring the warmth of your most concerned about this girlfriend

来吧! Come on! 开阔得像天空一样的年轻人没有云雨没有飞鸟如果可能让我载你回家如果你的亲人同意把我做成简陋的棺椁我会陪你一起入土我的根我的家在大地深处陪你一直睁着眼睛在地下等待直到你瞑目的那一天长成森林 Open like the sky without clouds and rain is not the same as young birds, if possible let me set you home if your family members agree with my coffin made of rough with you, I would go to my roots buried my home to accompany you in the depths of the earth has been in the ground with open eyes to wait until you rest in peace for which considerable period of time into the forest

如果来不及让我们就这样一动不动紧紧偎依一同被钢铁碾成粉末落入柏油路的裂缝中在北京在六部口在托起长安街的泥土中变成常春藤保存记忆 Thus, if no time to let us nestle tightly together by a motionless steel crushed into powder into the cracks in the pavement in Beijing at the six mouth Chang'an Avenue in the hold up the soil into a stored memory of Ivy

2001年5月30于北京家中 May 30, 2001 in Beijing, home

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13.六四,一座坟墓--— 六四十三周年祭 13. 64, the anniversary of a grave --- Liusishisan

六四,一座坟墓六四十三周年祭 64, a tomb - the anniversary of Liusishisan

守卫着权杖兵马俑 Terracotta warriors and horses guarding the mace

让世界为之惊叹比宫殿还堂皇的十三陵又一次让西洋人错愕毛泽东的纪念堂修筑在奴隶的心脏正中我们漫长的历史全靠帝王的坟墓显示辉煌 Make the world admired the magnificent than the palaces of the Ming Tombs was also astonished again so that the Westerners Mao Zedong's mausoleum built in the middle of slaves in the heart of our long history, thanks to the emperor's tomb show brilliant

而六四一座没有墓碑的坟墓一座把耻辱刻进整个民族和全部历史的坟墓 The 641 graves without tombstones carved into a disgrace to the whole nation and all the history of the tomb of

十三年前那个血腥的夜晚恐惧放过了挑起正义的刺刀逃亡纵容着碾压青春的坦克十三年后每个黎明从谎言开始每个夜晚以贪婪结束而金钱,原谅了一切罪恶一切又被再次包装只有残忍是透明的纯粹的透明 Thirteen years ago that the bloody night of fear of provoking just let go of the connivance of the bayonet to flee Thirteen years after the tanks rolled youth lies the beginning of each dawn from the end of each night to the greed of money, forgive all the sins of all further be re-packaged just pure cruelty is transparent transparent

六四,一座坟墓一座被遗忘所荒凉的坟墓 64, a tomb of a forgotten tomb of the desolate

这个广场,看上去很完美被茅台XO鲍鱼宴被仪式报告三代表被二奶精液红指甲被假烟假酒假文凭被警车钢盔电鸡巴翻修一新 The Square, looks perfect Maotai XO abalone feast was reported by three representatives of the ceremony was mistress semen red nails are fake diploma alcohol counterfeit cigarettes have been renovated police helmets, a new electric cock

当年绝食到奄奄一息的学生如今,可能带着儿子在这里悠闲地放风筝人民大会堂正灯火通明庆祝共青团的八十诞辰年轻的代表们根本不知道在门外的台阶上曾有过三个同样年轻的学生长跪不起不知道当年的大会堂里插着输氧管的绝食学生代表和屠夫之间的唇枪舌剑 Year students are now on hunger strike to the dying may be brought his son to fly a kite at a leisurely pace here, here are lit to celebrate the birth of the Communist Youth League of the 80 young delegates did not even know at the door steps of the young have had the same three Zhang Gui students can not afford to not know that the oxygen tube sticking out of the Hall of the hunger strike students in the rhetoric between the representatives and the butcher

……………… ... ... ... ... ... ...

不知道不知道就是不知道历史算什么,当下才是关键衰老的报告和年轻的笑容环形吊灯旋转着核心新一代北大人清华人向谎言和强权报以经久不息的掌声他们会有铺满金币的小康前途 Do not know do not know if I did not know What kind of history, the moment the report is the key to aging and young smiles ring chandelier spinning core of a new generation of Chinese leaders are to the lies and Tsinghua responded with prolonged applause of power they will have covered with gold well-off future

六四,一座坟墓一座被恐怖监控的坟墓 64, a grave was a grave terrorist surveillance

十三年并不漫长却在我的脚下断裂成无底深渊刺进脚心的一根针雪亮和锋利已不复存在斑驳的锈迹布满血液心的行走需要拐杖如同荒凉的墓地需要绿色而扫墓的人却找不到通向亡灵的路 Thirteen years is not long and is broken in my foot into a bottomless abyss pierce soles of the feet of a needle sharp, and sharp is no longer covered with blood, heart mottled rust needs crutches to walk, as desolate cemetery grave need for green, the souls of those who can not find the road leading to

所有的道路都被封闭所有的眼泪都被监控所有的鲜花都被跟踪所有的记忆都被清洗所有的墓碑仍是空白刽子手的恐惧必须由恐怖来安抚 All roads have been closed all the tears have been monitoring all of the flowers have been tracked all of the memories have been cleaned all of the tombstone is still the fear of the executioner must be blank terror to appease the

六四,一座坟墓一座永不瞑目的坟墓 64, a grave one Yongbumingmu graves

在遗忘和恐怖之下这个日子被埋葬在记忆和勇气之中这个日子永远活着被刺刀砍下的手指被子弹穿透的头颅被坦克碾碎的身躯被围追堵截的悼念是不死的石头而石头,可以呐喊是让墓地长青的野草而野草,可以飞翔刺进心脏正中的针尖用泣血换取记忆的雪亮 In the forgotten and the horrors of this day is buried in the memory and courage will never been seen alive in this day among the bayonets of the fingers cut off by a bullet through the head of the body has been crushed by tanks besieged memorial stone and the stone is immortal, you can Scream is to make cemetery evergreen grass and weeds, able to soar through the middle of the needle pierce the heart with the Tears of Blood for sharp memory

六四,一座坟墓一座让尸体保存生命的坟墓 64, a grave one for the tomb of the body to save lives

而活着的人饕餮着淫乱着欺骗着独裁着暴富着小康着屈膝着乞讨着的人一个个正在腐烂 The people who live gluttonous debauchery with the deception with the autocracy with rich-quick off the knees with the begging people a month are rotting

520日于北京家中 May 20, 2002 in Beijing at home

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

14.在亡灵目光的俯视下─“六四”十四周年祭 14. In the souls under the gaze of overlooking ─ "64" 14 anniversary of the Festival

在亡灵目光的俯视下─“六四十四周年祭 Under the gaze of overlooking the Dead ─ "64" 14 anniversary of the Festival

眼角挤进一道冤魂的目光,那看不见的伤口,很像一种突然被撕裂的思想,用忐忑的声音讲述坟墓中的故事。 The eyes of innocent people squeezed into a corner of the eye, that invisible wounds, much like the idea of a suddenly torn with apprehension about the grave the voice of the story. 压抑了太久,但那秘密的预谋仍然禁闭在谎言的堂皇之中。 Repressed for too long, but it is still confined to premeditated secret lies among stately. 伤痕累累的目光,无法笔直地注视,历尽无数曲折之后,才能在黑暗里偶尔闪亮,洞彻荒芜灵魂的角落。 Scarred eyes can not look straight, have gone through many twists and turns before they could occasionally shine in the dark, Dongche barren corner of the soul.

一笔旧债埋葬在无辜的眼底,犹如童年的习作压在抽屉尽头。 An old debt buried in the fundus innocent, like childhood assignments pressure in a drawer at the end.

那一刻,世界是一只无力自卫的羔羊,被赤裸的太阳宰杀,上帝也惊愕得无言以对,只能默默流泪或叹息。 At that moment, the world is a defenseless lambs were slaughtered naked sun, and God was speechless astonishment, only silent tears or sighs. 随之而来的是交易,血迹被金钱打扫干净,精神的毁灭点缀著世纪末的盛大庆典。 Followed by the transaction, blood is clean money, clean, dotted with turn of the century the destruction of the spirit of the grand celebration. 而诚实和尊严、母爱和怜悯,是被剥了皮的尸体,不断加入独裁权力的游行队伍,庆典从血腥开始到人肉筵席的杯盘狼藉结束。 The honesty and dignity, motherly love and compassion, the body was skinned, and constantly adding dictatorial power parade, the celebration from the bloody beginning to the flesh feast of plates, glasses messy end. 世纪末的罪恶和耻辱,正在繁花似锦深处,高呼民族伟大复兴的誓言,哼唱F4酷毕青春。 End of the century sin and shame, are flowers forms a deep, shouting "great national renaissance" of the oath, singing F4's "Cool complete" youth.

SARS而清冷的皇城,让人想起十四年前大恐怖下的空旷和荒芜;而现在又逐渐热闹起来的街市,也很象遗忘了鲜血的臃肿肉体。 Imperial City because of SARS and crisp, reminiscent of the Great Terror, under fourteen years ago, empty and barren; while up now increasingly crowded market, but also very much like a forgotten blood bloated flesh. 虚幻的繁华、轻浮的希望和盛大的誓言,如同掩盖新娘哭泣的面纱,也遮住了残忍的春天。 Illusory prosperity, hope and grand frivolous oath, as to cover up the veil of the bride cry, but also cover a cruel spring. 死于收容所的年轻大学生,你是否在地下见到了十四年前的亡灵──他们比你还要年轻。 A young university student died in shelters, are you in the ground saw the souls ─ ─ fourteen years ago, they are even younger than you. 富足而繁花的广州,不会在乎一个生命的突然蒸发,正如华美而时髦的橱窗,在目睹了一场比原始人的厮杀更原始的屠戮之后,依然用霓虹灯和裸体衣架乔装打扮。 Rich and flowers in Guangzhou, will not care about the sudden evaporation of a life, just as China and the United States and stylish windows, saw a more primitive than the primitive race to the carnage, the hangers are still with the neon lights and posing naked.

记忆,被精致的无耻言说所切割,巧舌如簧的飞沫从未停止过喷吐著看不见的毒汁,SARS病毒弥漫在空气之中,天子脚下是惊惶失措的逃散。 Memory, has been refined by the infamous speech cutting, smooth-tongued droplets have never stopped Breath the invisible poison, SARS virus, diffuse in the air, the Son of Heaven at the foot of a panic-stricken fled.

二 百年前,林黛玉的美艳肺痨焚烧掉痴情,贾宝玉疯癫的出走如同诗的碎片,化为庄周梦蝶的翅膀,纷纷扬扬;二百年后,SARS病毒封住了个体的肉体的咽喉,政 治SARS窒息了公共的精神的咽喉,使一个民族无法自由呼吸,延续了数个世纪的高烧干咳,释放出无所不在的恐惧,纤维化的肺部表征为面若桃花的死亡,只能 靠喝婴儿汤来乞求长寿,表演吃掉腐烂尸体的行为艺术,与冠状病毒的飞舞争风斗艳。 Two hundred years ago, Lin Tai-yu's Meiyan tuberculosis burned out infatuation, Jia Baoyu madness of the exodus as the poetic fragments, into Zhuang Zhou Meng-wings, there were numerous; two hundred years later, SARS virus, shut the throat of the individual's physical, political, SARS asphyxia the public spirit of the throat, so that a nation can not breathe freely, and continued high fever, dry cough of several centuries, the release of a pervasive fear, fibrosis of the lungs characterized by the death of peach for a face, can only rely on the baby to drink soup to beg for longevity, performing acts of decaying corpses eaten the art of fly coronavirus Yan Zheng Feng struggle.

早已不需要赤脚行走的土地上,诗歌因没有怜悯而灭亡,那些高耸的建筑和闪亮的五彩灯光,是一块块无法融化的石头,冰冷得冻住了唯一的温暖,吸尽天下雨露的贪婪使大地龟裂。 Is no need to walk barefoot on land, poetry because there is no mercy and destroyed, those high-rise buildings and the bright shining light, is unable to melt a block of stone, was freezing cold and the only warmth, exhaustion of the world and rain greed to make the earth cracking. 残暴浸透了沙石,一场让无耻横行无际的洗劫,宣告著一个民族在人性上的毁灭,而长征火箭却悠闲地探索太空的文明,还能兼职赚取国际市场的利润。 Brutal saturated sand, a sight so shameless looting rampage, declaring a nation's destruction of the human nature, while the march was leisurely exploration of space rockets civilization, but also a part-time to earn the international market profits.

那比强暴更令人绝望的罪恶,偏偏发生在青春的庭院里,一群组织严密而装备精良的土匪,肆意践踏春天的萌芽。 It is even more desperate than the rape crime, but many occurred in the garden of youth, a group of well-organized and well-armed bandits, wantonly trample on the seeds of spring. 有过人吃人的原始,有过观赏人与兽殊死角斗的野蛮,有过几百万人被推进焚尸炉的现代灭绝人类强暴自己的姐妹,是比原子弹更具破坏力的暴行。 Has his man-eating primitive, there have been deadly contest between man and beast watch the brutal, it had several million people have been promoting the modern extinction of the human crematory rape his own sister, is more devastating than the atomic bomb atrocities. 没有萌芽便凋零,没有果实便腐烂,在一切还未到来之前,一切就被彻底毁灭。 Sprout will not die, no fruit will rot, in all yet to come before everything was completely destroyed.

六四之后,亡灵的目光,对于活下来的幸存者是一种考验──不是建功立业的考验,而是忏悔赎罪的考验。 64, the dead eyes, for the surviving survivors is a test ─ ─ not make contributions to the test, but repentance atonement test.

亡灵的目光,凝视你,是为了被你凝视;倾听你,是为了被你倾听;仰望你的在天之灵,是为了接受你的俯视和蔑视! The dead eyes, staring at you, staring you in order to be; to listen to you, you have to listen to in order to be; looking at the memory of you is to accept your overlooking and contempt! 被你俯视,灵魂才能被坟墓之光刺穿,谦卑之火的烧灼才能洗刷罪恶。 Are you looking out for the soul in order to be the tomb of the light piercing, burning with the fire of humility in order to erase evil.

当同时发生之时,在亡灵的俯视下,梦会流泪,刀锋会叹息,影子会愤怒,石头会歌唱,灵魂之光会拒绝黑暗──恐怖导致的人性腐烂。 When simultaneously when, in the dead look down, the dream will shed tears, blade will sigh, the shadow will be angry, stone will be singing, the soul would refuse to light the dark ─ ─ terror caused by human decay.

May 26, 2003 in Beijing at home

眼角挤进一道冤魂的目光, The eyes of innocent people squeezed into a corner of the eye,

那看不见的伤口, That invisible wounds,

很像一种突然被撕裂的思想, Like the idea of a sudden is torn,

用忐忑的声音讲述坟墓中的故事。 Disturbed by the voice tells the story of the grave.

压抑了太久, Repressed for too long,

但那秘密的预谋仍然禁闭在谎言的堂皇之中。 But the secret is still confined to premeditated lies among stately.

伤痕累累的目光, Bruised eyes,

无法笔直地注视, Can not look straight,

历尽无数曲折之后, After passing through numerous twists and turns,

才能在黑暗里偶尔闪亮, Can occasionally shining in the dark,

洞彻荒芜灵魂的角落。 Dongche barren corner of the soul.

一笔旧债埋葬在无辜的眼底, An old debt buried in the innocent fundus,

犹如童年的习作压在抽屉尽头。 If a childhood exercises pressure in a drawer at the end.

那一刻, At that moment,

世界是一只无力自卫的羔羊, The world is a defenseless lamb,

被赤裸的太阳宰杀, Being naked sun slaughter,

上帝也惊愕得无言以对, God was speechless astonishment,

只能默默流泪或叹息。 Could only silently cry or sigh.

随之而来的是交易, Followed by the transaction,

血迹被金钱打扫干净, Blood is clean money, clean,

精神的毁灭点缀著世纪末的盛大庆典。 The destruction of the spirit of the grand celebrations dotted with turn of the century.

而诚实和尊严、 The honesty and dignity,

母爱和怜悯, Motherly love and compassion,

是被剥了皮的尸体, The body was skinned,

不断加入独裁权力的游行队伍, Dictatorial powers continue to join the parade,

庆典从血腥开始到人肉筵席的杯盘狼藉结束。 Celebration from the beginning to the bloody human flesh feast of plates, glasses messy end.

世纪末的罪恶和耻辱, End of the century sin and shame,

正在繁花似锦深处, Are beautiful flowers deep

高呼民族伟大复兴的誓言, Shouted "great national renaissance" of the oath,

哼唱F4酷毕青春。 Singing F4's "Cool complete" youth.

SARS而清冷的皇城, Imperial City because of SARS and the cold,

让人想起十四年前大恐怖下的空旷和荒芜; Is reminiscent of the Great Terror, under fourteen years ago, empty and barren;

而现在又逐渐热闹起来的街市, And now we are increasingly busy up markets,

也很象遗忘了鲜血的臃肿肉体。 Is also very much like a forgotten blood bloated flesh.

虚幻的繁华、 Illusory prosperity,

轻浮的希望和盛大的誓言, Flighty hopes and grand oath,

如同掩盖新娘哭泣的面纱, As the veil to cover up the bride cry,

也遮住了残忍的春天。 Also covered the cruel spring.

死于收容所的年轻大学生, A young university student died in shelters,

你是否在地下见到了十四年前的亡灵── Are you in the ground saw the souls of fourteen years ago ─ ─

他们比你还要年轻。 They are even younger than you.

富足而繁花的广州, Rich and flowers in Guangzhou,

不会在乎一个生命的突然蒸发, Does not care about a life, the sudden evaporation,

正如华美而时髦的橱窗, As China and the United States and stylish windows,

在目睹了一场比原始人的厮杀更原始的屠戮之后, Having witnessed a more primitive than the primitive race to the carnage, the

依然用霓虹灯和裸体衣架乔装打扮。 With neon lights and the hangers are still posing naked.

记忆, Memory

被精致的无耻言说所切割, Has been refined by the infamous speech cut

巧舌如簧的飞沫从未停止过喷吐著看不见的毒汁, Smooth-tongued droplets have never stopped Breath the invisible poison,

病毒弥漫在空气之中, SARS virus permeates the air,

天子脚下是惊惶失措的逃散。 The Son of Heaven at the foot of a panic-stricken fled.

二百年前, Two hundred years ago,

林黛玉的美艳肺痨焚烧掉痴情, Lin Tai-yu's Meiyan tuberculosis burned out infatuation,

贾宝玉疯癫的出走如同诗的碎片, Jia Bao-yu crazy to run away like fragments of poetry,

化为庄周梦蝶的翅膀, Zhuang Zhou's butterfly dream into the wings,

纷纷扬扬; There were numerous;

二百年后, Two hundred years later,

病毒封住了个体的肉体的咽喉, SARS virus, shut the throat of the individual's body,

政治SARS窒息了公共的精神的咽喉, Political SARS stifled the spirit of public throat,

使一个民族无法自由呼吸, So that a nation are not free to breathe

延续了数个世纪的高烧干咳, Lasted several centuries of high fever, dry cough,

释放出无所不在的恐惧, Released from the omnipresent fear,

纤维化的肺部表征为面若桃花的死亡, Fibrosis of the lungs characterized by the death of peach for a face,

只能靠喝婴儿汤来乞求长寿, To rely on the baby to drink soup to beg longevity,

表演吃掉腐烂尸体的行为艺术, Performance eat rotting corpses of performance art,

与冠状病毒的飞舞争风斗艳。 Fly with the coronavirus Yan Zheng Feng struggle.

早已不需要赤脚行走的土地上, Is no need to walk barefoot on land,

诗歌因没有怜悯而灭亡, Because of the demise of poetry without pity,

那些高耸的建筑和闪亮的五彩灯光, Those high-rise buildings and flashing multicolored lights,

是一块块无法融化的石头, Is a block can not be melted stones,

冰冷得冻住了唯一的温暖, Was the only frozen ice-cold warmth

吸尽天下雨露的贪婪使大地龟裂。 Exhaust the world of greed and rain to make the earth cracking.

残暴浸透了沙石, Brutal soaked sand,

一场让无耻横行无际的洗劫, A broad target for unscrupulous rampant looting,

宣告著一个民族在人性上的毁灭, Declaration of a nation on the destruction of human nature,

而长征火箭却悠闲地探索太空的文明, The Changzheng rockets but a leisurely exploration of space civilization,

还能兼职赚取国际市场的利润。 Also a part-time to earn the international market profits.

那比强暴更令人绝望的罪恶, It is even more desperate than the rape crime,

偏偏发生在青春的庭院里, Happens occurred in the garden of youth,

一群组织严密而装备精良的土匪, A group of well-organized and well-equipped bandits,

肆意践踏春天的萌芽。 And trample the seeds of spring.

有过人吃人的原始, Has his eating raw,

有过观赏人与兽殊死角斗的野蛮, Watch man and beast had a deadly duel of the savage,

有过几百万人被推进焚尸炉的现代灭绝人类强暴自己的姐妹, Have had several million people have been promoting the modern extinction of the human crematory rape their own sisters,

是比原子弹更具破坏力的暴行。 More devastating than the atomic bomb atrocities.

没有萌芽便凋零, Sprout will not die,

没有果实便腐烂, No fruit will rot,

在一切还未到来之前, Not at all before the arrival of

一切就被彻底毁灭。 Everything was completely destroyed.

六四之后, 64 After

亡灵的目光, The dead eyes,

对于活下来的幸存者是一种考验── For the survivors survived a test ─ ─

不是建功立业的考验, Not make contributions to the test

而是忏悔赎罪的考验。 Instead of repentance atonement test.

亡灵的目光, The dead eyes,

凝视你, Staring you

是为了被你凝视; Is to be your gaze;

倾听你, To listen to you,

是为了被你倾听; In order to be yes you listen;

仰望你的在天之灵, Looking up the memory of you,

是为了接受你的俯视和蔑视! Is to accept your overlooking and contempt!

被你俯视, Are you looking out for

灵魂才能被坟墓之光刺穿, The soul in order to be the tomb of the light piercing,

谦卑之火的烧灼才能洗刷罪恶。 Humility of the fire burning in order to wash the evil.

当同时发生之时, When simultaneously when

在亡灵的俯视下, In the dead look down, the

梦会流泪, Dream will be tears,

刀锋会叹息, Blade will sigh,

影子会愤怒, Shadow will be anger,

石头会歌唱, Stone will be singing,

灵魂之光会拒绝黑暗── Light of the soul would refuse the dark ─ ─

恐怖导致的人性腐烂。 Terror caused by human decay.

May 26, 2003 in Beijing at home

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

15.让清明变成石头—六四十五周年祭 15. So clear and bright be turned into stone - the anniversary of Liusishiwu

让清明变成石头六四十五周年祭 Let Qingming turned into stone - the anniversary of Liusishiwu

十五年前…… Fifteen years ago ... ...

年仅十七岁的高中生蒋捷连,不听父母的劝阻,从家中厕所的小窗跳出,奔向西长安街,加入到劝阻戒严部队的行列中,然而,你非但没能劝阻住戒严部队,反而被罪恶的子弹射杀。 Only 17-year-old high school student JIANG Jie Lian, do not listen to parents, warning them of the little window out of the toilet from his home, headed for the West Chang'an Avenue, to join the ranks of the martial law troops discouraged, however, you not only failed to discourage domestic martial law forces, but was shot and killed the evil bullets.

年仅十九岁的高中生王楠,基于要把历史镜头真实地记录下来的愿望,带着相机直奔天安门,然而,你还没有来得及用相机为历史留下见证,却用自己年轻的生命见证了野蛮的屠杀。 High school students as young as 19-year-old Wang Nan, based on the "make a true record of the lens of history," the desire, with the camera went straight to Tiananmen Square, however, you have not had time to use the camera to bear witness to history, but with their own young life, witnessed the brutal killings.

年仅三十岁的杨燕声,出于最本能的正义感和同情心,在1989六月四日早晨七时抢救伤员,然而,你的人道义举却被罪恶的子弹击中,子弹射入肝部,于体内炸开,不治身亡。 As young as three year-old Yang Yan-Sheng, for the most instinctive sense of justice and compassion, in at 7 o'clock on June 4, 1989 rescue of the wounded, however, the evil of your humanitarian act has been hit by a bullet, bullet to the liver Department, in the body exploded, died.

十四年后,你们的母亲和妻子,却在清明节前被中共安全部门拘留审查,这个剥夺了你们的年轻的政权,连母亲悼念儿子、妻子祭奠丈夫的权利也要剥夺。 Fourteen years later, your mother and wife, but before the Ching Ming Festival is China's security department detention review, this deprives the young of your regime, even the mother mourning her son, his wife also denied the right to pay homage to her husband.

清明节到了,无雨的干裂的春天,你们的遗像无法挂在初绿的枝头,而只能挂在母亲们被泪水浸泡的心头。 Ching Ming Festival, to no rain in dry spring, your portrait can not be hung in the beginning of green branches, but only with tears hanging in the mothers were soaked heart.

十 五年了,不许悼念,不许追忆,不许失去儿子的母亲和失去丈夫妻子公开流泪,不许寡母接受一束鲜花,不许孤儿得到一个新书包,不许高位截瘫的小伙子坐着轮 椅,接受一次尝试行走的搀扶,不许任何温暖的手为无家可归的冤魂添一捧土种一株草;更不许所剩无几的眼睛寻找刽子手的藏身之处,不许未泯的良知为冤魂讨还 公道,不许不许不许不许……十四年了,不许一滴雨落在龟裂的土地上! Fifteen years, and not allowed to mourn, not allowed to look back, not allowed to lose his son's mother and his wife lost her husband openly shed tears, not allowed to widowed mother to accept a bouquet of flowers, not allowed to orphans get a new schoolbag, allowed the young man high paraplegia wheelchair to accept a try walking arm, no one was allowed a warm hand to the innocent people homeless Tim a handful of soil types a grass; even allowed to have nothing left to find the eyes of the executioner's hiding place, not allowed to obliterate the conscience pursue justice for the innocent people, not allowed to not allowed not allowed not allowed to ... ... fourteen years, and not allowed to drop Yula the land in the cracks!

纵使刺刀能够劈开阳光和影子,也劈不开亡灵与鲜花的生命;纵使跟踪、窃听、关押能割断空气和呼吸,也无法割不断烛光和夜晚。 Even if the bayonet be able to split sunlight and shadow, but also split and the flowers do not open the life of souls; even tracking, wiretapping, detention can be cut off air and breathing, can not be cut off candles and night. 那曾经热的血,至今依然沸腾;那十五年来在受难中抗争的思念,仍将让你们的亡灵化作清明的泪雨,以顽强的姿态飞翔。 It has hot blood, and remains boiling; that fifteen years in protest at the suffering of the miss, the souls will let you into a lucid Lei Yu, tenacious attitude in order to fly.

年轻的亡灵们,你们倒下时都太年轻;你们的遗像在微笑,这年轻的微笑告诉我,生命朴素无华,除了洁白无暇的年龄,没有任何抱怨,如同沙漠,不需要树不需要水,不需要花的点缀,就能承受太阳的肆虐。 The young souls who are too young, when you fall; your portrait in the smile, the young smile told me that life simple and minimalist, in addition to the age of white no time, no complaints, as the desert, no trees need water, do not flower decorations, will be able to withstand the ravages of the sun.

年轻的生命倒在道路上,道路从此消失,而你们却奇迹般地没有绝望;子弹射穿了山脉,追赶着海水,而你们在泥土中长眠,象书一样安详。 Young lives down the road, the roads disappear, and you are miraculously, do not despair; shot through the mountains and catching up with the sea, and you sleep in the soil, the book quietly. 你们把未完成的爱,交给满头白发的母亲们,让她们带着你们临终的眼神,走遍所有的坟墓,唤醒所有的亡灵。 You put the unfinished love, to the gray-haired mother, let them take your dying eyes, he would travel all of the grave to awaken the souls of all. 每一次,当她们就要倒下时,你们都会用希望扶住送她们上路。 Each time, when they should fall when you will be sent to them with the hope that Fuzhu Sheung.

十七岁,十九岁,三十岁,你们超越了年龄,也超越了死亡,超越所有的语言和人工的造物,使生命的价值指向永恒。 17-year-old, 19-year-old, three-year-old, you have gone beyond the age, but also beyond death, beyond all of the languages and artificial creation, so that the value of life point to the eternal.

而我,这个八九年的所谓风云人物,这个在耻辱中苟活的幸存者,关于死亡,我能说的决不会多于你们临终前的一瞥,也决不会多于你们的亲人久久端详遗像时的目光。 I, the so-called man of the hour in 2089, this in the shame the survivors of Gouhuo about death, I can say that you will never be more than a glance before death, but also your loved ones will never be more than a long time to scrutinize portrait when the eyes. 这目光所带来的震撼,犹如对幸存者的道德审判,我甚至没有勇气和资格,捧着一束鲜花或献上一首诗。 This vision brought about by the shock, as if the moral of the survivors of the trial, I do not even have the courage and qualifications, holding a bouquet of flowers or presents a poem.

凝视无辜亡灵的遗像,要在欲哭无泪的眼睛正中,冷静地插进一把刀,用失明的代价换取大脑的雪亮,让铭心刻骨的记忆拷问幸存者的灵魂,让清明变成石头,横在我记忆的荒野中。 Gaze of the portrait of innocent souls, tears to the eyes of the middle, calmly inserted a knife, with the cost of blindness in exchange for the brain sharp, so that the memory of torture survivors Mingxinkegu the soul becomes so clear and bright stone, Cross the wilderness in my memory.

2004年4月3于北京家中 April 3, 2004 in Beijing at home

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15.六四凌晨的黑暗—六四十五年祭 15. 64 am in the dark -六四十五年Festival

六四凌晨的黑暗六四十五年祭 64 early morning darkness -六四十五年Festival

在失去自由的黑暗中,我等待着时针指向六四凌晨,第十五个祭日降临。 Deprived of liberty, the dark, I am waiting for the clock points to 64, the fifteenth memorial day comes.

十五年前的此刻,广场被全副武装的戒严部队包围,被反复重播的戒严令包围,也被不断传来枪声和各种血腥的消息包围。 Fifteen years ago, at the moment, the square was surrounded by heavily armed martial law troops, was surrounded by repeatedly replay of martial law have also been persistent reports that the news of gunfire and a variety of bloody siege. 曾经在几个小时前还人头攒动、人声鼎沸的广场,那一刻显得过于空旷。 Had a few hours ago, peak and visitors crowd, voices of the square, that moment appears to be too open. 我呆在安置在纪念碑上的绝食棚中,与聚集在纪念碑周围的几千位学生和市民一起,在黑暗中面对着难以预测的命运。 I was in a hunger strike monument placed in the booth, and gathered around the monument to the thousands of students and the public together in the dark face of unpredictable fate.

十五年过去了,权贵们已经变得脑满肠肥,精英们也在利益收买下混成体面的中产白领,北京等中心城市新落成栋栋高楼大厦,电视屏幕上有播不完的歌舞升平,而那个夜晚的恐怖,至今犹存。 Fifteen years later, they have become Naomanchangfei elite, the interests of elites are buying a decent middle class under the hybrid white-collar workers in Beijing and other cities after another, the newly completed high-rise buildings, broadcast on television screens endless peacefulness, and that night of terror, so far still exist. 从血腥的屠杀到严密的监控,这个政权的自私和野蛮一点没变。 From the bloody massacre to the strict monitoring, this regime has not changed a bit selfish and brutal.

从今年两会前的224起,对我的监控已经开始且逐步升级:开始只是跟踪和站岗,并不阻拦我外出或见人,除非是外国记者上门来采访,他们会阻拦,而对来我家的其他客人并不盘查。 From the two sessions this year before the February 24, the right of my monitor and the escalation has already begun: the beginning is just to track and guard does not block me out or see people, except for foreign reporters come to interview, they will block, while the right come to my home, other guests did not cross-examined. 当然,我家的电话和上网也没问题。 Of course, my home phone and Internet access is also no problem.

33316两会期间,监控有所收紧。 In the March 3 to March 16 during the two sessions, control has been tightened. 我可以外出见人,但决不能见记者;来我家的人也要受到盘查,电话也会在通话时突然中断,而且中断的频率越来越高。 I can go see people, but never see my journalist; to my family who are also subject to inventory, telephone calls will also be suddenly interrupted, and interrupted with increasing frequency. 为此,我与监管的警察发生过争吵。 To this end, I have the police and regulatory dispute occurred. 两会过后,依然如此。 After two sessions, remains the same.

524起,监控之网再次收紧,我的外出,除了有时回岳母家吃晚饭之外,当局已经不允许我去其他地方,电话和上网受到更频繁干扰,只要是记者或所谓敏感人士的电话,必被掐断;只要我上网,几分钟后就中断。 From May 24, the monitoring of the network re-tightening, I go out for dinner at times back Yuemu Jia, the authorities have not allowed me to go other places, telephone and Internet access are more frequent interference, as long as journalists or the so-called sensitive people the phone will be cut off; as long as my Internet access, a few minutes after the break. 为此,我又与他们争吵,还向112障碍台投诉。 To this end, I was arguing with them, but also barriers to the 112 complaints from Taiwan.

5月25凌晨以后,网络和电话在大多数时间里不通。 After the early hours of May 25, networks, and phones in most of the time unreasonable.

6月1开始,电话全天不通,我也不能再能回岳父家吃碗饭。 Beginning June 1, phone all day unreasonable, I can no longer be able to return to father-in-home bowl of rice.

与此同时,每一次监控升级,海淀分局的人都会来找我谈话,虽然态度温和,但实际上是警告。 At the same time, each time control upgrade, Haidian Branch of the people will come talk to me, though moderate, but in fact is a warning.

这黑夜,不是大自然的昼夜循环,而是独裁制度下的持续黑夜,从贴身的跟踪到盘查来我家的客人,最后切断我的所有通信联系,把我软禁在家中,让我成为信息上的瞎子和聋子。 That night, not nature, day and night cycle, but under the authoritarian regime continued to night, from the close tracking of the inventory to my house guests, finally cut off all my communications links took me under house arrest at home, let me become information on the blind and deaf. 我也知道,还有一些人也像我一样,被非法限制人身自由和通信自由。 I also know that there are some people, like me, was illegal restriction of personal freedom and freedom of communication.

2月初,曾有将近八个月的时间,我被软禁在香山脚下的一处四合院内。 May 18, 1995 to early February 1996, there were nearly eight months, I was under house arrest in the Fragrant Hills at the foot of a courtyard inside. 刘霞每半个月可以去看我一次,给我带些书籍。 Liu Xia you can see me once every two weeks, to bring me some books.

现在,与1995年的那次软禁的区别,只是软禁地点的不同,不是在公安局指定的地点,而是把我围困在自己的家中。 Now, with that in 1995 the difference between house arrest, but under house arrest in different locations, not in the Public Security Bureau designated sites, but to me trapped in their own homes. 我还有刘霞相伴,可以读书写作。 Liu Xia, I have concluded, can study and write. 但在失去人身自由这点上,两种软禁没有任何区别。 However, loss of personal freedom this point, there is no distinction between two kinds of house arrest.

十五年了,没有变化的是我的妻子刘霞。 Fifteen years, and has not changed is my wife, Liu Xia. 她对我的爱从未变过,对亡灵的祭奠始终如一。 She was my love has never changed before, that the deceased had always been the same memorial. 每年六四祭日,她都会买来一束百合花,今年也不例外,昨天下午,她买回15枝百合。 An annual 64 memorial day, she would buy a bouquet of lilies, and this year was no exception, yesterday afternoon, she bought 15 lily.

这百合,既是祭奠,也是忏悔。 This lily is not only homage, but also repentance.

白色的百合在黑夜中亮着,绽开的花瓣和绿叶亮着,淡淡的花香亮着,犹如亡灵们的死不瞑目。 Lily white in the darkness lit lit blooming petals and green leaves, a touch of floral lit, like the souls of their wasted step. 在六四后整个民族精神的黑暗里,六四亡灵付出的鲜血和生命,是唯一的洁白和闪亮。 In the spirit of the whole nation, after 64 dark years, 64 souls paid the blood and life, is the only white and shiny.

今晚,被禁闭在黑暗中,百合花是亡灵之光,打开我的灵魂之眼,让我看见丁、蒋两位老师流着泪为捷连点燃蜡烛,看见许许多多难属们让烛火长明,看见香港的维多利亚公园那照亮香江夜空的烛光,看见世界各地为亡灵们点燃的烛火。 Tonight, by being confined in the dark, lilies are the souls of light, open the eyes of my soul, let me see Ding, Chiang two teachers for the Czech Republic, with tears in their eyes lit candles, he saw these movements were so many candles Fire Chang-Ming, see Hong Kong's Victoria Park Lights that illuminate the night sky candles, he saw all over the world for the souls of the deceased had lit candle.

在失去自由的日子里,身体陷入黑暗,正好让我的灵魂有时间与亡灵们对话。 In the days when deprived of their liberty, physical plunged into darkness, just let my soul have time to have a dialogue with the dead.

洁白的百合,为亡灵点燃的祈祷之火,凝视、灼热并照亮我。 White lily, pray for the souls lit the fire, staring, burning, and illuminate me.

渴望自由的人死去,亡灵却活在反抗中。 Desire to free man dies, but live in the resistance of the souls.

逃避自由的人活着,灵魂却死于恐惧中。 Free man escape alive, but died in fear of the soul.

十五年了,那个被刺刀染红的血腥的黎明,仍象尖刺一样扎进我的双眼,此后,我看到的一切都带着血污。 Fifteen years, and that has been dyed bloody bayonet dawn, still the same as the spikes, plunging to my eyes, after which I saw everything with a bloodstained. 我写下的每一句,每一笔,来自于坟墓中亡灵们的倾述。 I write down every word and every dollar comes from the tomb in the souls of their Qing Shu.

昆德拉有句名言:人类反抗暴政的斗争,就是记忆反遗忘的斗争。 Kundera's famous saying: the human struggle against tyranny is the struggle of memory against forgetting. 然而,六四之后的中国,又岂止是遗忘而已。 However, the 64 after the Chinese, be confined only to forget.

一个杀人的政权是令人绝望的,一个容忍杀人政权和冷淡被杀者忘灵的民族更令人绝望;一个大屠杀的幸存者无力为死难者讨回公道,又尤其令人绝望。 To kill a desperate regime, a regime of tolerance and indifference to kill those who forget the spirit of the people killed is even more desperate; a Holocaust survivor unable to get justice for the victims, but also particularly desperate.

在绝望中,唯一给予我希望的,就是记住亡灵。 In desperation, the only given me hope, is to remember the dead.

2004年6月4凌晨于北京家中 June 4, 2004 at home in the morning in Beijing

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16.记住亡灵—— 六四十六周年祭 16. Remember the dead - the anniversary of Liusishiliu

记住亡灵—— 六四十六周年祭 Remember Dead - Liusishiliu anniversary of the Festival

Remember Dead - Liusishiliu anniversary of the Festival


十六年后的夜晚祭奠的百合变成恶梦伤口像被撕裂的思想结结巴巴地讲述坟墓中的故事 Sixteen years after the memorial at night into a nightmare of the wound like a lily torn stammered thought the story about the grave

十六年前的那一刻世界是羔羊,无力自卫任由疯狂的宰杀上天惊愕得无言以对只能默默流泪或叹息 Sixteen years ago, the moment the world is lamb slaughter of defenseless let crazy Heaven was speechless astonishment only silently shed tears or lament

我再不能听到响彻天空的口号和誓言声音像个先天的聋哑人听不到子弹的呼啸道不出面对坦克的恐惧 I can no longer hear the echo through the sky sounds like a slogan and vowed to innate deaf could not hear the bullets whistling Road to face the fear of tanks

我不再认识广场上飘飞的旗帜旗帜像刚刚出生的孩子扑在母亲尸体上却吸不出乳汁 I do not know the square Piaofei banner banner flutter like a newborn child in the mother's corpse was not suck the milk of

逃出死亡之地我已经无法分辨昼夜时间被利刃刺穿变成植物人失去记忆失去一切被坦克碾过的夜晚被刺刀挑起的黎明在几千年的历史中找不到属于自己的墓地 Escaped death in the time I've been unable to distinguish between day and night, has been sharp knife pierced into a vegetative state have lost all memory of losing a tank run over the night was the dawn of the bayonet to provoke a few thousand years of history can not find the graves of their own


权力、市场和灵魂的交易血迹被金钱打扫干净精神的毁灭点缀着刽子手的庆典从血腥的屠杀开始直到人肉筵席的杯盘狼藉诚实和尊严母爱和怜悯是被剥光了皮的尸体 Power trading market and the soul is blood money, clean up the destruction of the spirit of celebration of the executioner dotted with bloody massacres from the beginning until the flesh feast of plates, glasses messy honesty and dignity of the maternal love and compassion are stripped of the skin the body

明亮的街市和悠闲的人群越来越精致的无耻吐出巧舌如簧的飞沫 Bright markets and laid-back crowd more and more sophisticated shameless spit droplets, smooth-tongued

病毒弥漫在空气中窒息了记忆的咽喉一个哮喘的民族无法在春天里呼吸 SARS virus to permeate the air, choking the throat of one of the memories of people with asthma can not breathe in the spring

跨世纪的罪恶和耻辱正繁花似锦高呼民族复兴的口号高举抵制日货的标语哼唱着F4的酷毕青春混合着投向倭寇的石块、瓶子突然用发嗲的童生在秦始皇的指挥下齐唱连爷爷,你回来了!” Cross-century crime and shame are blossoming shouted "national renaissance" holding high the slogan "boycott" the slogan humming the F4's cool young graduates to invest in a mixture of Japanese pirates stones, bottles suddenly Fadia's Tong-sheng of the emperor under the command of singing in unison, "Even Grandpa, are you back!"

十六年前的残忍春天披上爱国主义的时装继续残忍 Sixteen years ago, the brutal spring continued to put on patriotism, cruel fashion


黑暗是水没有丝毫缝隙亡灵是光穿透谎言之海即便偶尔闪亮也能洞彻最荒芜的角落 The dark souls of the water not the slightest crack of light through a sea of lies, even the occasional flashes can also be the most desolate corners of Dong Che

当恐怖和遗忘同时肆虐一群失去孩子的母亲在颠倒的时代执行颠倒的遗嘱白发人带着黑发人临终的眼神去寻找所有的坟墓每当她们要倒下时年轻的黑色亡灵就会搀扶着白发人走在泪水也被跟踪的道路上 When the terror and havoc at the same time a group of forgotten children lost their mother in the era of reverse the will of the implementation of reverse white-haired man's eyes with a black-haired people dying to find all of the graves whenever they have to fall when the young black souls will arm the white-haired man walking in the tears have been tracked on the road


没有记忆的民族也没有未来 No memory of the nation has no future

记住黑发的亡灵搀扶白发的母亲 Remember that the souls of black hair white-haired mother by the arm

锁 住我的脚,我就用十指爬向你捆住我的手,我就用膝盖和下巴爬向你砸断我的腿,我就用断骨支撑你勒紧我的喉,我就用窒息呼唤你封住我的唇,我就用鼻尖亲吻你 敲掉我的牙,我就用牙床咬住你拔光我的发,我就用秃头刺激你挖去我的眼,我就用眼窝凝视你腐蚀我的身,我就用气味拥抱你碾碎我的心,我就用纤维记住你 Lock my feet, I creep you are tied with the fingers of my hand, I creep with the knees and chin, you smashed off my leg, I'll support you with the broken bone to tighten my throat, I use asphyxia calling you seal my lips, I kiss you knock down with the tip of the nose of my teeth, I use gums to bite you tear my hair, I use to stimulate your bald digging my eyes, I use eye socket Corrosion of my body staring you, I embrace you with the smell of crushed my heart, I remember you with the fiber

2005年5月18于北京家中 May 18, 2005 in Beijing at home

《观察》首发转载请注明出处 ─ ─ "observation" starter reproduced please specify source

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16.孩子的遗嘱由母亲完成—“六四”十六周年祭 16. The child's will be completed by the mother - "64" 16 anniversary of the Festival

孩子的遗嘱由母亲完成—“六四十六周年祭 Will be completed by the child's mother - "64" 16 anniversary of the Festival

一孩子们留下的遗嘱之针 A testament left by the children of needles

颠倒的时代,颠倒了是非善恶,也留下颠倒的遗嘱——不是寿终正寝的母亲留给孩子的遗嘱,而是突然早逝的孩子为母亲留下的遗嘱。 Upside-down times, reversed right and wrong good and evil, also left a will reverse - not the demise of the mother left the child's will, but a sudden early death of the child to her mother left behind a will.

年 仅17岁的高中生蒋捷连;年仅十九岁的高中生王楠、大学生孙辉,职高女生张瑾,高中生叶伟航,女大学生龚纪芳;年仅20岁的厨师戴伟,大学生董晓军;年仅 21岁的工人吴向东、待业青年赵龙、大学生王培文、大学生吴国锋;年仅22岁的大学生田道民;年仅23岁的硕士生何杰,大学生严文;年仅24岁的工人杜光 学,大学生段昌隆,女大学生张向红;年仅25岁的大学生程仁兴,女医生王卫萍;年仅27岁的工人王建平,技术员邝敏;年仅29岁的研究人员袁力,女会计苏 欣;年仅30岁的编辑杨燕声,博士生林仁富,大学教师肖波;年仅31岁的职员罗维,32岁的记者张汝宁,34岁的女职员刘锦华,…… Only 17-year-old high school student Jiang Jie Lian; as young as 19-year-old high school student Wang Nan, and university students Sun Hui, Zhang Jin professional high school girls, high school YE Weihang, female university students Gong-Fang; as young as 20-year-old chef DAI Wei, a university student DONG Xiao-Jun; as young as 21-year-old worker Wu Xiangdong, unemployed youth ZHAO, WANG Peiwen college students, college students WU Guo-feng; as young as 22-year-old university student Tin Road, China; as young as 23-year-old Master-Hodgkin, a university student Yan; as young as 24-year-old worker Du optical , college students Duan Changlong, female university students Zhang Xianghong; only 25-year-old university student CHENG Ren-xing, WANG Wei-ping women doctors; only 27-year-old worker Wang Jianping, technicians Kuang-Min; as young as 29-year-old researcher Yuan Li, female accounting Sukhin; years only 30-year-old editor of Yang Yan sound, PhD Linren Fu, university teachers, Xiao Bo; as young as 31-year-old staff Rowe, 32-year-old journalist Zhang Runing, 34-year-old female staff member Lau Kam-wah, ... ...

他们太年轻,远不到留下遗嘱的年龄,但他们却倒在罪恶的子弹下,在最富活力的年龄段留下遗嘱。 They are too young, far into the intestate's age, but they fell to the bullets of evil, in the most dynamic of the age to leave a will. 这种颠倒的遗嘱在寻找母亲的眼睛,如同婴儿寻找母亲的乳头。 This reversal of the will to find the mother's eyes, as the baby for the mother's nipple.

他们的遗嘱,没有文字,也没有声音,却是一根无形的尖针,刺痛母亲的双目,泪水化作见证真相的勇气;刺穿母亲的心灵,心血化作寻求正义的良知。 They will, no text, but also sound, but it is an invisible Jian Zhen, tingling mother's eyes, the tears turned into a witness to the truth of courage; pierced the mother's soul, and effort into a search for justice, conscience. 但愿孩子的在天之灵知道,正是无字无声的遗嘱,让刽子手恐惧,让母亲们站起。 I hope the memory of the children know that it is wordless silent will, so that the executioner fear, so that mothers stood up.

针的本性是渴望穿透一切,以血来喂养其锋芒。 Nature is the desire to penetrate the needle all with blood to feed the cutting edge. 锈迹渗入血液,血的流动使皮肤发紫发青。 Rust penetrate the blood, the flow of blood to the skin purple hair blue. 这根针留在母亲的身体中,只为了一个简单的理由——寻找那只抚育童年的双手,以确立它的永恒道义性。 This needle to remain in the mother's body, only for one simple reason - to find Nazhi the hands of his childhood tending to establish its eternal moral nature. 它不允许神经因懦弱而颤抖,针尖成为亡灵的守望者。 It does not allow nerve due to weakness and trembling, tip to become the guardian of souls.

这根针寻遍了母亲们的身体,刺死过无数的恐惧和懦弱。 This needle after searching through the mothers body, stabbed numerous fear and cowardice. 它常常潜伏在心脏里,仔细倾听母亲们的心跳。 It is often hidden in the heart of years, carefully listen to their mother's heartbeat. 有时,它会宽容地原谅母亲们一时的软弱;有时,它会不顾母亲的疼痛,奋力一刺,结束所有懦弱;也有时,它在发动绝决的一刺前,会有瞬间的犹豫,不敢继续向前。 Sometimes, it will have a moment of tolerance to forgive the weakness of the mother; Sometimes, it will ignore the mother's pain, struggling to a thorn, an end to all cowardice; also sometimes, it never launched a thorn before the referendum, there will be moments of hesitation, not dare to move forward. 因为,它知道生命的脆弱,有时甚至抵不住轻轻地一刺,应该留下一点余地,一点时间,让血液把锈迹全部吸收。 Because it knows the fragility of life, and sometimes give way and gently a thorn, we should leave some room for some time, so that all the absorption of blood to rust.

命运过于残酷,把母亲们交给了孩子的遗嘱,犹如冬日把一滴水交给冰,或夏天把一只眼睛交给炽热的太阳,死于遗嘱之针是早晚的事。 Fate is too cruel, and the mothers to the child's will, like the drop of water to the ice in winter, or put an eye to the hot summer sun, died intestate the needle is a matter of time. 现在,此刻,母亲们正在感受它的锋芒和锐利,锋芒照亮内脏,锐利的滑动清洗伤口。 Now, now, mothers are feeling its edge and the sharp edge illuminated internal organs, sharp slide cleaning wounds.

我是幸存者,也是孩子遗嘱的分享者。 I am a survivor, it is a child who wills to share. 常常,在睡眠中,遗嘱之针已经习惯了我的胡思乱想和梦中呓语。 Often, during sleep, the wills of the needles have become accustomed to the imagination and the dreams of my raving. 阴云密布的梦魇里,我会突然听到针尖发出清脆的声响,闪光而奇妙,像流淌在血管中的一道彩虹,让我惊醒。 Clouded a nightmare, I would suddenly hear the crisp sound of the needle issued, flash and wonderful, like the flow in the blood vessels in a rainbow, let me wake up. 游曳在身体中的针,充满活力,比我的文字更长久。 You drag in the body of the needle, vitality, longer than my words. 每一次无意中的触碰,针都变得更闪亮更尖锐。 Each time an inadvertent touch, needles have become more shiny even more acute.

我的身体中,有一个死角格外荒凉。 My body, there is a particularly desolate corners. 膨胀的罪恶不安于角落的狭窄,它要深入到记忆的核心,要驱逐掉占据身体的那些亡灵。 Disturbed by the expansion of evil in the corner of the narrow, it has to go deep into the heart of memory, we must take the body to expel out those souls. 是这根针,使尸体发出呻吟,使睁不开的双眼在黑夜里目光如注,透视出一切。 Is that the needle, so that the body issued a groan, so that the eyes could not open eyes in the night, such as injection, perspective out of everything. 那些背叛的时刻,为正义蒙上虚假的激动,玷污了那个纯粹的夜晚。 Those who betrayed the moment to cast a false excitement of justice, tarnished that pure night.

真冷呀。 Really cold. 针在体内的游走,足以使血液结成冰,被亵渎的死亡,像一座被抢劫一空的陵园。 Needle in the body walk, enough to make ice-buildup on the blood, was desecrated death, such as a looted cemetery. 我站在荒凉的墓碑前,烛火跃入眼底,能熔化这根针吗? I stood desolate tombstone before the leap into fundus candle can melt the needle do? 身体中的针尖能变成烛火,温暖每一块墓碑下的夜晚吗? The body of the needle can become candlelight, warm each night under a tombstone do?

刺穿心脏,疼痛的思想将升华死亡。 Pierce the heart, the pain of ideas will sublimate death.

二遗忘罪恶的民族没有前途 2 forgotten evil nation has no future

十六年了,那比强暴更令人绝望的罪恶,偏偏发生在青春的庭院里,一群组织严密而装备精良的土匪,肆意践踏春天的萌芽。 Sixteen years, that's even more desperate than the crime of rape, but many occurred in the garden of youth, a group of well-organized and well-armed bandits, wantonly trample on the seeds of spring. 有过人吃人的原始,有过观赏人与兽殊死角斗的野蛮,有过几百万人被推进焚尸炉的现代灭绝人类强暴自己的姐妹,是比原子弹更具破坏力的暴行。 Has his man-eating primitive, there have been deadly contest between man and beast watch the brutal, it had several million people have been promoting the modern extinction of the human crematory rape his own sister, is more devastating than the atomic bomb atrocities. 没有萌芽便凋零,没有果实便腐烂,在一切还未到来之前,一切就被彻底毁灭。 Sprout will not die, no fruit will rot, in all yet to come before everything was completely destroyed.

十六年,差不多已经是一代人的年龄。 Sixteen years, almost have a generation age. 对于六四亡灵来说,已经足够漫长,漫长到正义的降临似乎遥遥无期;而对于历史来说,似乎又过于短暂,短暂到血腥的瞬间过去后,罪责就不再是罪责。 For "64" war dead for long enough, long into the foreseeable future seems to come of justice; while for history, it seems far too short-lived, short-term to the bloody moments in the past, the guilt would no longer be guilty. 在大多数经历过的或没有经历过六四的中国人的眼中,长安街上血迹似乎越来越淡,六四及其无辜的殉难者也似乎越来越远。 In most experienced or not experienced the "64" Chinese people's eyes, the blood seems to be increasingly short Chang'an Avenue, 64 and the innocent martyrs seemed farther and farther.

我们这个懦弱而健忘的民族,早已习惯了把坟墓记忆成宫殿,甚至在有奴隶主之前,我们已经学会了怎样下跪才最优美。 Weak and forgetful of our nation long accustomed to the tomb of memory into a palace, even in a slave-owners, we have learned how to kneel down before the most beautiful.

就连自由了的中国人,在面对强权压迫和私利诱惑之时,也无法逃脱朝拜的心态。 Even the freedom of the Chinese people in the face of oppression and self-interest temptation that can not escape the worship of mind. 君不见,在中南海一手导演的盛大统战秀舞台上,对岸的连宋也来大陆朝拜党祖 Do not you see, in the Zhongnanhai orchestrated a grand stage show united front on the other side of the Lien-Soong also came to the mainland to worship, "the party's ancestors." 二人一踏上人民大会堂红地毯,其内在的惶恐必然表达为对独裁秩序及党魁的高调赞美。 Two 1 foot Great Hall of the red carpet, the inevitable expression of their inherent fear of the authoritarian order and as a leader of the high-profile praise.

其 实,犯下大屠杀罪恶的中共政权,一天也没有忘记作为重大公共事件的六四,只不过,中共官方对六四的记忆被罪恶的权力的恐怖所颠倒,把大屠杀之日变 成公共领域的禁忌,把六四亡灵的坟墓变成不许公祭的禁地,把十多年来坚持还原历史、寻找正义的天安们母亲变成严控对象,把一切与记忆六四相关的人 和事清洗掉。 In fact, the massacre committed by the evil Chinese Communist regime, did not forget the day as a major public health events, "64", but, the mainland authorities to "64," the memories of the horrors of the powers of evil reversed, the massacre of the Day turned into a taboo in the public domain, the "64" ceremony for the souls of the tomb into a forbidden allowed to adhere to restore the 10 years of history, looking for their mother just days into a strict control an object, with all memory "of 64 "related people and things washed.

被民间誉为真话英雄蒋彦永先生,继他在2003年勇敢揭露被官方隐瞒的SARS真相之后,又在2004年向官方发出为六四正名呼吁,时值六四十五周年祭日,曾引起国内外的巨大反响,但官方对他的回答是长达八个月的软禁。 By folk as the "truth Hero" Jiang, President, following his courageous expose in 2003, officially to conceal the truth, after SARS, but also to the government in 2004 issued a "64" rectification of names called for a time when "64" 10 fifth anniversary of the memorial day, which has caused enormous repercussions at home and abroad, but his answer was the official eight-month house arrest.

今年年初,令人尊敬的赵紫阳先生,在八九运动中坚持民主和平、反对暴力镇压;在六四后近十六年的幽禁中,他仍然坚守一位杰出政治家的信念和做人的底线,直到去世。 Earlier this year, respected Mr. Zhao Ziyang, in the 89 campaign to uphold democratic peace and oppose violence and repression; to 64 after nearly sixteen years of confinement, he still adheres to a distinguished statesman of faith and a man's bottom line until death. 官方的内在恐惧和极度虚弱,居然连紫阳的亡灵也不会放过,正如它从不放过十六年前喋血长街的亡灵一样,草木皆兵的恐怖笼罩京城。 The official internal fear and extreme weakness, not even the souls of Ziyang will not miss, as it never miss Sixteen years ago, like the souls of bloody changjie, real or imagined terror enveloped the capital.

在官方的恐怖政治下记忆六四,需要的不是聪明的理智和高深的学理,而仅仅是良知的勇气和人性的常识。 Under the politics of terror in the official memory "64," do not need a clever intellectual and esoteric doctrine, is only the courage of conscience and human common sense. 所以,我每年为六四写下的祭文,不过是从不同角度重复人人都能轻易理解的基本常识:八九运动的正义性和大屠杀的野蛮性,如同当空朗月,举目可见,不证自明,根本不需要为之辩护。 So, in each year as "64," wrote the funeral oration, but from a different angle to repeat that everyone can easily understand the basic common sense: 89 Movement justice and the barbarity of the Holocaust, as the sky Long Yuet, are everywhere do not self-evident, there is no need to justify. 中共政权是罪魁,无论它制造多少谎言和侮蔑,也无法抹黑八九运动,更无法推卸大屠杀的罪恶。 Chinese Communist regime is the chief culprit, no matter how many lies and contempt for it created, nor smear 89 sports, will not be able to shirk the evil of the Holocaust. 正是基于对以上常识的坚信,即便在我蹲监狱的时候,我也从未想过必须为八九运动的正义性辩护。 It is based on common sense more than convinced that, even if I sat in jails, I never thought must be 89 to defend the justice of the movement.

但是,199910月出狱后的经历,让我越来越感到一个可悲的事实:强权恐怖、谎言灌输、历史歪曲、制造繁荣和利益收买的合力,已经成功地清洗了民族的记忆,真相被权杖遮蔽,记忆被谎言填充,常识被狡辩扭曲,良知被金钱收买。 However, in October 1999 after release of the experience, let me feel more and more a sad fact: power of terror, lies, indoctrination, historical distortions, create prosperity and interests of the buying of the force, has successfully cleaned the nation's memory, the truth was obscured Mace, memory has been filled with lies, common sense is sophistry distorted conscience was money to buy. 正如中共执政后,利用垄断权力和意识形态灌输,把中国近百年的历史变成谎言一样。 As the Chinese Communists came to power, the use of monopoly power and ideological indoctrination to China over the past hundred years of history into lies. 亲历过八九的一代人大都不愿公开谈论六四,八九后一代的绝大多数对六四不甚了了,八九运动的正义性也在短短的十六年中,变得越来越晦暗不明。 The generation who experienced 89 National People's Congress are reluctant to openly talk about "64", 89 after the generation of the vast majority of the "64" not to mention 89 is also the justice of the movement in a short period of sixteen years becoming more and more obscure. 甚至,在大屠杀的主要责任人邓小平死掉之后,在六四的主要受惠者江泽民、李鹏相继下台之后,六四悲剧似乎已经过去,中共政权也似乎洗刷了罪责。 Even the main responsibility for the Holocaust who, after Deng Xiaoping died in the "64" the main beneficiaries of Jiang Zemin, Li Peng to step down one after another, the "64" tragedy seems to have in the past, the communist regime seemed to have washed off their guilt.

在这种或自愿或被迫的民族性遗忘中,负有主要责任的是经历过八九运动的官民。 In such a national character or voluntary or forced forgetting, the primary responsibility is to have experienced 89 sports officials and civilians. 首先,已经犯有大屠杀罪恶的中共政权,继续着掩盖罪恶、强制遗忘的罪后之罪;其次,八九运动的亲历者们,特别是那些当年的风云人物,他们屈从于官方的恐怖和收买,以沉默、回避、曲笔、甚至侮蔑来对待六四 First of all, have been guilty of criminal massacre the Chinese Communist regime, continued to cover up crimes, forced a forgotten crime after the crime; Secondly, the 89 sports Qin Lizhe and, in particular those of the man of the year, they succumb to terror and the official to buy, with silence, challenge, and Qu Bi, and even contempt treat "64."

他们中的许多人,还未来得及擦干血迹就摇身一变,有的变成大资本家,有的变成学术权威,有的变为当朝新宠,更有用人血馒头换来外国身份的海归,变成官僚集团的新星和封锁网络的技术总管。 Many of them have not yet had time dried blood on the transformed, some of the big capitalists, and some become academic authority, and some into a new favorite when North Korea is more of "human blood bread" buy foreign identity " returnees, "to become bureaucratic and blockade of the Group's Nova network, technical directors. 一些变成御用智囊的所谓精英,还发明了各种说辞来为大屠杀辩护。 Some become the Queen's think tank, the so-called elite, but also invented a variety of rhetoric to justify the Holocaust. 阴谋夺权论激进主义论,从不成熟论被利用论,从开枪不得已论稳定高于一切论,从国情论秩序论,从经济优先论威权控制下的渐进改革论,从民运精英不如 中共精英论学费成本论”……种种对八九运动的指责,众多为大屠杀的辩护,魔术般地,把一场反抗独裁和腐败、要求民主自由的自发民众运动,变成了受到 少数人操控的阴谋;把和平、理性的运动描绘为激进主义的革命;把开枪杀人辩护成不得已而为之的无奈之举;把对政治改革的要求指控为不合国情的超前行 为,以至于,民主将祸国殃民的论调变成流行曲。 From the "conspiracy to seize power" to "radical theory", from the "immature" to "being used on the" from "Shooting a last resort" to "stability above all else on the" from "conditions" to "order theory ", from" give priority to economic theory "and" gradual reform under authoritarian control theory ", from" pro-Chinese Communist elite than elite "to" tuition cost "theory ... ... the various movements of the 89 accused, many of the Holocaust defense, magically, into a resistance to dictatorship and corruption, demanding democracy and freedom of spontaneous popular movement, has become a plot manipulated by the small number of people; the peaceful, rational and radical movements described as a revolutionary; to shoot to kill to defend as a "last resort" and quite upset; to demands for political reform ahead accused of acts of substandard conditions, so that "democracy would be disastrous," the argument turned into pop songs.

尤 其令人震惊的是,最精致最具欺骗性的指控和辩护,居然出自当年的某些风云人物的笔下,出自自称为自由主义知识分子的口中:他们借用西方的积极自由消极自由之划分,用法国大革命、俄国十月革命等历史事件来论证积极自由的恶果,指控八九运动也是一种积极自由在中国的失败实践;他们甚至把五四 运动与文革勾连起来,指责八九运动的学生们就是当年的红卫兵;他们指责民运或持不同政见者是野心家,是境外反华势力的走狗;最后,他们提出不作为政治缺席权的犬儒哲学。 Particularly alarming is the finest most deceptive claims and defense, was actually made by some man of the year of the pen, from the mouth of themselves as liberal intellectuals: They borrowed the West "positive freedom" and "negative freedom "of the division, with the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and other historical events to prove the" positive freedom "of the consequences, accused 89 movement is also a" positive freedom "in China, the failure of practice; They even put up 54 Movement and the Cultural Revolution Goulian , accusing the 89 sports students is the result of the Red Guards; they accused pro-democracy movement, or political dissidents is a careerist, is the running dogs of foreign anti-China forces; Finally, they put forward the "omission" and "absence of political rights" cynically .

这样,在六四后的中国,西方的消极自由传统就变成了犬儒生存的辩护词。 Thus, in 64, after China, the West's "negative freedom" became a cynical tradition of defending the survival of the word. 似乎自由不必去积极争取,而只需无所事事地等待,自由就会像哈耶克论证的自发秩序一样,自然而然地到来。 Seems to "free" do not have to actively seek, but simply do nothing and wait, free will, like Hayek's argument of "spontaneous order", as naturally come. 而在历史上,没有几代人的积极争取,任何一个国家的自由制度都只能是幻想,即便是在消极自由传统深入人心的英美,没有光荣革命独立革命,也决不会有今天的自由制度。 In history, no generations of people with enthusiasm, a free system of any one country can only be an illusion, even in the "negative freedom" deep-rooted tradition of Anglo-American, there is no "Glorious Revolution" and "independence revolution", but also never have been so free system.

莫谈国事的传统来自不准议论的权力蛮横,它剥夺了民间参与的权利,必然消解掉人们对社会公益的个人责任的承担。 "Mo talk about affairs of state tradition" from the "no talk" arrogant powers, which curtails the rights of community involvement will inevitably fall people's social welfare digestion of personal accountability. 久而久之,人们连关注公共事务的意愿和热情似乎都失去了,完全退回到个人的风花雪月、时尚攀比或柴米油盐之中。 Over time, people are not even concerned with public affairs, seem to have lost the will and enthusiasm, and completely back to the individual's romantic, fashion comparisons, or rice and salt into. 而民间的被迫退出,必然使作为最大公共事务的政治变成一小撮当权者的私家事务,公权力也就必然蜕变权贵们为牟取私利的工具。 And private organizations were forced to withdraw, this will bring as the largest public affairs, politics has become a handful of those in power to the private affairs of public power will inevitably degenerate elite are a tool for personal gain. 所以,从古至今,中国百姓的政治参与,要么是走头无路时的揭竿而起,要么是局面失控中的无法无天,要么是官方操控下的合群自大,要么是屈从于恐怖的政治冷漠,而从来形成过政治的公共性,自然也就没有基于公民责任的理性参与。 Therefore, since ancient times, Chinese people's political participation, either a blind alley when they rise up, either out of control in the lawless situation, or under the control of teamwork is the official arrogance, either succumb to terror, political apathy, while the never the formation of political public nature, naturally there is no reason based on civic responsibility to participate.

独裁政权维持稳定的秘诀之一,就是按照权力的需要任意剪裁历史,使民族记忆无法连续积累,造成代与代之间的记忆断裂和空白。 Authoritarian regimes to maintain stability in one of the secrets is that any cut in accordance with the needs of the power of history, so that people's memories can not be a continuous accumulation, resulting in inter-generational memory faults and gaps. 在共产制度已经整体崩溃和人权高于主权的时代,中共的一党独裁之所以仍然稳定,主要的手段之一就是掩盖历史罪恶,强制人们遗忘。 In the Communist system has collapsed and the whole era of human rights over sovereignty, China's one-party dictatorship, the reason remained stable, one of the main tools of history to cover up crimes, mandatory forgotten.

在此意义上可以还说,官方的强制遗忘不值得惊讶,民间对重大公共灾难的冷漠才是中国政治的最大悲哀,也才是最令人痛心的人性现状。 In this sense, can be said that the official should not be surprised mandatory forgotten, civil disaster of major public and political apathy is the greatest tragedy in China, but also the most distressing human situation. 当年八九运动的积极参与者,如今要么变成极端自私的个人主义者,对当年的大灾难不闻不问;要么变成了官方伪造历史的参与者,为了个人的既得利益而帮忙帮闲。 An active participant in the movement then 89, now either become extremely selfish "individualist", and then ignoring a major disaster; or to become an official participant in the history of forgery, in order to help individual's vested interest hack.

其实,即便在中国的制度现实下,民间虽然无法阻止官方对六四记忆的压制、遮蔽和歪曲,但只要民间不屈从于官方的强制,起码可以为苦难深重的中国保存真实的记忆,也就等于为未来的自由中国保存了人性的基础。 In fact, even in China's system of reality, though not prevent an official civil right, "64" memory of repression, masking and distorting, but as long as people will never yield to the official mandatory, at least for the true suffering of the Chinese to save memory, is the same as for the future freedom of the basis for China to save humanity.

对六四的遗忘,并非中华民族面对历史的唯一耻辱,事实上国人对本民族历史上发生过的多次大屠杀都鲜有真实而具体的记忆。 For 64 of the forgotten, not only the history of the Chinese nation, the face of shame, in fact, citizens of this nation's history occurred in several major massacres are seldom real and specific memories. 张献忠屠川,八旗兵血洗扬州,太平军血洗南京城,甚至对最为政治正确的南京大屠杀,当今的国人也没有多少具体的记忆。 Chang Hsien-chung Tu Chuan, the Eight Banners soldiers bloodbath Yangzhou, Nanjing Taiping bloodbath, and even the most "politically correct" Nanjing Massacre, today's citizens are not many specific memories.

特别是中共治下的五十多年,强制性的遗忘和篡改已经使中国近现代、当代的历史面目全非。 In particular, the Chinese Communists under the rule of 50 years, mandatory forgotten and tampering have made China's modern, contemporary history beyond recognition. 50 年代人,不知道中共曾经是苏共操控下的中国支部,不知道中共早期历史上的残酷内斗,不知道毛泽东是如何通过延安整风来确立党内的独尊地位,不知道抗日战 争、国共内战的真实历史;60年代人,不清楚镇反、三反五反、工商业改造、反右、大跃进、人民公社的历史;7080年代人,搞不清文革浩劫的真相,对八 九运动和六四大屠杀所知寥寥。 50 years who do not know if the Chinese Communists had been under the control of the Chinese branch of the CPSU did not know the early history of Communist China's brutal infighting, do not know how Mao Zedong in Yan'an Rectification Movement to establish the status of the party's only use I do not know anti-Japanese war, the true history of the Chinese civil war; 60 years who do not know the town of trans, three anti-5 anti-, business transformation, Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Leap Forward, the history of the people's communes; 70-80 years who confuse the truth of the Cultural Revolution disaster of 89 Movement and the "64" little known massacre. 我相信,如果中共长期执政,新旧世纪之交的一代人,也不会知道法轮功是怎么回事。 I believe that if the CPC long-term power, the old and new generation at the turn of the century, did not know how Falun Gong is going on.

我们这个受尽专制制度之害的民族,之所以至今,仍然在懦弱而健忘的人性泥潭中弋尾,还自以为中国正在崛起为世界强国,自以为过着贫嘴张大民式的幸福生活,独裁者的强制灌输固然是首要原因,但是所谓的精英们的帮忙和帮闲也要负共谋的罪责。 We are the victims of the system suffered from authoritarian nation, the reason why now, is still weak and forgetful of the human quagmire Yi Mei, also thinks that China is emerging as a world power, thinking that living a "Garrulous Zhang Damin" type of happy life , the dictator's coercive indoctrination of course, is the primary cause, but the so-called elites should be held hack the help and complicity in crimes. 正是权力、金钱和知识的结盟,才使民众无法知道独裁制度的真相。 It is power, money and knowledge, alliances, only to let the people do not know the truth of dictatorship.

对于一个民族来说,记忆对遗忘的抗拒,首先是知识精英的良知对强权的抗拒。 For a nation, forgotten memories of the resistance, above all, the conscience of intellectual elite of the power of resistance. 否则的话,我们非但无法把六四大屠杀的真相、进而把独裁制度的罪恶变成民众的历史常识,也无法防止类似大悲剧的重演。 Otherwise, we are not only unable to "64," the truth of the Holocaust, and then put into a dictatorship of the evil people in the history of common sense, can not prevent a similar tragedy repeating itself. 难道中国历史在专制下恶性循环的时间还不够长吗? Is Chinese history under the vicious cycle of dictatorship is not enough time to long?

著名自由主义思想家阿克顿勋爵说:自由是良知的统治得以成长的条件。自由就是让良知来指导我们的行为,自由就是良知的主宰。而当自由还没有到来,特别是当争取自由的运动被暂时镇压下去之后,积极争取自由就是良知的觉醒。 Well-known liberal thinker, Lord Acton, said: "Freedom is the rule of conscience to grow conditions. Freedom is to make conscience to guide our actions, freedom is the master of the conscience." And when freedom has not yet come, especially when the fight for freedom The movement was temporarily suppressed after an active struggle for freedom is the awakening of conscience. 所以,为八九运动的正义性辩护就是为普世的人权和良知辩护,见证六四真相就是为无辜死难者守灵并祈祷,用民间记忆抗拒官方的强制遗忘就是为中国人争取自由的斗争、为我们这个历尽苦难的民族,保存记忆和良知。 Therefore, in order to defend the justice of the movement 89 is to defend universal human rights and conscience to witness, "64" truth is for the innocent victims of the vigils and prayers, an official with the civil society to resist the compulsory forgotten memory is for the Chinese people struggle for freedom struggle, going through the suffering of our peoples, to save memory and conscience.

所以,在当下中国,对于恢复民族的真实记忆和寻求历史正义来说,在官方不准记忆、不准祭奠的压制下,致力于民间见证几乎就是唯一途径。 Therefore, in contemporary China, and for the restoration of the national search for the true memory and historical justice, the official are not allowed to remember, are not allowed to pay homage to the repression, the commitment to civil society is almost the only way to witness. 也正是在这种只能寄希望于民间见证的背景下,天安门母亲的顽强存在和不断扩大,乃当下中国最高贵人性的表达。 It was also during this witness can only hope that civil society against the backdrop of the Tiananmen Mothers indomitable presence and continued expansion is an elegant contemporary China's top sexual expression. 她们的见证,在呼唤着、激励着中国民间的良知力量的同时,也在正告现政权的独裁寡头们:在当今世界,灭绝人性的暴行决不能畅通无阻。 Their testimony was calling to inspire the conscience of the Chinese people the power, it is also tell the current dictatorial regime oligarchs: In today's world, the inhuman atrocities must not be free from obstruction. 尽管,独裁者们握有强大的国家机器、主要的社会资源和制度化的暴力手段,而天安门母亲仅仅是无权无势的群体,然而,她们仅仅靠孩子的遗嘱、靠亲人们鲜血的滋养,靠她们自身的母爱、良知、勇气,就为这个多灾多难的民族保存了走向敬重生命和自由民主的希望。 Although, the dictator who holds a powerful state apparatus, the main social resources and institutionalized violence, while the Tiananmen Mothers is just powerless groups, however, they simply rely on the child's will, nourished by the blood of loved ones and rely on their own maternal love, conscience, courage, respect for the troubled nation to save toward a respect for life and the hope of freedom and democracy.

所以,在第十六个六四祭日来临时,我要再次公开表达我对天安门母亲的敬意和支持:如果说,八九运动和六四大屠杀需要纪念馆,无辜亡灵们需要纪念碑,那么,在还不允许建立纪念馆和树立纪念碑的当下大陆,天安门母亲们的见证和寻找,就是在为纪念馆和纪念碑的最终落成奠基。” Therefore, in the sixteenth 64 memorial day approaches, I would like to again publicly express my respect and support of the Tiananmen Mothers: "If we say that 89 sports and 64 require the Holocaust Memorial Museum, innocent souls who need the monument, then, also allowed the establishment of the memorial and the memorial to be erected for the moment the mainland, the Tiananmen mothers testimony and find, that is, for the final completion of the memorial and memorial foundation. "

2005年5月17于北京家中 May 17, 2005 in Beijing at home

孩子的遗嘱由母亲完成—“六四十六周年祭全文完博 (The child's will be completed by the mother - "64" 16 anniversary of Full End Bo

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

17.六四的赔偿正义——六四十七年祭 17. 64 compensation and justice -六四十七年Festival

六四的赔偿正义——六四十七年祭 64 compensation and justice -六四十七年Festival

十七年了,六四冤魂还只能在黑暗中呻吟,我也只能在没有自由的黑暗中独自等待,等待着时针指向六四凌晨,等待着祭日降临。 Seventeen years, and 64 innocent people could only groan in the dark, I can only in the absence of freedom in the dark alone, waiting for the clock points to 64 midnight, waiting for the memorial day comes.

十七年了,丁子霖老师的儿子蒋捷连被罪恶的子弹射杀时,正好十七岁。 Seventeen years, and the teacher's son, Jiang Jie Ding Zilin was evil even when shooting bullets, just 17 years old. 每当祭日,天安门母亲们都要祭拜儿子的亡灵,香港的维多利亚公园都会亮起烛光,世界各地也点燃烛火。 Whenever the memorial day, the Tiananmen Mothers have to worship the souls of his son, Hong Kong's Victoria Park will be lit candles, candle lit over the world.

十七年来,天安门母亲遭遇到种种不公正的对待,但她们却为见证历史和讨还公正始终没有停止过抗争。 Seventeen years, the Tiananmen Mothers encounter all kinds of unfair treatment, but they are as a witness to history, and recovers the fair has never stopped the fight.

今年六四,不能不提周国聪的名字。 This year 64, can not but mention the name of Zhou Cong. 这位年仅十五岁少年,在198966被逮捕,关押在成都市宁夏街派出所内,第二天就满身伤痕地死于看守所内并被火化。 The only 15 year-old boy, in the June 6, 1989 was arrested and detained in Chengdu Ningxia Street Police Station, the next day covered with wounds to die from detention centers and was cremated. 在我看来,他不是死于街头而是被活活打死在派出所内,如此暴行甚至比死于戒严部队的枪口下更为残忍。 In my opinion, he did not die on the streets but were beaten to death inside the police station, so even than died in the atrocities at gunpoint by martial law troops even more fierce.

尽管,直到十七年后的今天,我才知道这个十五岁少年,但周国聪的名字已经刻在历史墓碑上。 Although, until seventeen years later, I did know that this 15 year-old boy, but Zhou Cong's name has been engraved in the history tombstone.

年来,周国聪的母亲唐德英女士从未停止过上访,在黄琦先生和他创办的中国第一家人权维权网站《天网》的帮助下,今年425,她终于得到当地政府给予的一笔七万元的困难补助 For 17 years, mother of Miss Tang Deying Zhou Cong never stopped petitioning, in Mr. Huang Qi, and he founded China's first Human Rights Defenders website "Sky Net" with the help of April 25 this year, she has finally been given a sum of local government 70 thousand yuan of "difficult subsidies."

这个个案,既是女士的持之以恒所取得的有限实效,也凸现了政府在六四问题上的投石问路。 This case is both Ms Tang's consistently achieved limited results, it also highlights the Government's 64 on the issue of testing the waters.

一对民间维权的意义 The significance of a pair of civil rights protection

,在民间维权上,低调坚持和高调抗争可以相互配合、相得益彰,但最重要的是持之以恒,韧性的抗争比一时的慷慨更艰难、也更有效。 1, in the civil rights protection, the low-profile high-profile fight can be adhered to and complement each other, complement each other, but the most important thing is perseverance, toughness of the fight more difficult than the generosity of the moment, but also more effective. 难属们的人道维权可以低调,但必须具有足够的耐心和坚忍,天安门母亲如此,女士亦如此。 These movements were the humanitarian activist can be a low-key, but it must have enough patience and perseverance, the Tiananmen Mothers so, Ms Tang is all about.

,维权要注重实效。 2, safeguard their rights to be pragmatic. 比如,在六四问题上,从人道角度而非政治角度切入维权活动,既具有更广泛的道义涵盖面,又可以降低政治敏感性,因而能取得一定的实效,未尝不是一条先易后难的道路。 For example, in 64 issues, from a humanitarian point of view rather than a political point of cut into the rights protection activities, both with more extensive coverage of the moral, but also can reduce the political sensitivity, which can achieve a certain degree of effectiveness, might well be the easier one first, road. 对于更广义的民间维权而言,维权者既要坚持不畏风险的道义伦理,也要信守注重实效的责任伦理。 For more generalized civil rights protection, the defenders it is necessary to insist on defying the risk of moral ethics, but also the ethical responsibility to abide by results-oriented. 固然,当下中国的民间维权,要想取得点可见的成效很不容易,但这并不是只重道义而不重效果的理由。 To be sure, the moment of China's civil rights protection, in order to get points, visible results is not easy, but it is not only a moral but not re-emphasis on effects of reasons.

,多方协同的个案维权。 3, multi-party cases together activists. 近年来,大陆民间维权的主要模式,是围绕着个案的民间动员、舆论救济和法律援助。 In recent years, mainland China's main mode of civil rights protection is to mobilize civil society around the case, public opinion relief and legal aid. 其中,各界知名人士、体制内外的媒体和维权律师的参与,助力尤大。 Among them, celebrities, media and activists inside and outside the institutional participation of lawyers, help particularly great. 刘狄案、孙志刚案、杜导斌案、孙大午案、程益中案、李柏光案、朱久虎案、冰点案等,皆是证明。 Liu Di case, the Sun Zhigang case, the Du case, the Sun Dawu case, Cheng Yizhong case, Li Baiguang case, Zhu Hisatora case, the freezing point and so on, all to prove.

,在官方的意识形态衰落和民间权利意识觉醒、统治效力下降和民间维权高涨的今天,官权镇压的残暴性也随之大幅度下降。 4, the decline in the official ideology and civil rights consciousness, decreased the effectiveness of the rule and civil rights protection is high today, official brutal suppression of the right to also will be dropped significantly. 所以,勇敢竞赛是相对容易的维权,而实效竞赛才是最有难度的维权。 Therefore, the "brave race" is relatively easy to safeguard their rights, and "effective competition" is the most difficult human rights activists. 实效的取得不仅需要个人勇敢,还需要群体合作,需要操作智慧、协调能力和韧性。 The effectiveness of the acquisition requires not only personal courage, but also groups of cooperation, we need operational intelligence, coordination ability and toughness. 基于民间维权的长远发展的大局考虑,唯有不断地取得实效和成功案例的点滴累积,民间维权方能持续地增强感召力和凝聚力,吸引更多的人加入维权;也才能带来维权经验的累积,推动民间维权走向成熟。 Long-term development of civil rights protection based on the overall consideration, the only constant access to effective and successful cases accumulated bit by bit, civil rights protection can only continue to enhance the attraction and cohesion, and to attract more people to join the defenders; also can bring activist experience accumulation, promote civil rights protection to mature.

二政权无法绕过六四问题 Two regimes can not bypass the problem 64

从政权的角度讲,无论谁当政,六四问题都是躲不过去的,拖得越久、欠债越多,十七年的拖延已经足够漫长,难道还要一拖再拖! From the regime's point of view, regardless of who is in power, 64 issues are squarely in the sights go, the longer the delay, the more debt, seventeen years of delays have been long enough, can still dragging its feet! 现在,制造六四大屠杀的两个元凶,邓小平已经死了九年,李鹏也已经下台。 Now, manufacturing 64 massacre two culprits, Deng Xiaoping had died nine years, Li has also stepped down. 现政权高层与六四没有直接瓜葛,只要想在政治上有所作为,必定会考虑着手解决六四问题。 High-current regime is not directly anything to do with the 64, as long as would like to make a difference in politics will consider to address 64 questions. 谁能主动而稳妥地解开六四之结,谁就会赢得国内外的尊敬,在历史上留下美誉。 Who can take the initiative and securely untie the knot 64, who will have gained respect at home and abroad, leave a good reputation in history.

在此意义上,周国聪案的解决方式颇有点投石问路的意味——如何以最小的政权代价换取最大的政权收益。 In this sense, the case of Zhou Cong solution rather point testing the waters of the means - how to minimize the cost of the regime in exchange for the greatest power gains. 因为,在六四这个高度敏感的政治问题上,如果没有得到高层的允许或授意,四川地方当局是断断不敢为的。 Because, in 64 highly sensitive political issue, if the level has not been permitted or inspired, Sichuan, where authorities are definitely not for the. 在此个案中,我理解并尊重女士的选择,但我无法容忍官权对冤魂的亵渎和对难属的胁迫! In this case, I understand and respect the choice of Ms Tang, but I can not tolerate the desecration of official right on innocent people and these movements of coercion!

,政府选择成都死难者而不是北京死难者,选择死于派出所的周国聪而不是戒严部队枪口下的死者,显然是精心选择后才抛出的试探气球。 1, the Government chose Chengdu, Beijing, rather than the victims of the victims who died in the police station, Chou Chung choice rather than the martial law troops who died at gunpoint, apparently thrown carefully selected after a trial balloon. 因为,周国聪之死与大多数六四死难者具有微妙的差别,周之死不属于当街屠杀的罪恶而属于警察机关的罪过。 Because, Zhou Cong's death with the majority of 64 victims of a subtle difference in weeks of the massacre would never belong to the evil streets belonging to the police authorities sins.

,政府选择个体性的影响小的唐德英女士,而不选择群体性的影响大的天安门母亲中的某位难属,显然是为了降低这次投石问路的舆论效应。 2, the Government chose individuals of low-impact Miss Tang Deying, rather than select groups of high-impact of the Tiananmen Mothers in certain these movements, apparently in order to reduce the effect of testing the waters of public opinion. 虽然,唐德英女士的诉求与六四难属群体大同小异,但她的人道维权毕竟是个体抗争而不是天安门母亲的群体抗争;虽然,女士与天安门母亲一样,也坚持了长达十七年的抗争,但她的曝光率远远低于天安门母亲。 Although Miss Tang Deying the aspirations of these movements and groups of 64 or less the same, but her human rights protection, after all, is an individual, rather than protest the Tiananmen Mothers group protests; While Ms Tang and the Tiananmen Mothers, as also insisted that as long as seventeen years of resistance , but her exposure is far lower than the Tiananmen Mothers. 在她与当地政府达成此项协议之前,她本人和她的冤死儿子并没有进入公共舆论,也就没有广泛的国内外影响。 In her reach this agreement with the local government, she herself and her son, killed unjustly, and there is no access to public opinion, there is no impact of a wide range of domestic and foreign.

,政府在投石问路的方式上也颇为狡猾,七万元的付出,不是以补偿赔偿的名义而是以困难补助的名义,显然是为了避免补偿赔偿所蕴含的罪错意义。 3, in the way testing the waters is also quite cunning, and 70,000 yuan to pay, not a "compensation" or "compensation" but in the name of "difficult subsidies" in the name, apparently to avoid the "compensation" and "compensation "The implied meaning of the crime wrong. 困难补助的名义,意在凸现这笔钱的救济性质,而非政府因犯有罪错而必须给予受害者的赔偿。 The "difficult subsidies" in the name of the money was intended to highlight the "charity" rather than the government guilty of committing the wrong and must be given to the victim compensation.

,政府开出了给钱的先决条件——“立据保证息诉,显然是为了花钱封口。 4, the Government sets out a precondition for giving money - "guaranteed interest rate v. deed", apparently to spend money on sealing. 这种签署正式协议的方式,就是为了让女士保证不再进行任何意义上的追诉。 This formal agreement signed by the way, is to allow Ms Tang promised not to make any sense of the prosecution.

综合以上四点,政府选择以困难补助的方式了结周国聪案,可以大大弱化此案的政治象征意义;如果试探的连锁效应是许多六四难属的跟进,政府很可能私下里推广这一模式。 These four points, the Government chooses to "difficult subsidy" approach to settle the case of Zhou Cong, we can greatly weaken the case of political symbolism; if tentative knock-on effect is that many of these movements of the 64 follow-up, the Government is likely to promote the private a model. 因为,这一模式最符合现政权六四以来形成的危机处理方式:花钱买稳定、以经济代价换取政治利益。 Because this model most consistent with the current regime has taken shape since the 64 crisis management approach: pay the price stability and economic costs in exchange for political interests. 而且,如果这一模式作为六四问题的第一步能够推广开来,也就达到了以最小的政权代价换取最大的政权收益的目的。 Moreover, if this model as a 64 the first step to promote the opening years, also reached "a minimum price regime in exchange for the largest power income" purposes.

三六四问题上的赔偿正义 364 Justice on the issue of compensation for

在我看来,政权处理周国聪案的方式太不人道、太不公正。 In my opinion, power to handle the case of Zhou Cong way too inhumane and too unjust. 因为,采取这种方式,是企图利用自身的绝对强势地位来投机取巧,既不公布周国聪的死亡真相,也没有向难属公开认错和表达歉意,反而仅以七万元困难补助换取难属的签字画押保证不再追诉,等于要难属放弃依法索赔权,也就是用金钱来封口 Because such an approach is an attempt to use its own absolute position of strength to opportunistic, neither Zhou Cong announced the death of truth, nor to publicly apologize and express regret these movements, but only 70,000 yuan "difficult subsidies" in exchange for these movements signature initialed to ensure no prosecution had to prove these movements to give up the right to claim according to the law, that is, money to "seal." 所以,政府这次投石问路,根本的出发点与正义无关,而仅仅基于政权利益。 Therefore, the Government this time testing the waters, the basic starting point has nothing to do with justice, but just based on the regime's interests. 如果政府只想以周国聪模式来解决六四问题,而没有基于普世道义的政治性和法律性的解决方案,那么,这一模式的意义,也就仅止于投石问路而已,不可能得到绝大多数难属和社会舆论的认同,也就无法作为解决六四问题和达成官民和解的最初步骤。 If the Government wants to do to solve the 64 Zhou Cong model problem, and not based on universal moral political and legal solution, then the significance of this model, also limited to just testing the waters, it is impossible to be an overwhelming Most of these movements and public opinion, the recognition will not be able to solve the 64 problems and reach a settlement of the first steps officials and the public.

,太廉价的经济付出。 1, too cheap to pay the economy. 即便从六四难属的最低要求——只求经济赔偿而不求罪责追究——来讲,七万元买断一个冤魂也是过于便宜,绝大多数难属决不会接受。 Even if the minimum requirements for these movements from the 64 - Zhiqiu pursue financial compensation instead of seeking guilt - is concerned, buy a 70,000 yuan innocent people is also very cheap, the vast majority of these movements will never accept. 1995 11开始施行的《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》第二十八条第三项规定:造成死亡的,应当支付死亡赔偿金、丧葬费,总额为国家上年度职工年平均工资的 二十倍。对死者生前扶养的无劳动能力的人,还应当支付生活费。已经拖延了17年的六四赔偿,即便放弃十七年追诉所付出的物质的和精神的赔偿,起码应该按 照今天的工资标准赔偿。 January 1, 1995 which came into use, "The People's Republic of China State Compensation Law," 28th Article No. 3 provides that: "to cause death, it shall pay compensation for death, funeral expenses, the total amount for the state last year, the average annual wage of workers in 2 times. dependent on the deceased who are unable to work, but also should pay the cost of living. "has dragged on for 17 years, 64 compensation, even if the prosecution to give up seventeen years paid compensation for material and spiritual, at least, according to Today's wage compensation. 《中华人民共和国国家统计局公告》2006年第3号公布:2005年全国城镇单位在岗职工年平均工资为18405 元,赔偿费是36万元。 "The People's Republic of China National Bureau of Statistics Bulletin," 2006 No. 3, published: 2005-the-job workers in urban units nationwide average annual wage of 18,405 yuan, compensation fee is 360,000 yuan. 即便再降低标准,比照矿难死者的国赔偿标准,政府现在已经把矿难死者的赔偿标准提高到了20万元。 Even further lowering of standards, mutatis mutandis, the deceased's country mine compensation standards, the Government is now standard of compensation to the dead mine increased to 200,000 yuan. 而一个冤死于政府屠杀下的生命却只值七万元,未免太不公平了。 The one killed unjustly, under the government massacre of the value of the life of only 70,000 yuan, a bit unfair.

,封口费全无正义。 2, sealing fees no justice. 假定政府具有解决六四问题的诚意,而且是基于社会稳定的考虑而采取先易后难的处理方式,那么,无论采取何种方式对难属进行经济补偿,政府都不应该附加任何先决条件。 Assume that the government has the sincerity to solve 64 problems, but is based on considerations of social stability and the easier to take the first approach, then, no matter what way these movements for economic compensation, the Government should not impose any prerequisites. 静悄悄的赔偿可以接受,但把立据保证息诉作为给予补偿的先决条件,完全有违起码的赔偿正义。 Quiet compensation acceptable, but the "guaranteed income v. deed" as a prerequisite for compensation is entirely contrary to the minimum compensation for justice. 中共政权至今还维持对八九运动的错误定性,已经是错上加错和罪上加罪。 The Chinese Communist regime still maintain the 89 sports wrong definition, is already a mistake, and Zuishangjiazui. 如果政府连迟到了十七年的赔偿正义都不准备兑现,那么就根本谈不上六四问题的公正解决。 If the Government does not even seventeen years late for the compensation and justice are not prepared to honor, it is less than 64 a just solution to the problem.

,生命无价,特别是被政府屠杀的生命,只要政府不公开承担罪责并还死者以公正,那么,经济补偿无论多高,哪怕大大高于七万元,六四问题也不可能以金钱换真相,补偿换正义的私了方式解决。 3, life is priceless, especially the life of the massacre by the government as long as the government does not publicly accept blame and also the dead in a just, then no matter how high economic compensation, even if much higher than 70,000 yuan, 64 the problem can not be with " Money for the truth, compensation for justice "compounding manner. 因为,六四作为备受国内外关注的巨大公共灾难,受害者对真相和公正的诉求高于对经济补偿的诉求。 Because, 64 as much attention to the huge public disaster at home and abroad, the victims of the demands of truth and justice higher than that of the demands of economic compensation.

六四作为转型时期中国无法摆脱的重负,也越来越构成中共政权的沉重包袱,太需要基于和解善意和政治远见的渐进而务实的解决。 64 as a transition period China can not get rid of the burden, are also increasingly constitute a heavy burden on the Chinese Communist regime, too need to be based reconciliation, good will and political vision of a progressive and pragmatic solutions. 只要政府具有解决问题的诚意,谁也不会天真地要求一步到位的解决。 As long as the government has the sincerity to solve the problem, who are not so naive as to ask one-stop solution. 比如,天安门母亲的长期抗争,完全是本着爱的善意和法治精神,本着温和、渐进、宽容,她们从未采取过激进的行动,从未提出过激的要求,也从未使用过咬牙切齿的言词,而是以文明驯服野蛮。 For example, the Tiananmen Mothers of the long-term struggle is entirely in line with the spirit of love, goodwill and the rule of law, in line with moderate, progressive, tolerant, they have never taken aggressive action, has never put forward radical demands, but also never used collective gnashing of teeth words, but rather tame and civilized barbarism. 所以,解决六四问题,无论如何渐进、务实和灵活,政府最终也绕不过下列公开程序:A,与六四受害者推选的代表进行平等的对话;B,独立调查并公布六四真相;C,公开表达知错认罪和道歉正名;D,依法追究罪责和进行国家赔偿。 So, to solve 64 problems, in any case a progressive, pragmatic and flexible, the Government has finally around the open procedures, but the following: A, with 64 elected representatives of the victims of the dialogue on an equal footing; B, 64 independent investigations and publish the truth; C openly express admitted the mistake and apologize to name the guilty plea; D, shall be prosecuted for crimes and conduct of state compensation.

十七年了,每年的这个日子,中国都会陷于恐怖政治的笼罩之下,六四难属无法公开祭奠亲人的亡灵,类似我这样的敏感人士都会被警察站岗;全中国的所有媒体都会禁止六四一词的出现。 Seventeen years, and every year this day, China will be trapped in the shadow of terror politics under 64 these movements can not openly pay homage to the souls of their loved ones, such as I have such a "sensitive person" will be the police standing guard; whole of China, all media will be prohibition of "64" is to happen. 在此意义上,中共政权一直处在六四的阴影之下。 In this sense, the communist regime has been in the shadow of 64. 所以,与其在每年的六四祭日里陷于严加防范的恐惧之中,延续老罪恶并制造新罪恶,不如通过尽快解决六四问题的明智决策,解脱恐惧,打破僵局,开创历史——开启社会和解的局面,进而让世界看到一个消除了恐怖的中国。 Therefore, instead of 64 during the annual memorial day trapped inside guard against the fear of crime and to create a new continuation of the old evil, it is better to solve 64 problems as quickly as possible through the wisdom of the decision-making, free of fear, to break the deadlock and create history - to open the community settlement situation, and then let the world see an elimination of terror in China.

首发《民主中国》2006530) May 29, 2006 in Beijing at home (starting "democratic China" May 30, 2006)

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17.六四暗夜中的百合花——六四十七周年祭 17. 64 in the dark night lily - the anniversary of Liusishiqi

六四暗夜中的百合花——六四十七周年祭 Lily 64 in the dark night - the anniversary of Liusishiqi

已经十七年了又是六四祭日又是恐怖黑夜降临 Have been seventeen years of the 64 memorial day is also a night of terror come

一个年轻的生命 The life of a young

活生生的瞬间变成枯叶挂在初露的霞光上 Moment into a living dead leaves hanging in the burst on the scene of the Xiaguang

压抑了太久秘密的预谋和残忍的屠杀仍然被禁闭在堂皇的黑洞中看不见的伤口突然被撕裂的思想讲述坟墓中的故事 Long suppressed secret of the premeditated and brutal killing is still confined to the black hole in the grand invisible wounds torn suddenly thought about the story of the grave

我的目光伤痕累累无法笔直地注视无数曲折之后在黑暗里偶尔闪亮洞彻荒芜 My eyes followed the scars can not be straight after numerous twists and turns shining in the dark an occasional barren Dongche

感谢妻子刘霞每年六月四日她都会带一束白色百合回家今年她带回十七枝百合 June 4 every year to thank his wife, Liu Xia will do her best to go home with a bunch of white lilies lily this year, she was brought back to 17

黑夜中的百合花点缀着亡灵的原野白色的百合亮着绽开的花瓣亮着挺拔的绿叶亮着淡淡的花香亮着是祭奠也是忏悔 Night in the dead of the wilderness dotted with lily-white lily blooming petals lit lit lit upright green leaves is a faint floral lit memorial also of repentance

死不瞑目的眼睛唯一的洁白和闪亮刺穿整个民族的精神黑暗 Wasted step in only white and shining eyes piercing the dark spirit of the whole nation

被禁闭在黑暗中的百合花是亡灵之光打开我的灵魂看见母亲们看见维多利亚公园里看到世界各地为亡灵们点燃的烛火 Were confined in the dark souls of the lily is light to open my soul to see mothers who saw the Victoria Park to see the world lit by candlelight for the souls of their

在失去自由的日子里百合花陷入黑暗犹如时间与亡灵们对话洁白为亡灵点燃的祈祷之火凝视灼热并照亮我 Deprived of liberty, the days of lily plunged into darkness as if time and the souls of the deceased were white and the dialogue of prayer for the souls of lit the fire and lit my gaze burning

渴望自由的人死去亡灵却活在反抗中逃避自由的人活着灵魂却死于恐惧中 Dead souls who thirst for freedom but freedom to live in resistance to the escape of persons living soul has died of fear

面对绝对空无面对野蛮的劫掠有一种坚韧巍然不动犹如从内心取走一束光照亮一条路 The face of absolute emptiness there is a face of the barbaric looting resilience towering removed from the heart does not move like a beam of light illuminates a path

2006年5月24于北京家中(《观察》首发2006年5月30) May 24, 2006 in Beijing at home (the "observation" starting May 30, 2006)

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

18.天安门母亲的诉求与转型正义——“六四”十八年祭 18. Tiananmen Mothers demand and transitional justice - "64," Eighteen years Festival

天安门母亲的诉求与转型正义——“六四十八年祭 The demands of the Tiananmen Mothers and transitional justice - "64," Eighteen years Festival

在六四后长达十八年的时间里,尽管官权的压制和社会的冷漠从来没有离开过天安门母亲,但这个经常必须面对恐怖政治的六四难属群体,从未放弃过抗争,也从未软化过立场。 In the 64 eighteen years after the long period of time, despite the officer the right to suppress and social apathy never left the "Tiananmen Mothers", but this often have to face the horror of 64 these movements and political groups, has never given up protest, nor has it softened its position known. 无论独裁者们多么冷血,也无论大众多么麻木,她们执着地替坟墓中亡灵们伸冤,用母爱化解仇恨,用勇气抗拒野蛮,用耐心较量漫长的等待,用不辞辛苦的寻访拒绝强制性遗忘,用一个个案例解开大屠杀的真相、戳穿谎言化的生存。 No matter how much their cold-blooded dictator, and no matter how numb the public, they are dedicated to the souls who seek redress for the grave, with motherly love to overcome hatred, with the courage to resist the savage, with the patience to wait a long battle with painstaking searching for refusing compulsory forgotten, cases with an unlock the truth of the Holocaust, expose the lies of survival.

首 先,她们坚持寻访六四死难者、揭示屠杀真相、进行人道救济,先后出版了《六四受难者名册》(1994年)、《见证屠杀,寻求正义》(1999年)和《寻访 六四受难者》(2005年),对六四死难者进行了个体化具体化的记录,将中共大屠杀的罪恶细节化为一个个暴行,把一个个消失于暴政下的鲜活个体凸现在世界 面前。 First of all, they insist on searching for 64 dead, and reveal the truth about the massacre carried out humanitarian relief, has published "The 64 victims of register" (1994), "witness the massacre, to seek justice" (1999) and "look for Passion 64 persons "(2005), the 64 victims were individual specific records, will be the Chinese Communists into the details of the massacre of the evil one by one atrocity to disappear in a month live under the tyranny of the individual highlight before the world.

其次,她们以声明、上书、祭奠、光盘等形式为亡灵们讨还公道、为八九运动正名。 Secondly, they had a statement, petition, memorial, CD-ROMs and other forms pursue justice for the souls of the deceased who, for 89 sports rectification of names. 1994年到2007年,这个群体给中共两会的上书从未间断;从丁子霖夫妇的两人签名到128位难属签名,敢于公开站出来的难属逐年增加。 From 1994 to 2007, this group gave the government a letter to the two associations have never stopped; from Ding Zilin, the couple's two signature to 128 these movements signatures, dare to stand up in these movements every year. 尽管官方从未有过只言片语的正面回应,但难属群体持之以恒、决不放弃,直到六四问题得到公正解决的那一天到来。 While the official never had few words of a positive response, but these movements groups of persistent and never give up until the 64 issues have been a just solution to the day of arrival.

在中共掌权五十多年的历史上,惨烈的人权大灾难屡屡发生,土改、镇反、三反五反、反胡风、反右、大跃进、文革等政治运动,无辜死亡的国人以几千万计,受迫害者更是难以计算。 In the CCP came to power 50 years of history, the tragic human rights catastrophe recurring land reform, the town, three anti-5 anti-, anti-Hu Feng, Anti-Rightist Campaign, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and other political movements, the death of innocent people in order to tens of millions of dollars , victim is even more difficult to calculate. 但是,除了天安门母亲群体之外,在人权灾难发生后不久,还没有哪一个受难者能够形成一个不断壮大的群体,进行长期的抗争和人道救济,与劫难同步地搜集死难者见证。 However, the addition to the "Tiananmen Mothers" group, the Human Rights shortly after the disaster, but also that no one can form the victims of a growing group of long-term struggle and humanitarian relief, and the victims of the catastrophe simultaneously collect testimony. 这种抗争和见证,与国内民间对历次灾难的分散见证相比,无疑都是更完整、也更悲壮的事业。 This protest and witness, and domestic civil right to witness the dispersion compared to previous disasters, are no doubt a more complete and more tragic career.

奇怪是的,近年来网络上流行着一种观点,认为天安门母亲的反抗行动还不够勇敢,对一党独裁的认识也不彻底,他们特别以难属群体每年两会给中共上书为例,指责她们跪求共产党对共产党抱有幻想,仍然走不出共产党文化的阴影 It seems strange that, in recent years on the network popular with the view that "Tiananmen Mothers" brave resistance were not enough, for a one-party dictatorship is not a thorough understanding of their groups, with particular reference to these movements a letter to each of the two sessions to the Chinese Communists, for example, They blamed "Guiqiu the Communist Party", "illusions of the Communist Party," still "get out of the shadow of the Communist Party culture."

如果按照上述逻辑,那么凡是曾经上书的反抗者都有跪求独裁者之嫌。 If according to this logic, then any petition of the rebels who have "Guiqiu" dictator is suspected. 而在事实上,以个人名义或以群体名义上书独裁者是民间反抗的主要方式之一。 In fact, an individual or a group-name book dictator is one of the main ways of civil resistance. 比 如,前苏联持不同政见者沙哈罗夫60年代曾两次上书赫鲁晓夫,70年代又三次上书勃列日涅夫;波兰团结工会的灵魂人物、被称为波兰的甘地的米奇尼克也 写过《给党的一封公开信》;捷克民间反对派领袖哈维尔的《致捷克总统胡萨克的公开信》,已经成为无权者反抗共产极权的经典文本。 For example, the former Soviet dissident Shahaluofu 60 years had twice written to Khrushchev, then 70 years three times a letter to Brezhnev; the soul of the Polish Solidarity trade union, known as Poland's "Gandhi" in Michnik also written "An Open Letter to the Party"; opposition leader Vaclav Havel of the Czech people, "Czech President Husak addressed an open letter," has become the powerless against the communist totalitarian classic text.

浏览从1994年到2007天安门母亲的所有上书及所有公开的呼吁书,其核心内容可以概括为三项诉求和四大原则。 View from 1994 to 2007 "Tiananmen Mothers" and all in all a letter to public appeal, its core content can be summarized as three demands and the four principles. 三项诉求为:1,要求调查、公布六四真相;2,要求向受害者道歉、赔偿;3,要求对惨案责任者进行司法追究。 Three demands are: one calling for an investigation, publication, "64" truth; 2, demands an apology to the victims, compensation; 3, calls for massacre of those responsible to justice. 与此同时,天安门母亲在公开诉求中反复强调,六四问题的最终解决,既应该是一个正义得以伸张的过程,也应该是一个弥合官民裂痕、达成社会和解的过程。 Meanwhile, the Tiananmen Mothers in public appeals repeatedly stressed that "64" issue a final settlement, both should be a process of justice being done, it should be a bridge officials and the public rift, achieve social reconciliation process. 基于此,她们提出解决六四问题所应遵守四大原则: Based on this, they propose solutions to the problem of 64 shall be subject to four major principles:

,开放所有禁区的公开化原则。 1, open all the principles of the open restricted areas. 真相的澄清是解决历史冤案的前提,而唯有杜绝黑箱操作和幕后交易的公开化,才能带来真相的澄清,受害者的遭遇才能引起社会的关注,加害者的责任才能得到确定和追究,中国人的历史记忆才会完整。 To clarify the truth to solve the premise of historical grievances, but only to eliminate black-box operation and back-room deals in the open, can bring the truth to clarify, with the victims, in order to arouse the concern of the responsibility of perpetrators can be identified and prosecuted, Chinese people's historical memory be complete. 官方的六四档案和民间的六四调查,社会讨论和媒体报道,解决问题的过程和程序……都应该摊在阳光下。 The official 64 of the 64 investigation files and civil society discussed by the community and the media reports, problem-solving processes and procedures ... ... should be spread in the sun. 所以,一直以来,天安门母亲的首要诉求就是说出真相,拒绝遗忘,然后才是寻求正义,呼唤良知 Thus, all along, the primary demands of the Tiananmen Mothers is "tell the truth, refuse to forget", and then only "to seek justice call for conscience." 她 们表示:我们在六四问题上一直秉持公开化原则,明人不做暗事,一切都摊在桌面上。希望政府方面也能光明正大,同样把一切摊到桌面上,不遮遮掩掩,不在桌 子底下做手脚,更不要搞惯用的区别对待、分化瓦解。今年,她们给两会上书特别突出了公开真相的诉求,呼吁书的标题就是解除六四禁区,公开六四真相 They said: "We uphold the 64 issues has been the principle of openness,明人不做暗事, everything is spread on the table. Hope that the Government can also open and aboveboard, the same to all Tandao the desktop, not secretive do not mess about under the table, not to engage in the usual distinction, divide and disintegrate. "This year, they give two particularly prominent open letter to demand the truth and called the book's title is" lifting of 64 closed and open 64 Truth. " 她们既敦促执政当局解除六四禁区和公开六四档案,也呼吁当年运动的参加者、目击者、知情者说出真相。 They both urged the ruling authorities to lift the 64 closed and open 64 files, also called the year the movement of participants, witnesses, insiders tell the truth.

,平等协商、对话的民主原则。 2, equal consultation, dialogue and democratic principles. 天安门母亲认为,六四问题的解决,决不能是一党一派或某位领导人说了算,也不能由政府单方面做出决定,而是要遵循平等原则,通过政府与受害方及民间的协商对话,才能为六四问题的解决创建新制度的平台。 Tiananmen Mothers believed that 64 to resolve the problem must not be a party or a certain faction leaders have the final say and can not unilaterally make a decision by the government, but rather should follow the principle of equality, through the Government and the injured party and the private sector consultation and dialogue in order to solve the problem for the 64 to create the new system platform. 这种平等原则是对中国式平反昭雪的古老传统的否定。 This principle of equality is the rehabilitation of the ancient Chinese tradition of negation. 因为传统的平反昭雪,仍然是掌权者的单方面的自上而下的作为,是皇帝对臣民的恩赐。 Because the traditional rehabilitated are still those in power as a unilateral top-down, is the gift of the emperor of the subjects. 她 们要为死者讨还公道,但决不向当权者乞求,她们已经看清楚:中共当权者以往搞的那套愚弄人、作践人的所谓'平反昭雪'的虚伪游戏,不过是重复帝王时代的 一套作法。在中国漫长的皇权史上,皇帝老子杀错了人,或者由其本人、或者由其继任者给予'平反昭雪',以示'皇恩浩荡'。共产党在几十年里搞运动整人,一 次又一次地搞所谓'平反昭雪',然后是获'平反'者连同他们的亲属(包括死者亲属)感激涕零,诚惶诚恐,口口声声称颂共产党'英明''伟大'。几十年来 中国的黎民百姓已经为当政者这样的伪善和自己的愚昧付出了巨大的代价,难道还能让这样的历史延续下去吗。” They want to pursue justice for the dead, but never to beg those in power, they have become obvious: "The mainland authorities are engaged in the set of the past to fool people, insult people's so-called 'rehabilitated' the hypocrisy of the game, but repeating the Imperial Age a set of practices. in China's long imperial history, the emperor I kill the wrong person, or by himself, or his successor to give 'rehabilitated', to show 'infinite royal graciousness'. the Communist Party for decades engaged in sports the whole people, again and again engage in so-called 'rehabilitated', and then be 'rehabilitated' who, together with their relatives (including the deceased's relatives) feel grateful, fear and trepidation, always praise the Communist Party of 'wise', 'great'. For decades China's Lebanon's people have been those in power such as the hypocrisy and their own ignorance and paid a huge price, should also continue to do such a history. "

换言之,这样的平反,一方面是无条件地赦免了加害者及其旧政权,使其获得了重建合法性与继续独裁的政治资本;另一方面是要求受害者的感恩戴德,使其无法摆脱被奴役的地位。 In other words, such a vindication on the one hand is the unconditional pardon of the perpetrators and the old regime, it was authoritarian and continuing to rebuild the legitimacy of the political capital; the other hand, is to ask the victims deeply grateful, makes it impossible to get rid of slavery status. 结果只能是,独裁权力随时可能继续制造人权灾难,国民遭受迫害的悲剧随时可能卷土重来。 The results can only be yes, the autocratic power at any time is likely to continue creating a human rights catastrophe, the national tragedy of persecution may stage a comeback at any time. 比如,改革开放之初,右派们获得平反,但在其后的一系列意识形态整肃运动中,更在八九运动之后,许多获得平反的右派再次受到不同程度的迫害。 For example, the reform and opening up, the rightists were vindicated, but in the subsequent series of ideological purge of the movement, but also in 89 sports, many right-wing once again vindicated by the varying degrees of persecution. 所以,传统的平反昭雪,非但无助于新制度的建立,反而有助于旧制度的解套和巩固。 Therefore, the traditional rehabilitated, not only conducive to the establishment of the new system, it contributes to the old system of some sort of relief and consolidation.

,法治化原则。 3, the principle of rule of law. 用天安门母亲的话说就是政治问题法律解决 Tiananmen Mothers used the words "legal settlement of political issues." 解决六四问题,既不能是掌权者说了算的人治化方式,以防止青天开恩、臣民叩首的重演,也不能用发动群众运动的方式,以防止冤冤相报、以牙还牙、以暴易暴的多数暴政。 To solve 64 problems, neither is the way of those in power have the final say in the rule of man in order to prevent the blue sky show mercy Koushou repetition of subjects and can not be the way to launch a mass movement in order to prevent retribution, eye for an eye, violence and the tyranny of the majority. 无论是对受害人的补偿还是对加害者的追究,都应该纳入民主和法治的轨道,包括程序性的立法和司法,通过公正立法和公开司法程序来实现实质正义。 Whether the compensation to victims or the perpetrators of the right to pursue, should be incorporated into the track of democracy and the rule of law, including procedural, legislative and judicial, legislative and public through a fair judicial process to achieve substantive justice. 她 们申明:我们一贯主张,公正解决'六四'问题,必须秉持和平、理性的原则,纳入民主、法治的轨道。应由全国人大按法定程序把六四问题作为专项议案递 交大会讨论、审议,并就相关事宜作出决议。这个主张用一句话来概括,就是'政治问题法律解决'。我们认为,通过立法和司法程序来解决'六四'问题,是唯一 可行的。” They stated: "We have always maintained that a just solution '64' questions, we must uphold the peaceful, rational principles, into democracy, the rule of law track. By the National People's Congress in accordance with statutory procedures for the" 64 "issue as a special motion to the General Assembly to discuss to consider, and make its decisions on related matters. this idea can be summed up, that is, 'legal settlement of political issues'. We believe that through legislation and judicial procedures to resolve the '64' questions, is the only viable. "

,渐进解决原则。 4, progressive principles for a settlement. 基于中国的现实与转型路径的考虑,正如中国的社会转型以渐进方式进行一样,解开复杂的六四之结,也不可能是一步到位。 Based on China's reality and consider the transformation of the path, just as China's social transformation as a progressive way, untie the knot of complex 64, it is impossible in one step. 所以,天安门母亲提出解决六四问题的渐进方式——先易后难。 Therefore, the Tiananmen Mothers to solve 64 problems raised gradual approach - the easier issues first. 一方面,对于六四难属和其他受害者而言,难属维权是一个持之以恒的点滴积累的过程。 On the one hand, for these movements, and other 64 victims, these movements activist is a persistent and accumulate process. “ 只要通过持之以恒的韧性坚持,每一个被公开个案都是一次推动,也都是达成点滴积累的成果;只有不断积累的具体成果,才可能最终促成六四问题的公正而妥善的 解决。所以,她们支持和鼓励每个受害者就具体个案与政府有关部门进行协商对话,根据每个个案的具体情况提出各自的诉求;天安门母亲尊重其他受害者个人作 出的任何决定,乐见取得具体成效的个案——哪怕是极为有限的成效。 "As long as the toughness through the persistent insistence of each case are one-one has been publicly promoted, are also to reach and accumulate the results; only concrete results continue to accumulate only 64 may eventually contribute to a just and proper solution." So, They support and encourage each of the victims on specific cases, consultation and dialogue with the government departments concerned, according to the specific circumstances of each case to present their demands; Tiananmen Mothers to respect the other victims of individuals to make any decision, happy to see concrete results of the the case - even if it is a very limited success.

另一方面,对于政府而言,天安门母亲不奢望所有问题能在短期内获得一揽子解决,可以暂时搁置一时无法取得共识的政治定性问题,而首先解决一些涉及受害人基本权利和切身利益的问题。 On the other hand, for the Government, the Tiananmen Mothers do not expect that all problems can be a package solution in a short period, can temporarily set aside a time to reach a consensus can not be a political characterization of the problem, but first of all solve some of the victims involved in the fundamental rights and vital interests. 比 如,政府不再打压六四难属们的维权活动,撤销限制人身自由的监控,不再干涉死者亲属公开悼念自己的亲人和其他形式纪念六四的活动;政府不再干涉难属群体的 自我人道救助,解冻被扣押的来自国际社会的人道善款,对六四受害人提供就业、低保等基本生活保障,对一些生活困难的受害人给予人道救助,消除对六四伤残者 的政治歧视,与普通残疾人一视同仁。 For example, the government no longer suppress these movements were of the 64 activists, to remove restrictions on personal freedom, the control will no longer interfere with the public to remember their deceased relatives and other forms of activities to commemorate 64; the Government does not interfere with these movements groups of self - humanitarian relief, thawed detained humanitarian donations from the international community, the 64 victims of employment, guaranteeing the basic livelihood protection, for some problems in life to victims of humanitarian relief, the elimination of 64 disabled persons political discrimination, equal treatment of ordinary people with disabilities.

在我看来,如果把天安门母亲的这些诉求和原则说成是跪求共产党对共产党抱有幻想的话,那么六四问题的解决大概只剩下激进的暴力夺权方式。 In my view, if the Tiananmen Mothers and principles of these demands as "Guiqiu the Communist Party" or "harbor illusions about the Communist Party", then 64 is probably solve the problem of violence to seize power only a radical way. 即先用暴力推翻共产党,继而是刺刀下的大规模清洗。 Namely, first, the violent overthrow of the Communist Party, followed by a massive clean up under the bayonets. 而在二十一世纪的中国,坚持渐进的和平转型而反对一夜变天的暴力更迭,是为了从此结束数千年来以暴易暴的历史,特别是为了驯化崇尚枪杆子的中共政权。 In the twenty-first century China, adhere to the peaceful and gradual transformation of violence against the overnight change of weather change is to answer violence with violence for thousands of years from the end of history, in particular, in order to domesticated advocating "gun" of the Chinese Communist regime.

首先,中国从古至今的政权更迭全部是以暴易暴,至今也没有走出枪杆子里面出政权的怪圈。 First, China's ancient times to the regime change in all violence and so far there is no out of the "barrel of a gun inside a regime," the vicious circle. 因此,暴力革命即使偶然成功,也很难保证那些取而代之的人不走独裁的老路。 Therefore, even if occasionally violent revolution succeeds, it is difficult to ensure that those who do not take the place of the old dictatorship. 正 如米奇尼克在《狱中书简》中所言:相信通过革命来推翻党的专制,既不现实又很危险。他还说:妥协哲学是一种认可犹豫的哲学。相比之下,激进主义的、 革命的、煽动的和暴力的哲学,采取了更为简单容易的途径,正如我已经解释过的,它导向断头台而非民主。”“不管谁运用暴力赢得了权力他必须用暴力维护权 力。……最终导向集中营。” As Michnik in the "Prison Letters" and said: "I believe that through the revolution to overthrow the tyranny of the party, neither the reality also brings a danger." He added: "compromise philosophy is a philosophy of hesitation accepted. In contrast , radicalism, revolutionary, incitement and violence, philosophy, adopted a more simple and easy way, as I have already explained, it guided the guillotine rather than democracy. "" No matter who won the power to use violence, he must use violence to maintain power. ... ... eventually leading to concentration camps. "

其次,世界已经进入二十一世纪,人类已经意识到了暴力革命的社会代价过于高昂,已经成为非常落伍的政权更迭方式。 Second, the world has entered the twenty-first century, mankind has been aware of the violent revolution of the social cost is too high, has become a very outdated way of regime change. 而非暴力转型,既符合人类文明的道义准则,也符合社会发展的效益原则,所以才能越来越成为大势所趋的世界潮流。 The non-violent transformation, consistent with the moral norms of human civilization, but also in line with the benefits of social development principles, in order to increasingly become the trend of the world trend. 具体到从专制社会过渡到民主社会,每个国家大都会碰到激进与渐进之争,也都要面对如何实现转型正义的难题。 Specific to the transition from an authoritarian society to a democratic society, every country met the radical and progressive metropolis battle, but also must face the realization of transitional justice problem.

显然,六四问题是中国转型正义之结,解开这个政治之结,需要社会各界的努力。 Clearly, the 64 issue is China's transitional justice knot, untie the knot of the political requires community effort. 在所有社会力量中,由于受害者群体的诉求最具道义正当性,所以受害者的态度和作为将具有举足轻重的作用。 In all social forces, because of the demands of the victim groups of the most moral legitimacy, so the attitude of the victim, and as will have a pivotal role. 从天安门母亲群体提出的三项诉求和四大原则中,我已经看到了这个群体对于转型正义态度:解决六四问题,不仅是平反历史冤案、清算历史罪恶和受害者赔偿等诉求,更是最大限度地减少转型中的社会动荡和社会成本,为新制度建立和巩固提供所需要的社会秩序。 From the Tiananmen Mothers group put forward three demands and the four principles, I have seen the attitude of this group for Transitional Justice: Solving 64 problems, is not only a vindication of historical injustice, clearing history of crime and victim compensation demands, but also is the largest in transition to reduce the limits of social unrest and social costs, for the establishment and consolidation of the new system to provide the required social order.

她们提出的三项诉求,皆为转型正义的题中应有之义。 They put forward three demands are all run transitional justice in the proper meaning of the title. 调查和公布真相是解决历史冤案的前提,向受害者道歉和赔偿是补偿正义的实现,对罪错责任者的追究是惩罚正义的实现。 Investigate and publish the truth is a prerequisite for settlement of historical grievances, to compensate the victim an apology and compensation for the realization of justice for crimes be investigated is wrong to punish those responsible for the realization of justice. 没有真相,罪错及其责任者无从确定,追究罪责也就无从谈起;没有道歉和赔偿与对罪错责任者的追究,宽容与和解就失去了前提,转型正义也就是一句空话。 There is no truth, and those responsible for misconduct in no way to determine and hold the guilt does not arise; no apology and compensation with the accountability of those responsible for the crime of wrong, tolerance and reconciliation will lose the premise, transitional justice is an empty talk.

天安门母亲们不可能喜欢杀死她们的儿子的政权,她们对刽子手的仇恨决不次于任何受害者;截至目前为止,中共政权仍然视这个群体为敌对势力,从未停止过打压这个群体。 Tiananmen mothers can not be like the killing of their son's regime, their hatred of the executioner by no means inferior to any of the victims; Up to now, the Chinese communist regime continues to look at this group of hostile forces have never stopped to suppress the group. 但作为对手的二者又必须生活在同一个国家里,必须同时面对六四问题和转型正义问题。 However, as the two rivals must also live in the same country, must also face the 64 issues and transitional justice issues. 无论民间反对派采取多么激进的立场,事实上也只能与其对手一起来推动社会转型。 No matter how much popular opposition to take a radical stance, in fact, together with their opponents only to promote social transformation. 所以,天安门母亲们明确表示,她们的所作所为,并不是为了打倒共产党,而是为了结束一党专政体制,为了中国能够和平地转型为自由民主的国家。 Therefore, the Tiananmen Mothers have made it clear that their actions, not to overthrow the Communist Party, but rather to end one-party dictatorship system, in order that China can peacefully transition to a free and democratic country.

从正面讲,她们认为:解决六四问题应该有益于和平转变,要从消除仇恨和宽容对手出发来达成社会和解,通过各方妥协和民主法治方式来解决问题。 From the front speaking, they think: Solving the 64 question should be conducive to a peaceful transition, it is necessary to eliminate hatred and tolerance, competitors start to achieve social reconciliation, democracy and the rule of law by the parties to compromise and ways to solve the problem. 从反面讲,她们呼吁:切忌一夜变天的幻想,切忌以牙还牙和以暴易暴的激进革命,切忌以夺权为目的的权谋政治。 Conversely speaking, they called for: we must guard against the illusion of a night weather changes, avoid eye for an eye, and answer violence with violence of radical revolution, and avoid in order to seize power for the purpose of Machiavellian politics. 对历史冤案和加害者的处理,应该以最大限度地降低社会对立和弱化仇恨情绪为宗旨。 Of historical grievances and the perpetrators of the treatment, should be to minimize weakening of the social antagonism and hatred for the purpose. 在此意义上,反对派要做得比当权者更理性更善意更君子,更善于妥协和敢于妥协,以防止基于仇恨的报复性惩罚。 In this sense, the opposition to do more good than those in power is more rational and gentlemen, more adept at compromise and courage to compromise in order to prevent hate-based retaliatory punishment. 避免米奇尼克曾经担心过的糟糕结局:复仇性惩罚一旦开始,便无法停止。 Michnik was worried that to avoid a bad outcome: Revenge of punishment once, it can not stop. 先是惩罚旧政权中的敌人,继而是针对反对派阵营的同仁,最后还可能是为被惩罚者辩护的人。 First, to punish the enemies of the old regime, followed by the opposition camp against colleagues, and finally may be punished for defending the people.

在此,我要补充的是,转型正义的实现还要切忌道德洁癖或道义纯洁化,切忌一举清除所有罪恶和实现百分百正义的高调诉求。 At this point, I would like to add that the realization of transitional justice should also avoid ethical or moral purity got a little older, instead of at one stroke remove all the evil and the achievement of a high-profile demands hundred percent justice. 因为,征诸于独裁国家向自由国家转型的历史,转型正义是所有新兴民主国家都要面对的难题,其过程无不充满曲折艰难,也无不在妥协中完成。 Because, Zheng Zhu in authoritarian countries to the historical transformation of a free country, "transitional justice" is that all the emerging democracies have to face the challenges, the process is full of twists and turns are all difficult, but also invariably be completed in the compromise.

转型正义来自对旧制度制造的人权灾难的清算(如,匈牙利事件、波兹南事件、布拉格之春、台湾二二八、韩国光州、中国六四等等),在清算旧政权历史欠帐中实现正义。 Transitional justice comes from the old system made the liquidation of human rights disasters (eg, Hungary, events, Poznan event, the Prague Spring, Taiwan 228, South Korea Gwangju, China 64, etc.), in the liquidation of the old regime in the history of outstanding accounts achieve justice. 当事者是旧政权及其加害者与受害者。 Parties concerned in the old regime and its perpetrators and victims. 对于受害者来说,主要涉及澄清真相、恢复名誉和经济赔偿;对于加害者来说,主要涉及罪错的确定、道歉和惩罚。 For the victims, mainly to clarify the truth, rehabilitation and economic compensation; for the perpetrators, the main involved in the crime of wrong identification, an apology and punishment. 如何以最小的社会代价来实现转型正义,如何达成正义理想与政治现实的妥协,也就是如何在转型的现实政治过程落实正义理想的难题。 How to minimize the social cost to achieve the "transitional justice", how to achieve the ideals of justice and political realities of compromise, that is the reality of how the political process in the transition to implement a "just ideal" problem. 这不仅是要顾及道义正确的道德伦理问题,更是要顾及现实后果的责任伦理问题。 This is not only a moral right to take into account the moral and ethical issues, more importantly, to take into account the reality of the responsibility of the consequences of ethical problems.

转型正义的最大难题是如何处理那些侵犯人权、践踏自由、诋毁尊严、侮辱人格和剥夺生命的加害者们。 Transitional Justice biggest challenge is how to deal with those violations of human rights and trampling on freedom, slander dignity, degrading treatment and deprivation of life, perpetrators were. 加害者包括旧政权的所有精英,从发号施令的高层到执行指令的司法、军队、宣传等机构的人员,甚至包括其他权力机关、新闻媒体、教育学术等机构的负责人。 Perpetrators, including all of the old regime elites, from the orders of high-level to the execution of the judicial, military, propaganda and other agency personnel, and even including other organs of power, the media, education and academic institutions such as the responsible person. 面对如此之广的加害者群体,追讨正义的实现水平必须顾及现实政治的复杂性和社会承能力。 The face of such a wide group of perpetrators, recovery of the level of realization of justice must take into account the complexity of political realities and social bearing capacity.

综观苏东、非洲、亚洲、南非、南美诸国的转型过程,由于各国的具体国情不同,其转型路径和历史灾难的性质必然有所差别,实现转型正义的方式也必然各不相同。 Looking Soviet Union and East, Africa, Asia, South Africa, South America, Asian countries the transition process, due to the different country-specific conditions, its transition path and history are bound to have differences in the nature of the disaster, the way to achieve transitional justice are bound to vary.

有些国家的转型遵循自上而下的路径(例如前苏联和台湾),自上而下转型的主导者必然是旧政权中的改革者,最初新政权的掌权者也是这些人,从而形成制度是新的而掌权者是旧的的局面。 In some countries the transition to follow top-down path (such as the former Soviet Union and Taiwan), top-down transformation is necessarily dominated by the old regime in the reformer, the first rulers of the new regime is also these people, to form the system is the old and the new rulers of the situation. 由于他们曾经是旧政权的主要成员,与旧政权有着千丝万缕的联系,自然不愿意对旧政权中的加害者进行清算。 As they used to be a principal member of the old regime, with the old regime is inextricably linked to, naturally do not want the perpetrators of the old regime to liquidate. 所以,这类国家的转型正义大都止于对历史冤案的政治平反,清除旧政权的象征性标志,对受害者给予有限的经济补偿,而没有对加害者进行司法追究。 Therefore, the transformation of these countries generally limited to just the political rehabilitation of historical grievances, removing the old regime's symbolic signs, to give the victims a limited financial compensation, while the perpetrators are not carried out to justice.

那些通过自下而上的路径完成社会转型的大多数新兴民主国家,尽管实现转型正义的方式也各有特点,但也无法实现百分百的转型正义,而不能不有所妥协。 Through bottom-up path of those who complete the social transformation in most emerging democracies, although the way to achieve transitional justice also have different features, but can not be achieved hundred percent of the transitional justice, but can not compromise. 粗略总结这些国家的转型过程,在实现转型正义上还是有两大相同之处:1,尽可能采取和平方式而避免暴力清算,甚至,只要旧政权同意国家的民主化转型,反对派可以放弃清算;2,即便清算,也不可能达成全面清算,而主要是有限的清算,或者叫象征性的清算。 A rough summary of the transition process in these countries, in the realization of transitional justice is still on there are two similarities: one, as far as possible by peaceful means and avoid violence and liquidation, and even, as long as the old regime agreed to the democratization of the country in transition, and the opposition to abandon the settlement ; 2, even if the liquidation, it is impossible to achieve a comprehensive settlement, but mainly limited to the liquidation, or the liquidation called symbolic. 也就是,清除旧政权的象征物(安放在公共场合的雕像、纪念性建筑等),司法追究大都止于旧政权的元首,而并不涉及旧政权的大量同谋者。 That is, remove the symbols of the old regime (the statue placed in public places, monuments, etc.), judicial accountability largely confined to the heads of the old regime, but does not involve the old regime, a large number of accomplices.

也许,在某些坚持不妥协的高调立场的中国民运人士看来,如此打折扣的转型正义实在是民间反对派的耻辱。 Perhaps, in some insist on not to compromise the position of the high-profile pro-democracy activists in China seems so watered-down transformation of the opposition of civil justice is a disgrace. 因为,从道义和法律的角度讲,讨还历史遗留的人权欠帐乃天经地义;惩罚加害者和赔偿受害者,不仅具有道义正当性,也具有法律合法性。 Because, from a moral and legal perspective, the human rights of followers repay the debts left over from history is only right and proper; to punish perpetrators and compensate victims, not only has the moral legitimacy, but also have legal legitimacy. 然而,从政治角度讲,转型正义的实现是个复杂的政治博弈过程,除了为受害者伸张正义之外,更大的问题是如何使社会公益的最大化,也就是如何保持转型过程中的社会稳定、减少转型的社会成本、最终达成和平转型与社会和解。 However, from a political perspective, the realization of transitional justice is a complex process of the political game, in addition to justice for the victims, the bigger problem is how to make the maximization of social welfare, that is, how to maintain social stability in the transition process to reduce the social costs of transition, and ultimately to achieve a peaceful transition and social reconciliation.

从天安门母亲们坚持十八年的努力中,从她们不断充实、不断完善的具体方案中,我看到的不仅是不畏强权的勇气和持之以恒的坚韧,更是苦难所磨砺出的超越自身苦难、克服自家丧子仇恨的公益心,是由母爱、宽容、理性、耐心、坚韧熔铸成的责任伦理。 From the Tiananmen mothers persist in their efforts to eighteen years, from them to enrich and continuously improve the specific program, I see not only the courage and perseverance defying power of tenacity, but also tempered their transcendence of the suffering of the suffering of their own to overcome the hatred of their own son in the public mind by the motherly love, tolerance, reason, patience, tenacity cast into the ethics of responsibility. 在她们看来,一方面,每个生命都具有至上价值,为每个冤魂伸冤具有天然正当性,解决六四问题的题中应有之意,就是每个亡灵都应该得到迟到正义的慰寄。 In their view, on the one hand, every life has supreme value, for each of innocent people have a natural legitimacy of redress to address 64 questions in the question of the proper meaning, that is, each of the souls of both justice and comfort should be late send . 另一方面,六四问题的复杂性和波及面,并不是个人伸冤或复仇所能包容的,它是关系到中国转型全局的问题,远远超过了每个受害者本身的遭遇。 On the other hand, 64 the complexity and magnitude of the problem, not the individual can seek redress or vengeance inclusive, which is related to the overall issue of transformation in China, far more than each of the victims of their own experience. 它涉及到每个受害者和加害者,也就涉及到中国社会的各个阶层;它关系到中国转型路径的选择和国家的未来。 It involves each of the victims and perpetrators, in turn related to all sectors of Chinese society; it relates to China's transformation path selection and the country's future.

一句话,六四问题如何解决,直接关系到中国能否和平转型为民主国家的巨大公益。 In short, how to solve 64 problems, directly related to China's peaceful transition to democratic country can the enormous public interest.

所以,她们才会反复强调消除敌人意识和仇恨心理的重要性。 Therefore, they will seek to eliminate the enemy repeatedly stressed the importance of awareness and hatred. 她 们说:我们这个苦难深重的民族,泪流得已经太多,仇恨已积蓄得太久,我们有责任以自己的努力来结束这不幸的历史。今天,尽管我们所处的环境仍然是那样的 严峻,但我们没有理由悲观,更没有理由绝望,因为我们坚信正义、真实和爱的力量足以最终战胜强权,谎言和暴政。”“为杜绝'六四'那样的大屠杀不再在中国 的土地上重演,我们主张通过公正、合理解决'六四'问题来化解人与人之间的敌视与仇恨,达成朝野之间乃至全民族的和解,从而加快中国和平转型的历史进程。 ” They said: "Our long-suffering nation had been too many tears, hatred has a stockpile for too long, we have a responsibility to their own efforts to end this unfortunate history. Today, although we still have to their environment severe, but we have no reason to be pessimistic, but there is no reason to despair, because we firmly believe that justice, truth and power of love enough to overcome the ultimate power, lies and tyranny. "" To prevent '64' like the Holocaust is no longer in China land, repeat, we advocate through a fair and reasonable solution '64' questions to defuse the hostility and hatred between people, between the ruling and opposition parties and even the whole nation to achieve reconciliation, thus speeding up the historical process of China's peaceful transition. "

2007年5月21于北京家中首发人与人权 May 21, 2007 in Beijing, the right people at home starting

天安门母亲的诉求与转型正义——“六四十八年祭全文完博讯 (Tiananmen mother's demands and transitional justice - "64" End of eighteen full Boxun Festival

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

18.历史真相与六四正名——六四18周年祭 18. Rectifying the name of historical truth and the 64 - 64 18 Anniversary Festival

历史真相与六四正名——六四18周年祭 Historical Truth and name the 64 - 64 18 Anniversary Festival

刻意屠杀为由,公开质疑六四屠城和坦克辗死学生。 May 15, Hong Kong, Chairman of the DAB horsepower and a tea reception for journalists in order to not "deliberate killing" as an excuse, publicly questioned the 64 "massacre" and tanks crushed to death by the students. 他甚至说指覑一堆东西就说(学生)被坦克车辗过,那不如找一只猪,用坦克车辗过,看看是否会变成肉饼?” He even said that "refers to a bunch of things that say Pian (students) have been run over by tanks, they might as well look for a pig, used tanks and ran over to see if it will become a meat pie?"

言下之意,六四死者不是戒严部队刻意所为,而是无意之失。 This implies that 64 victims were not deliberately by the martial law troops, but has no intention of missing.

年前,戒严部队的坦克在西单六部口附近追辗学生,造成多人死伤,这是六四屠杀中最为凶残的一幕,已有多种资讯来源和现场图片为证。 18 years ago, the martial law troops and tanks near the entrance at the Xidan chasing rolling six students, resulting in many casualties, which is 64 the most brutal scene of massacre, has a variety of information sources and on-site images as evidence. 马力身在香港,如果想了解真相,最简单的方式是找来丁子霖女士的《寻访六四受难者》,看看疯狂的坦克一节,公布了那凶残一幕中的14名死伤者,59伤,都有姓名、年龄、单位、籍贯及受伤、致死的部位。 Horsepower in Hong Kong, if you want to know the truth, the easiest way is recruited Prof DING Zilin's "searching for 64 victims" to see "Crazy tanks" section, announced that brutal scene of the 14 victims , 5 dead 9 wounded, have name, age, unit, place of origin and injured, the site of death.

就我接触过的六四屠杀资料中,公开质疑坦克追辗学生这一历史事实的人,并用一堆东西一只猪来质疑的人,马力算是拔了头筹。 In my contact with the massacre of 64 materials, publicly questioned the students rolling tanks to recover the historical fact of the people, and with "a bunch of things" and "a pig" to question the person, be shorn of horsepower to hold the event. 而他这种无视历史事实、不尊重冤死的亡灵及其亲属的胆量,也确实拔了信口雌黄的头筹。 Such a disregard of historical facts that he does not respect the souls of their relatives killed unjustly courage, really pulling the empty promises to hold the event.

马力否认六四屠城的说法,《寻访六四受难者》一书同样提供了多起刻意屠杀的例证。 HP denies 64 "massacre," saying, "look for 64 victims," a book also offers more than "deliberate massacre" case in point. 在此仅举一例: In just one example:

死者吴国锋,当年不满21岁,系中国人民大学工业经济管理系86级学生。 The deceased WU Guofeng, then under 21 years old, the Department of the Chinese People's University, Department of Industrial Economics and Management 86 students. 他死得极惨,连中了四枪,肩、肋骨和手臂都有枪伤,致命的一枪射中后脑勺。 He died a very miserable, even in the four guns, shoulder, ribs and arms have gunshot wounds, the fatal shot hit the back of the head. 他的肚脐右下方留下78公分长的刺刀伤口,双手手心也有刺刀的伤痕。 Lower right corner of his navel leaves 7 to 8 cm long bayonet wounds, hands, palms also have a bayonet wounds. 可以推测,吴虽连中数弹,却并没有立即死亡,士兵就用刺刀捅进了他的腹部,最后向后脑勺上开了一枪。 Presumably, Wu even though the number of shells in, but did not immediately die, soldiers used bayonets Tongjin his stomach and finally fired a shot on to the back of the head.

马力先生,这难道还不是刻意杀人 Mr Ma Lik, is that really is not "deliberately killing"?

在我看来,马力的质疑貌似求真精神,实则诡辩逻辑。 In my view, truth-seeking spirit of the seemingly questioned horsepower, but in reality the logical sophistry. 他选择在六四18周年祭日前质疑六四屠城,既是为中央政府洗脑特区香港的政策张目,更是在敏感时期为北京政权背书。 He has chosen to challenge before the anniversary of 64 18 64 massacre, both for the central government's policy of brainwashing the arrogance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, but also in the sensitive period for the endorsement of the Beijing regime.

然而,马力信口雌黄带来事与愿违的效应,从反面提醒世人不忘六四、关注真相。 However, the horsepower to bring unintended effects of irresponsible remarks from the negative to remind the world not to forget 64, concerns the truth.

年来,以丁子霖为代表的天安门母亲群体的首要诉求,就是说出真相,拒绝遗忘 18 years, in order to Ding Zilin, the Tiananmen Mothers group, represented by the first appeal, which is "tell the truth and refused to forget." 今年中共两会期间,她们的上书再次突出了解除六四禁区,公开六四真相的诉求。 During the year, two Chinese, and their petition once again highlighted the "lifting of 64 closed and open 64 truth" demands. 她们既敦促当局解除六四禁区和公开六四档案,也呼吁当年运动的参加者、目击者、知情者说出真相。 They both urged the authorities to lift the 64 closed and open 64 files, also called the year the movement of participants, witnesses, insiders tell the truth. 因为,真相的澄清是解决历史冤案的前提。 Because the truth is the settlement of historical grievances to clarify the premise. 没有真相,受害者的冤情将被淹没,加害者的罪责无从确定和追究,历史记忆也将再添一大段空白。 There is no truth, the victim's grievances will be inundated, the guilt of perpetrators impossible to identify and pursue the matter, historical memory is also a large segment will be added in the blank.

马力有勇气质疑大陆民间、流亡人士和世界各媒体的六四记载,为什么没有勇气公开质疑北京政权的六四谎言? Hp have the courage to challenge the mainland people, exiles and the world's media, 64 records, why not have the courage openly questioned the Beijing regime's 64 lies? 马力作为北京器重的香港左派和全国人大代表,既然认为六四真相至今模糊,他为什么没有勇气要求北京政权开放六四话题和相关档案,停止封杀天安门母亲和民间对六四真相的追寻! Beijing thinks highly of horsepower as the left and the Hong Kong deputies to the NPC, since the truth of that 64 so far unclear why he dared to ask the Beijing regime, opening up 64 topics and related files, and stop blocking the Tiananmen mothers and 64 civil right to pursue the truth!

在香港,尽管有马力这样的公然侮蔑六四亡灵的亲共人士,但18年来的六四祭日,当13亿人口的大陆陷于黑暗之时,在只有几百万人的香港却一直闪烁覑为亡灵点燃的烛火。 In Hong Kong, despite the blatant affronts to 64 horsepower that the souls of the pro-communists, but the 18-year memorial day 64, when the mainland's 1.3 billion people trapped in the dark when there are only a few millions of people in Hong Kong has been flickering Pian for the souls of the deceased lit by candlelight. 每年六四祭日,我坐在北京那死寂般的黑暗中,想像覑香江畔被烛火点亮的夜空,心中便升起了感动、欣慰和希望。 An annual 64 memorial day, I sat in silence like Beijing and that the darkness and imagine Pian Xiang River by candlelight lit the night sky, they raised the hearts touched and gratification and hope.

2007年5月31于北京家中首发香港明报 May 31, 2007 in Beijing, Ming Pao starter home

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18.《寻访六四受难者》——六四十八周年祭 18. "Searching for the victims of 64" - the anniversary of Liusishiba

向马力先生推荐《寻访六四受难者》——六四十八周年祭 Mr. Xiang Mali recommend "searching for the victims of 64" - the anniversary of Liusishiba

本月15日,亲共的香港政党民建联主席马力与记者茶聚时,批评回归后的香港国民教育,居然以"六四"为例,公开质疑"屠城"之说。 Jan. 15, the pro-Communist political parties in Hong Kong, Chairman of the DAB-powered tea reception with journalists, the criticism of national education in Hong Kong after its return, had the effrontery to "64" for example, publicly questioned the "massacre" theory. 他的理由是:六四是死了人,但不是屠城,因为"屠城应该是刻意杀人" His reasons are: 64 is the dead man, but not the massacre, because "the massacre should be a deliberate intent to kill." 言下之意,六四死者不是戒严部队刻意所为而是无意之失。 This implies that 64 victims were not deliberately by the martial law troops but have no intention of missing.

一关于广场六四之夜马力质问到:"如果是屠城,柴玲怎能在六四凌晨平安离开?她是有心挑起暴动的,呢条友(这个人)第一个便被杀了!侯德健、封从德等人怎能慢慢离开?如果是屠城,4000名学生全都死光了!" A Night on the Square, a 64 horsepower asked to: "If it was massacre, Chai Ling How can we safely leave in the early hours of 64? She is determined to provoke a riot, and then be friends (this person) the first one will be killed! Hou Jian , Feng and others from Germany How can slowly leave? If it is the massacre, 4,000 students are killed off! "

难道非要六四之夜留在天安门广场的4000学生,连同侯德健等长胡子的人被统统杀光,才叫做"屠城"吗? Is it 64 nights stay in the 4000 Tiananmen Square student, along with Hou Yongjian long beard were all people who have been killing it called "massacre" do?

六四之夜,我在广场,还有发言权。 64 night, I am in the square, as well as voice. 当夜,我与候德健、高新、周舵一起组织了学生的和平撤离。 That very night, and I designate De Jian, high-tech, Zhou rudder along with the students organized a peaceful withdrawal. 我们与戒严部队谈判,达成在广场东南角开口子、让学生和平撤离的协议。 We are negotiating with the martial law troops, and reached the southeast corner of chap in the square to enable students to leave the peace agreement. 回到纪念碑上,我们通过广播站轮番劝说学生主动撤离。 Back to the monument, we took turns through the radio stations tell the students to take the initiative to evacuate. 之后是封从德主持了"撤与不撤"的口头表决,最后是学生们有秩序的和平撤离。 Followed by letters from Germany hosted the "withdrawal and non-withdrawal" in a voice vote, and finally the students an orderly and peaceful withdrawal.

也就是说,六四之夜还在天安门广场的4000学生的生命,是用主动撤离换来的。 In other words, 64 nights are still the lives of the students in Tiananmen Square in 4000, is take the initiative to leave in return. 因为,出面与我们谈判的清场指挥官季星国大校说得非常清楚:戒严部队接到的是死命令,在天亮前不惜一切代价清场。 Because it came forward with our negotiations was cleared, commander Colonel Ji Xing-Guo made it very clear: the death of martial law troops received an order at all costs before dawn cleared. 如若不是学生们主动撤离,结果必然是大量学生死在清场的枪口下和坦克履带下。 Should the students not take the initiative to evacuate result will be a large number of students died in the clearance of the guns and tanks under the treads.

从六四屠杀结束的那一刻起,包括香港媒体在内的世界各大媒体都报道学生主动撤离广场的一幕。 From the end of the 64 massacred the moment, including the Hong Kong media, including the world's major media have reported that the students take the initiative to leave the square scene. 很想了解六四真相的马力,已经知道了连我都不清楚的数字--六四之夜广场上还有4000学生--的马力,难道十八年来他就从来没有尝试过了解更多六四真相吗? Want to know the truth about 64 horsepower, already knew that even I do not know the figures - 64 Night of the square there are 4000 students - horsepower, Is eighteen years he has never tried to learn more 6 4 the truth?

二关于坦克碾死学生马力质疑坦克碾死学生,甚至说:"指著一堆东西就说(学生)被坦克车辗过,那不如找一只猪,用坦克车辗过,看看是否会变成肉饼?" 2 on the tank crushed by tanks crushed student-horsepower challenged students, even said: "pointing to a pile of things that say that (students) have been run over by tanks, they might as well look for a pig, used tanks and ran over to see if it would be become a meat pie? "

戒严部队的坦克在西单附近追碾学生、造成多人死亡,是六四屠杀中最为凶残的一幕。 Martial law troops and tanks in the Xidan milled around chasing the students, causing many deaths, is 64 the most brutal massacre scene. 关于这凶残的一幕,有多种信息来源和现场图片为证,已经广为人知的事实。 About this brutal scene, there are several sources of information and on-site images as evidence, have been well-known fact. 就是马力身在的香港,包括中共在港喉舌《文汇报》在内的香港媒体,大都报道了坦克追碾学生的事实。 Is the horsepower living in Hong Kong, including the Chinese Communist mouthpiece in Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po", including the Hong Kong media, most of the students reported the fact that tanks chasing grinding.

如果马力先生嫌麻烦,最简单的方式是找来《寻访六四受难者》,看看其中的"疯狂的坦克"一节,其中记载了那凶残一幕的详情: If Mr Ma's too troublesome, the easiest way is recruited, "searching for 64 victims" to see if one of the "Crazy tanks" section, which recorded the details of that brutal scene:

一辆疯狂的坦克,冲向刚从天安门广场撤至六部口的学生队伍,躲避不及者,被坦克履带碾压得血肉模糊;死里逃生者,落下了终身残疾。这辆该诅咒的坦克究竟碾 死、碾伤了多少人,当时传说不一:有说死了九人,有说死了十一人,至于伤者,更是众说纷纭。这都不足为据。当局不公布死伤名单,别人说了,那怕说得基本符 合事实,也会当做"谣言"来追查。因此,必须拿出实证材料,让一个个具体的个案来说话。多年来,我和我的朋友一直把这辆坦克碾死、碾伤的受害者作为寻访的 重点。到目前为止,我们已经寻找到的是:死者5人,伤者9人,一共14 人。这14人中的13人都有姓名、年龄、单位及受伤、致死部位;其中10人已确知他们的籍贯和家庭地址。他们大都是北京各高校的学生,来自江苏、湖北、安 徽、陕西、福建、海南、北京等省市。其中,仅中国青年政治学院一所大学的死伤人数就达6人之多。至于这一惨案中确切的死、伤数字,我想只能等待以后的时日 来回答了。" "A crazy tank and onto the mouth of just six students in Tiananmen Square to withdraw team, to avoid less than those who were too badly mutilated tank track roller compacted; survived who came to a lifelong disability. Zheliang the curse of the tank Is crushed to death, grind the number of people injured, when the legends vary: Some said that nine people died there that killed 11 people, as the wounded, even more mixed. All this was insufficient. authorities do not release the list of dead and wounded, others said, even the basic right in line with the facts, also as a "rumor" to trace. Therefore, we must come up with empirical evidence, so one by one to speak of specific cases. For years, I and my friends have been put Zheliang tanks crushed to death, grind the victims of injury, as the focus of searching. So far, we have to find is: deceased five people, injured nine people, a total of 14 people. these 14 people, 13 people have the name, age, units and injuries, death parts; of whom 10 were uncertain of their place of origin and home address. Most of them were in Beijing were all college students, from Jiangsu, Hubei, Anhui, Shaanxi, Fujian, Hainan, Beijing and other cities. Of these, Only China Youth Political College, a University of casualties reached as many as six people. As for the tragedy in the exact death, injury figures, I think he can only wait for a later time to answer. "

我想说的是,就我接触过的关于六四屠杀的争论资料中,公开质疑坦克追碾学生这个事实的人,并用"一堆东西""一只猪"来质疑的人,马力先生算是拔了头筹。 I want to say is that, as I talked to the debate on the massacre of 64 materials, publicly questioned the fact that tanks and catch the students who grind, and with "a bunch of things" and "a pig" to question the person, Mr Ma Lik be shorn to hold the event. 而敢于拔这个头筹的马力先生,其不尊重事实和不尊重亡灵的态度,堪称拔了信口雌黄和冷血无耻之头筹。 Those who dare to pull the horsepower to hold the event President, it does not respect the facts and does not respect the attitude of the souls be called cold-blooded pull of the empty promises and unscrupulous to hold the event.

三关于"刻意杀人" 3 on the "deliberate killing"

谈到马力的屠城定义,在他还没有向中共官方咨询之前,他起码可以去看看香港开放出版社出版的《寻访六四受难者》,作者是六四难属丁子霖女士。 Turning to the definition of horsepower of the massacre, in his official advice to the PRC has not yet before he can at least go take a look at Hong Kong Open Publishing's "searching for 64 victims," the author is 64 these movements DING Zilin. 在这本书中,马力能够了解到一些六四真相,这些真相都是可以回答马力的质疑。 In this book, some 64 horsepower can understand the truth, these facts are challenged to answer horsepower.

出动全副武装的军队和坦克、装甲车来对付手无寸铁的学生和平民,的确杀死了许多无辜的生命,难道这还不叫"屠城" Sent heavily armed troops and tanks and armored vehicles to deal with unarmed students and civilians, did kill many innocent lives, Is it not called the "massacre"? 至于究竟杀死多少人,由于掌握着最权威信息的官权至今沉默,确切的死亡数字无人知晓。 As to whether the number of people killed, due to hold the most authoritative information officer has the right to silence, the exact number of deaths is unknown. 据当时的媒体报道,有的说死伤超过万人,有的说死了几千人,也有说死了上千人。 According to media reports at the time, some said that more than 10,000 people dead and wounded, and some say thousands of people died, but also said that thousands of people died. 最起码,截止2006 年,在"天安门母亲"丁子霖女士的著作中,就记载了一百八十六名死难者的资料,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、死亡的方式、日期和地点。 At least, as of 2006, in the "Tiananmen Mothers" Prof DING Zilin's writings on the recorded 186 victims of the information, including name, age, origin, manner of death, date and venue.

即便我不与马力争论以上杀人算不算"屠城",而是严格按照马力的标准--只有"刻意杀人"才叫"屠城" Even if I do not argue with more horsepower murder considered as a "massacre", but in strict accordance with the standard horsepower - only the "deliberate killing" be called "massacre." 那么,《寻访六四受难者》就记载了多起"可以杀人"的案例。 Then, "look for 64 victims," as recorded by more than "could kill" case.

刻意杀人案例一:七个五男两女共七个平民,在西长安街上撞见戒严部队,把枪口冲着他们的士兵喝令让他们站住,他们吓得拔腿就跑。 Case of a deliberate intent to kill: seven five men and two women a total of seven civilians, in the West Chang'an Avenue and saw the martial law troops put their guns directed at the soldiers ordered them to stop and they are scared Batuijiupao. 杀红了眼的士兵并没有放过他们,边追逐边射击。 Hong Leyan soldiers to kill, and did not spare them, while chasing side shooting. 正是戒严部队这种疯狂的追杀下,在南礼士路附近,七人中三死两伤。 It is martial law troops kill this crazy, under the vicinity of the South Lishi, seven people in three deaths and two injured. 三位死者的名字是杨子平、王争胜、安基。 3 is the name of the deceased Yangzi Ping, Wang Zheng-sheng, Kay.

刻意杀人案例二:戒严部队的刻意杀人残忍到不许救助死伤。 Deliberate intent to kill case 2: martial law troops of deliberately killing cruel to not allow rescue casualties. 当戒严部队开着枪时,有一个小青年冲出去拍照,想留下历史的见证,中弹倒下。 When martial law troops shot open when there is a small youth out to take pictures, want to leave the witness of history, was shot fall. 周围的民众想冲上去抢救他,但戒严部队不许任何人接近中弹的人。 Around the citizens who want to rush to rescue him, but did not allow anyone near the martial law troops shot people. 一位老太太甚至跪在地上乞求军人:"那是个孩子,求求你让大家去救他吧!"士兵却用枪口指着老人凶狠地说:"他是暴徒,谁敢上前一步,我就毙了谁。"随后,有两辆救护车前来救人,也被戒严部队拦截。 An old lady and even to kneel on the floor begging for the military: "It was a child, I beg you let us try to rescue his bar!" The soldiers are fiercely with the old at gunpoint, said: "He is a thug, anyone who came forward step, I will shoot whom. "Subsequently, there are two ambulances came to save people, but also by martial law troops intercepted. 随车医生下车交涉,戒严部队也不放行。 Truck doctors get off negotiations, martial law troops are not allowed to. 无奈治下,救护车只能原路返回。 Helpless under the rule, the ambulance can backtrack. 杀了人还不准抢救,这是残忍中的残忍! People still are not allowed to kill rescue, it is cruel of cruel!

刻意杀人案例三:六月三日晚约十一时,戒严部队先遣步行方队自西向东行进,一跨过木樨地桥,就一声令下,士兵卧倒,中间一军官取单膝跪姿,举起冲锋枪向马路中间及两侧盲目扫射,许多人应声倒在血泊中,人群四处逃窜。 Deliberate homicide case 3: June 3rd night at about 11:00, martial law troops and an advance team from west to east side walk the road, a bridge across the Muxidi, they gave an order the soldiers to lie down in the middle of a military officer to take Danxi kneeling position, raised his submachine gun to the middle of the road and fired on both sides of the blind, many people crashed down in a pool of blood, the crowd on the run. 想上前阻止这种盲目屠杀的大学生却被射杀。 Came up to stop this massacre would like to blind college students been shot.

刻 意杀人案例四:24岁的清华大学化学工程系应届毕业生段昌隆,在那个枪声四起、噩耗不断的危险时刻,他白天去急救中心帮助抢救伤员,晚上在民族宫附近劝解 戒严部队,可他万万没有想到,当他跑向一位看上去是指挥员的军官、试图说服他不要向徒手民众开枪时,一颗罪恶的子弹从那个军官的手枪枪口射出。 Deliberate homicide case 4: 24-year-old graduates of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Changlong paragraph, in that shooting everywhere, the bad news continued the dangerous moment of his day to the Emergency Center to help rescue the wounded night in the National Palace, martial law troops near the persuasion can be He never imagined, when he ran one appears to be commander of the officer, tried to persuade him not to shoot the people with bare hands when a criminal's bullet from the officer that fired the pistol muzzle.

刻意杀人案例五:25岁的毕业于北京医科大学、即将任职于人民医院妇产科年轻女大夫王卫萍,自告奋勇地加入了抢救伤员的行列。 Deliberate homicide case 5: 25-year-old graduated from Beijing Medical University, will serve in the People's Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology young female doctor WANG Wei-ping, volunteered to join the ranks of the rescue of the wounded. 据目击者说,她很勇敢,子弹从身边飞过、四周迸发着火光,她都毫无惧色,抢救着血泊中的一个又一个伤员。 According to eyewitnesses, she was very brave, and bullets flew from the side, surrounded by the flames burst out, she fearlessly, with a pool of blood in a rescue another wounded. 然而,正当她在包扎一位伤员的伤口时,略一抬头,迎面射来的一颗子弹击中了她的颈部,她倒下了,连一句话都没有留下。 However, while she was dressing the wounds of a wounded, slightly raise your head and head-shot past a bullet hit her neck, she fell, not even a word did not leave.

刻意杀人案例六:29岁、就职于机械电子工业部自动化研究所的袁力,在戒严部队向四周盲目扫射时,他不忍再看到无辜市民的死亡,便挺身而出,高举右臂,大声向那些乱开枪的士兵们喊道:"我是清华研究生…",但话音未落,一声枪响,他的生命就消失在黑暗之中。 Deliberate intent to kill case 6: 29 years old, worked for machinery and electronics industry, Yuan Li, Institute of Automation, in the martial law troops fired indiscriminately to four weeks, he could not bear to see innocent people die, they come forward, holding his right arm, loud to those who indiscriminately opened fire on the soldiers shouted: "I am Tsinghua graduate ...", but hardly ever voice, I heard gunshots, his life, disappeared in the dark.

刻意杀人案例七:不满21岁的死者吴国锋,北京中国人民大学工业经济管理系86级学生。 Deliberate intent to kill case 7: less than 21-year-old dead WU Guo-feng, Beijing, Renmin University of China Department of Industrial Economics and Management 86 students. 他死得极惨--连中了四枪,肩、肋骨和手臂部位都有枪伤,致命的一枪射中后脑勺。 He died a very miserable - even in the four guns, shoulder, ribs and arm positions are gunshot wounds, the fatal shot hit the back of the head. 他的亲属在整理遗体时,还发现死者的肚脐右下方,有一条7-8公分长的刺刀刀口,在吴的双手手心,也有刺刀的伤痕。 Finishing the body of his relatives when the navel of the deceased also found the lower right, there is a bayonet blade 7-8 cm long, in Wu's hands and palms, there are bayonet wounds. 可以推测,吴虽连中数弹,却并没有立即死亡,士兵就用刺刀捅进了他的腹部,最后向后脑勺上开了一枪。 Presumably, Wu even though the number of shells in, but did not immediately die, soldiers used bayonets Tongjin his stomach and finally fired a shot on to the back of the head.

马力先生,这些青年学生的死,难道还不是"刻意杀人"所致? Mr Ma Lik, the death of these young students, should not "deliberately killing" caused?

所以,我有理由质疑马力先生的质疑:他貌似尊重事实的求真精神,实质是地地道道的诡辩逻辑。 So, I have reason to doubt Mr Ma Lik questioned: He looks like the truth-seeking spirit of respect for the fact that in real terms, the logic is a sheer sophistry. 他选择在六四十八周年祭日前质疑六四屠城,其目的绝非批评香港的国民教育,而是在为北京洗脑香港人的政策张目,更是在敏感时期为北京政权背书。 He has chosen to challenge before the anniversary of Liusishiba 64 massacre, the purpose of not criticizing the national education in Hong Kong, but Hong Kong's policy for the Beijing brainwashing arrogance, but also in the sensitive period for the endorsement of the Beijing regime.

马力有勇气质疑大陆民间、流亡人士和世界各媒体的六四记载,为什么没有勇气公开质疑北京政权的六四说辞? Hp have the courage to challenge the mainland people, exiles and the world's media, 64 records, why not have the courage openly questioned the Beijing regime's 64 rhetoric? 既然马力都认为六四真相至今仍然模糊,他作为北京器重的香港左派和全国人大代表,他为什么没有勇气要求北京政权开放六四档案和公布真相! Since the 64-horsepower think the truth is still vague, Beijing thinks highly of him as the left and the Hong Kong deputies to the NPC, why did he dared to ask the Beijing regime, opening up 64 files and publish the truth!

2007年5月16于北京家中(首发《观察》2007年5月16) May 16, 2007 in Beijing at home (starting "observation" May 16, 2007)

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

18.那个春天的亡灵——六四十八周年祭 18. That the souls of the spring - the anniversary of Liusishiba

那个春天的亡灵——六四十八周年祭 That spring, the souls - the anniversary of Liusishiba

在春天,感受大雪;被监控的目光,感受今夜的亡灵;雪花是否飘进坟墓? In the spring, feeling the snow; be monitored eyes, feeling the souls tonight; snow is floated into the grave? 是否把我的雪中之梦带去。 Whether to bring my dream of snow. 我怎能不忆起纪念碑的斜影,把恐怖之夜投进我的瞳孔。 How can I do not recall a monument oblique shadow, the night of terror going into my pupil. 有人说,为自由而死是一种伟大。 Some say that death is a great source for free. 而我宁愿,你们活在平凡中。 I prefer that you live in the Ordinary.

那个春天,被刺刀惊吓,突然面目狰狞。 That spring, has been a bayonet scared, suddenly face hideous. 孕育生命季节,呕出巨大的坟墓。 Breeding season of life, vomit a huge grave. 曾经温暖的阳光,结成阴沟里的冰。 The sun was warm, the ice formed gutter. 浸满了血污的泪滴,如同沙尘暴中的飞雪。 Soaked the bloodstained teardrop, as dust storms in the snow.

那个春天,扑到在坦克的履带下,纵使我掏出全部智慧和献上赤裸的灵魂,也达不到坟墓的高度。 That spring, flew at the treads of tanks, even if I took out all the naked soul of wisdom and presented, but also reach the height of the grave.

那个春天,梦想变成母亲们终生的痛。 That spring, life-long dream of becoming mothers pain. 之后的每个春天,都被锁链捆绑。 After each spring, have been chained. 但我知道,那是亡灵留下的遗产和考验。 But I know that it is the souls of legacy and challenge.

那个春天,我希望崩溃,让我单薄的身体和懦弱的灵魂,先于第一束阳光而离去。 That spring, I would like to crash, let me thin body and cowardly soul, first in the first to leave a bouquet of sunshine. 害怕任何英雄式的壮举,又无力进行自我亵渎。 Afraid of any heroic feat, and are unable to self-desecration. 封闭的生命,在空无中挣扎,只能点燃一支烟,紧紧抓住每一个堕落的瞬间;恶毒的觉醒,曾经充溢在绝望的每一时刻。 Closed life, struggling in the empty, only lit a cigarette, firmly seize every moment of degeneration; evil awakening, once overflowing in every moment of despair. 无言的春天落花,把我从深渊中托起。 Silent Spring Petals, hold up me from the abyss.

亡灵的春天弥漫空间,春天的亡灵穿透时间,从那么遥远的地方,轻轻地呼唤我、安慰我。 The spring of souls filled with space, penetrating the souls of the spring time, from so far away and gently call me, and comforted me. 我的祈祷、忏悔、扭曲和挣扎,如同黑夜倒悬。 My prayer, repentance, twist and struggle, but as the night hung upside down. 百合开放得朦胧,像水中被波纹扭曲的人影,变形地向黑夜走来, Lily open too hazy, like the ripples in the water has been distorted shadows, deformation came to the night,

春天的亡灵是阳光,穿越高墙和铁条流入我的体内,融化深涧里的顽石,坚硬的棱角一点点圆润。 The souls of the spring sun, through the walls, and iron into my body, hard stone inside the melting Shen Jian, hard edges and corners a little rounded. 自恋的人多么脆弱,渺小而狂躁。 How fragile narcissistic people, tiny and mania. 即便伟大的时刻近在眼前,也无力承受。 Even the great moments in sight, but also can not afford. 从我身体中取走那束仅有的余光吧,为我照亮一条路。 Take away from my body and that the only peripheral vision beam it, illuminates a path for me.

亡灵的春天是神,让永恒穿透无限,被无数天使环绕,背衬着玄目的光芒,以一个灿烂的微笑启迪我。 The spring of souls is God, so that through an infinite eternal being surrounded by countless angels, back light wanders the dark and mysterious purpose, to enlighten me a brilliant smile. 不抱怨彼岸的遥远峥嵘,不蔑视此岸的平庸烦琐,甚至连蚂蚁,也不去贬低。 Do not complain on the other side of the distant towering, not this side of contempt for the mediocre cumbersome, and even ants, not to disparage.

春天的亡灵是丰碑,竖在漫长的孤寂里,即便不许瞻仰,禁止悼念,也丝毫不减其高贵。 Souls yes spring those monuments erected during the long lonely years, even if not allowed to pay their last respects to prohibit the mourning, but also without compromising their dignity. 如同向海展示天,向天展示海,向我的灵魂展示你的灵魂。 As the sea show days, the days of showing the sea, to my soul, show your soul.

亡灵的春天守候我,胜过海涛对岩石的拍打,每年每月每天每时每刻,以永恒的抚慰抵御永恒的冷漠,以无限的柔情拥抱无限的僵硬。 The spring of souls waiting for me, than Haitao right rock beat, every moment of each day, every month, to the eternal comfort against the eternal cold, in order to embrace the infinite tenderness infinite stiffness. 总有一天,岩石会感动、会流泪、会崩裂,然后注入大海。 One day, the rock will be moved, will be tears, will crack, and then into the sea.

春天的亡灵,遥远,那么遥远,更为遥远,却如此迫近。 The souls of the spring, far away, so distant, more distant, it is so imminent. 不要说失败,不要说十八年的时光,从年轻生命倒下的那一刻,中国人的死就已经展示罕见的纯洁和伟大,恐惧并不能淹没觉醒,母亲们以及无数维权者的觉醒,见证了亡灵那不息的活力。 Not to mention the failure, not to mention the eighteen years of the time, fallen from the young lives that moment, the death of the Chinese people have already demonstrated a rare purity and greatness, fear of awakening can not be drowned, mothers and numerous defenders awakening, witness of the souls of those endless vitality.

我说不清,是亡灵让那个残忍的春天升华,还是那个残忍得春天让亡灵升华。 I can not tell, is that cruel to the souls of the spring sublimation, or the spring that was cruel to the souls of sublimation. 生命转瞬即逝,坟墓却地久天长。 Fleeting life, the tomb was lang syne. 临终的遗嘱成全了青春,我将活在对那个春天许下的诺言中。 Dying intestate sake of their youth, that I will live in the promise of spring.

如果我是一枝烟,就用燃烧兑现诺言。 If I were a cigarette on the burning fulfill his promise.

如果我烧完,就用灰烬兑现诺言。 If I burn, you use the ashes fulfill his promise.

2007年6月2于北京家中 June 2, 2007 in Beijing at home

《观察》首发 "Observation" starter

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

六.四”,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

六.四,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

献给六.四亡灵和守灵者—— - Dedicated to "six. 4," Dead and Wake are --

守卫着权杖的兵马俑让世界为之惊叹 Scepter of the terracotta warriors and horses guarding the world marvel

比宫殿还堂皇的十三陵 Than the grand palace of the Ming Tombs is also

又一次让西洋人错愕 Let the Westerners once again startled by the

毛泽东的纪念堂 Mao Zedong Memorial Hall

修筑在奴隶的心脏正中 Built in the heart of the middle of the slave

我们漫长的历史 Our long history of

全靠帝王的坟墓显示辉煌 Thanks to the emperor's tomb show brilliant

六.四” And "6. 4"

一座没有墓碑的坟墓 1 no tombstone of the grave

一座把耻辱刻进整个民族和全部历史的坟墓 A disgrace to the whole nation and all carved into the history of the tomb of

十三年前 Thirteen years ago

那个血腥的夜晚 That bloody night

恐惧放过了挑起正义的刺刀 Just let go of the fear of provoking a bayonet

逃亡纵容着碾压青春的坦克 Connived at the escape of tanks rolling youth

十三年后 Thirteen years later the

每个黎明从谎言开始 Each dawn start from the lies

每个夜晚以贪婪结束 Each night ended with greed

而金钱,原谅了一切罪恶 The money, to forgive all the sins

一切又被再次包装 Everything has been re-packaged

只有残忍是透明的 Only cruel is transparent

纯粹的透明 Pure and transparent

六.四,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

一座被遗忘所荒凉的坟墓 One has been forgotten by the desolation of the grave

这个广场,看上去很完美 The Square, looks perfect

被茅台XO鲍鱼宴 Abalone feast was Maotai XO

被仪式报告三代表 The report was the ceremony on behalf of three

被二奶精液红指甲 Are mistresses semen red nails

被假烟假酒假文凭 Was counterfeit cigarettes alcohol fake diploma

被警车钢盔电鸡巴 Electric cock by police helmet

翻修一新 Renovation of a new

当年绝食到奄奄一息的学生 Then the students on hunger strike to the dying

如今,可能带着儿子 Now, you may with his son

在这里悠闲地放风筝 Here leisurely fly a kite

人民大会堂正灯火通明 Great Hall is lit

庆祝共青团的八十诞辰 Celebrate the birthday of the Communist Youth League 80

年轻的代表们根本不知道 Representatives of the young do not know

在门外的台阶上 On the steps at the door

曾有过三个同样年轻的学生 There have been three young students in the same

长跪不起长跪can not afford to

不知道当年的大会堂里 Hall did not know the year

插着输氧管的绝食学生代表 Oxygen tube sticking out of the hunger strike student representative

和屠夫之间的唇枪舌剑 And the war of words between the butcher

…… ... ...

不知道不知道就是不知道 Do not know do not know just do not know

历史算什么,当下才是关键 What kind of history, the moment is the key

衰老的报告和年轻的笑容 Report of aging and young smile

环形吊灯旋转着核心 Ring spinning heart pendant

新一代北大人清华人 A new generation of Beijing University, Qinghua people who

向谎言和强权报以经久不息的掌声 Power to the lies and responded with prolonged applause

他们会有铺满金币的小康前途 They will have the future well-covered with gold coins

六.四,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

一座被恐怖监控的坟墓 A tomb of the terrorist surveillance

十三年并不漫长 Thirteen years is not long

却在我的脚下 But in my feet

断裂成无底深渊 Breaking into a bottomless abyss

刺进脚心的一根针 Pierce soles of the feet of a needle

雪亮和锋利已不复存在 Discerning, and is no longer sharp

斑驳的锈迹布满血液 Mottled rust covered with blood,

心的行走需要拐杖 Heart needs crutches to walk

如同荒凉的墓地需要绿色 As desolate cemetery needs of the green

而扫墓的人 The grave of people

却找不到通向亡灵的路 But can not find the road leading to the souls of

所有的道路都被封闭 All roads have been closed

所有的眼泪都被监控 All the tears have been monitored

所有的鲜花都被跟踪 All the flowers are to be tracked

所有的记忆都被清洗 All the memories have been cleaned

所有的墓碑仍是空白 All of the tombstone is empty

刽子手的恐惧 The fear of the executioner

必须由恐怖来安抚 Must be a terrorist to appease the

六.四,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

一座永不瞑目的坟墓 A Yongbumingmu graves

在遗忘和恐怖之下 In the forgotten and terror under the

这个日子被埋葬 This day was buried

在记忆和勇气之中 In memory and courage among the

这个日子永远活着 This day live forever

被刺刀砍下的手指 The fingers cut off by bayonet

被子弹穿透的头颅 By a bullet through the head

被坦克碾碎的身躯 Crushed by tanks of the body

被围追堵截的悼念 The memorial has been dogged

是不死的石头 Is the immortal stone

而石头,可以呐喊 The stone, you can cry

是让墓地长青的野草 Is to let the weeds evergreen cemetery

而野草,可以飞翔 While the weeds, you can fly

刺进心脏正中的针尖 Pierce the heart center of the needle

用泣血换取记忆的雪亮 With Tears of Blood for sharp memory

六.四,一座坟墓 "Six. 4," a grave

一座让尸体保存生命的坟墓 One to save the life of the tomb of the body

而活着的人 And the living

饕餮着淫乱着 Taotie with the promiscuous

欺骗着独裁着 Deception with the authoritarian

暴富着小康着 Riches with the well-off

屈膝着乞讨着的人 Knees with begging the people

一个个正在腐烂 One by one rotting

2002520于北京家中) (May 20, 2002 in Beijing, home)

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

孩子· 母亲· 春天 Spring mother of the child

孩子· 母亲· 春天──天安门母亲网站开通而作 ─ ─ spring mother of the child as the "Tiananmen Mothers" Website and to make

来源:天安门母亲 Source: Tiananmen Mothers


十九年前 Nineteen years ago

残忍的六月突降风很冷雨水垒满碎石砸在母亲的心头 June cruel cold rain drenched the wind full of gravel base hit in her mother's heart

春天的残忍没有萌芽便凋零没有花朵便腐烂在一切还未到来之前一切已经被彻底毁灭 Do not have cruelty of spring bud withered flowers can not rot before the advent of all in all not have been completely destroyed

凝视年轻的遗像一根针插进母亲的眼睛瞬间的失明大脑的雪亮泪水像枯草萧瑟在荒野中 Gaze of the portrait of young mother's eyes, a needle inserted into the brain sharp instantaneous blind with tears, as Bacillus blows in the wilderness

遥远的亡灵那么遥远夜倒悬旗帜被抛向水中波纹扭曲的影子顷刻笼罩大地 So far the souls of the distant night hung upside down flag was thrown in the water ripples distort the shadow of a moment enveloped the earth


出门前,孩子曾许诺为母亲画出六月的风温暖的绿色的风追风的孩子突然倒下后脑中弹右手瘫痪画笔被钢铁碾碎六月的风变成血色灌满母亲的身体 Out the door, the child had promised his mother to draw the green warm June wind wind Herd child suddenly fell head shot in the right hand was paralyzed brush steel milled in June of wind filled the mother's body into a Bloody

有人说为自由而死是一种伟大为自由殉难的孩子已经接近神圣而母爱,基于血缘宁愿自己的孩子活在平凡中 Some people say that death is a great source for free martyrdom for the freedom of the children are close to the sacred and the motherly love, based on descent prefer their children to live in the Ordinary

如今,浪漫的年龄远去留下生命废墟的记忆 Today, the romantic ruins of the age of distant memory of life left behind

十九年了每一年都是三百六十五呼唤回来吧扑倒在春天的孩子映在母亲的眼底没有鲜花和青草的坟墓有白发缠绕 Nineteen years is 365 calls per year, throwing himself back in the spring bar children of the mother's fundus is not reflected in the flowers and grass of the graves have white hair wound

每个夜晚亡灵都能触摸到了母亲的天空像十月怀胎倾听母亲的心跳 Each night the souls of the mother can touch the sky, as conceived in October to listen to the mother's heartbeat


亡灵的春天弥漫一切春天的亡灵穿透一切死亡唤起的觉醒挽救了母亲绝望的时刻 The spring of souls filled with the souls of all the spring through the awakening of all the deaths arouse the mother desperate to save time

不抱怨彼岸的遥远不蔑视此岸的平庸生命无价甚至连蚂蚁也不容贬低 Do not complain on the other side of the remote is not this side of contempt for the banality of life is priceless, and even the ants can not be to belittle

谁的眼泪能穿越深涧里的顽石让坚硬的棱角一点点圆润从还有温度的身体释放出那束仅有的余光为母亲照亮一条路 Shen Jian who tears through the years can be so hard stone hard edges and corners are a little mellow from the body temperature of the release of only peripheral vision out of that beam illuminates a path for the mother

屠杀升华了亡灵亡灵升华母爱超越血缘超越高悬于头上的太阳 Sublimation of the sublimation of the souls of the souls of the massacre than maternal blood was placed on the head beyond the sun


逃避自由的人活着灵魂却死于恐惧中渴望自由的人死去亡灵却活在反抗中 Freedom of the soul of the person to escape alive, but died of fear, desire to free the souls of those who died was living in resistance in the

突然撕裂的思想看不见疤痕的伤口压抑太久的声音讲述坟墓的故事伤痕累累的烛火洞彻灵魂的荒芜 Suddenly the idea tearing scar invisible wounds of oppressed for too long the voice tells the story of graves scarred the soul of the candlelight Dongche barren

亡灵的目光凝视着母亲母亲的目光逼视每一个春天母亲对六月许下的诺言让影子叹息让石头飞翔 The dead eyes staring eyes watch intently every mother's mother's mother in June of spring promise so that the shadow of a sigh Let the stone fly


年轻的亡灵不要说失败不要说荒废了十九年时光在母亲的祭奠中孩子们倒下的那一刻已经永恒 Not to mention the failure of the souls of the young not to mention the neglect of the nineteen time in her mother's memorial in the moment the children had fallen eternal

曾经的热血至今依然沸腾割不断的烛光和夜晚超越年龄也超越死亡把未完成的爱交给母亲的白发 The blood was boiling cut and remains constant beyond the age of candlelight and the night beyond the death of the unfinished love to the mother's white hair

年轻的亡灵相信母亲吧母爱是火即便熄灭了也会用灰烬兑现诺言 I believe the souls of the young mother, maternal love is the fire even if the bar out, they would carry out its promise with the ashes

5 May 2008

Posted by (歪詩污) 0 comments Posted by (Waishi sewage) 0 comments

直面六四 Facing 64

直面六四──让你的良知被人看到──有感于蒋彦永先生为六四正名 Facing 64 ─ ─ let your conscience be seen ─ ─ Responding to Mr. Jiang Yanyong of 64 Zhengming

六四十五周年的祭日又快到了。 Liusishiwu anniversary memorial day again pretty soon.

在人大代表齐聚大会堂的时刻,SARS危机中挺身而出的真话英雄蒋彦永先生,再次公开说出了被压抑了十五年的真话:建议中共当局为六四学生爱国运动正名。 In the moment of people's deputies gathered in City Hall, SARS crisis, the truth to come forward for a hero Mr. Jiang Yanyong, once again publicly what fifteen years of being suppressed truth: It is recommended the Chinese authorities for 64 students to name the patriotic movement.

在八九年那个血雨腥风的时刻,蒋大夫以301医院的抢救小组负责人的身份,加入到拯救生命的行列中。 That bloody moment in 2089, Chiang doctor to 301 hospitals in his capacity as head of the rescue team, to join the ranks of life-saving. 在手术台前,他见证了罪恶屠杀所制造的伤口、鲜血、残疾和死亡.这种亲历刺痛著他的灵魂。 In the operating table, he witnessed the massacre of evil created by the wound, blood, disability and death. Experience the hurt that his soul. 在人人过关的大清查中,面对来自各方面的压力,他始终坚持自己的看法:「镇压学生运动是错误的。」 Everyone is a large inventory clearance in the face of pressure from all sides, he has always insisted his views: "suppress the student movement was wrong."

从 这封公开信的字里行间可以看出:在「用高压手段使全国人民变得有口难张」的恐怖威慑之下,先生的灵魂一直受到六四亡灵的拷问,他也曾通过自己的方式做过 不懈的努力:「1998年曾和部份同志以一批老共产党员的名义,给国家领导人和人大、政协代表写信,建议重新评定六四。」他还把自己的六四亲历及其看法当 面告诉了中共元老杨尚昆。 Reading between the lines from the open letter can be seen: in the "heavy-handed so that people across the country to become a mouth hard Zhang," deterrence of terrorism, under Mr. Chiang has been the soul of the tortured souls of 64, he has his own way through the done tireless efforts: "In 1998 and part of the comrades to the name of a group of veteran Communist Party member to the state leaders and the people's congresses and CPPCC representatives of a letter, it is recommended to re-assess 64." He also own 64 personal experiences their views face to face to tell the Chinese Communist Party elder Yang Shangkun. 而且,六四后的经历也告诉他:中国人决不会忘记六四,所谓「淡化」,只是恐怖威慑和利益收买的暂时效应。 In addition, 64 post-experience also tells him: the Chinese people will never forget the 64 so-called "water down", but simply to buy the interests of terror deterrence and the temporary effect. 而凡是亲历或知道这件大事的人们,都在以各自的方式记忆著、评价著。 But those who witnessed this event or know the people, are memories of her own way to evaluate the. 他也知道:很多人,包括普通百姓、社会名流和中共高官……与他持有相同或相近看法,只是绝大多数人慑于恐怖高压而不愿公开说真话,大都在私下里谈论六四。 He also knows: Many people, including ordinary people, celebrities and Chinese Communist officials ... ... and he holds the same or similar views, but most people are reluctant to publicly pressure of fear of terror telling the truth, mostly in private to talk about six.

然而,在涉及到大是大非的公共事件上,私下说真话,毕竟只是小圈子行为,虽不失为良知未泯,但至多是暂时的个人良心的安顿,良心亏欠和人格压抑仍然难以逃避。 However, when it comes to major public events, the privately telling the truth, after all, only a small group behavior, although after all people of conscience, but at best a temporary resettlement of personal conscience, conscience and dignity owed to depression is still difficult to escape. 私人耳语之于只有公开讨论才能辨别是非善恶的公共事件来说,并不比沉默更有价值,久而久之,还很容易堕入口是心非、言行不一的犬儒人格。 Whisper of the private sector in order to distinguish between right and wrong that only open discussion of public health events of good and evil is not more valuable than the silent passage of time, very easy to fall into duplicity, words and deeds of the cynical personality.

如果在SARS危机中,了解真相的蒋大夫沉默了,只是私下里告诫亲朋好友同事,其防治作用只惠及极为有限的私人圈子,而对全国性世界性的公共卫生危机的解决则毫无意义。 If the SARS crisis, to know the truth of the Chiang doctor was silent, but privately warned colleagues and friends, their prevention and treatment benefit only a very limited role in the private circle, while a nationwide resolution of a worldwide public health crisis is meaningless . 但是,蒋大夫打破沉默说出真相,导致中国抗炎形势的转折,对其他国家和地区的抗炎也颇有助益,既拯救了国人的生命健康,也挽回了民族的信誉,使政府应对公共危机的方式有所进步。 However, Dr. Jiang broke his silence to tell the truth, resulting in anti-inflammatory situation in China turn to other countries and regions of anti-inflammatory is also quite useful, not only saved people's lives and health, but also to restore the credibility of the nation, so that the Government should crisis in the way of public improvement.

六四,无疑是中国历史上的重大公共事件,事关无辜者的冤魂和正义的伸张、民族的历史真相和未来前途,中国人和中国政府不可能永远沉默下去,必须对此有一个公开交代,交代来得越早越好。 64, no doubt the history of China's major public events, concerning innocent innocent people and justice done, the truth of the nation's history and future prospects, the Chinese and the Chinese government can not always silence, you must have an open account giving an account of came sooner the better. 六四亡灵得不到安顿,不仅使个人良心蒙羞,更让国家在世界上蒙耻,在历史的审判席前抬不起头来。 64 dead is not settled, not only the individual conscience of shame has kept the country in the world, the disgraced, in the history of pre-judgment seat feeling ashamed of themselves.

长期隐瞒历史真相、压抑自己的亲历和想说的真话,之于个人,会憋出心理疾病和人格分裂症;之于国家或民族,会在罪恶感中越陷越深,由此而来的恐惧症也会愈演愈烈,甚至变成灵魂癌症。 A long history of concealing the truth, to suppress their personal experiences and would like to say the truth, the personal will Biechu mental illness and suffering from split personality disorder; of the state or nation, will be bogged down in guilt, the resulting phobia to get worse and even become the soul of cancer. 所以,当官方还不肯公开面对六四之时,民间就必须推动见证历史和寻求正义的维权运动。 So, when the official also refused to disclose the face of 64 when the promotion of civil society must be a witness to history and to seek justice and protection movement. 公开说出真相,让自己的良知在阳光下闪耀,才是对生命和正义的敬畏、对个人良知的善待,也才是对历史和民族的负责。 Public to tell the truth, so that my conscience in the sun shine, is the reverence for life and justice, treating the individual conscience, but also is in charge of history and the nation.

在涉及到重大社会公益的案件的司法审判中,司法权力的行使必须是公开的,因为看得见的正义才是正义;在事关个人良知的安顿和社会公德的提升的道德审判中,参与公共舆论的个人表达也应该公开的,因为看得见的良知才是良知。 The major social welfare in relation to the administration of justice in the cases, the exercise of judicial power must be open, because justice is just visible; in the settled matter of personal conscience and morals to enhance the moral trial involved in personal expression of public opinion should also be open, because the conscience is the conscience of the visible.

特别是在仍然黑幕重重的恐怖秩序之下,唯有良知的公开表达,才具有揭穿黑幕、对抗强权和战胜恐惧的力量,才能见证真相和伸张正义,才会对那些良知未泯的公众人物构成道义压力,对沉默的大多数产生感召,对社会正气的形成有所贡献。 Especially in the shady still heavily under the horrors of the order, only the public conscience, expression, it has exposed shady, confrontation of power and strength to overcome fear in order to witness the truth and justice will only be of conscience to those who pose a public figure moral pressure on the silent majority inspire, to contribute to the formation of a healthy social atmosphere. 而且,越是在恐怖政治无孔不入的严酷环境下诞生的真话英雄,就越能够赢得民间社会的尊敬。 Moreover, the more all-pervasive in the politics of terror under the harsh environment in the birth of a hero telling the truth, the more able to win the respect of civil society. 是在SARS危机中,国人和国际社会第一次看到真话英雄蒋彦永大夫的公开良知,先生也因此在国内外赢得了崇高声誉;现在,人们又在六四十五周年前夕,再次看到先生那阳光般闪烁的良知。 In the SARS crisis, the people and the international community for the first time I saw the truth Dr. Jiang Yanyong, a hero of public conscience, Mr. Chiang and therefore won a high reputation at home and abroad; now, it is again in Liusishiwu anniversary, once again see the Mr. Jiang was the sun-like flashes of conscience. 值得庆幸的是,我们也得到互联网时代的恩惠,藉助于无远弗界的网络技术来突破中共的信息封锁,使真话英雄的名人效应得以最大化,形成极具感召力的良知示范。 Fortunately, we also favor the Internet age, by means of far-reaching network of community technology to break through the information blockade the Chinese Communists, so that the truth can be maximized hero's celebrity to form the conscience of a very inspiring model.

关于六四,国人已经沉默了十五年,压抑了十五年,现在,蒋彦永先生做出了勇敢的示范,凡是亲历者都会有自己的真实记忆,所有良知未泯的人都会有不同于官方的评价,那么,就请公开说出你的亲历和你的心里话──哪怕只是一个细节的真相和一句真话! About 64 people in Taiwan has remained silent for fifteen years, depression for fifteen years, and now Mr. Jiang Yanyong made a bold demonstration of any real Qin Lizhe will have their own memories of the people of conscience, there will be different from the official evaluation, it would make public the state of your personal experiences and the minds of your ─ ─ details even just a truth and a truth!

公开你的良知Open your conscience:

让亡灵得到爱的温暖! Let the warmth of souls to be loved!

因为不能公开的祭奠无法给亡灵以真正的安慰。 Because we can not openly pay homage to the souls of the deceased can not be in true comfort.

让难属们得到道义的激励! So that these movements have to be a moral inspiration!

因为偷偷摸摸的同情不会产生真正的力量。 Because surreptitious sympathy does not produce real power.

让全世界看到国人的良知! Let the world see that people of conscience!

因为十五年的沉默已经使中华民族蒙受太不堪的羞辱。 Because the fifteen years of silence has made the Chinese people suffered too much not bear the humiliation.

让独裁者感到民间的勇气! Let the dictator was the courage of people!

因为刽子手从不怕私人饭局上的诅咒。 Because the executioner from the curse are not afraid of a private dinner.

2004年3月9于北京家中 March 9, 2004 in Beijing at home

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从文革到六四看中国民主化的困境 From the Cultural Revolution to 64 to see the plight of the democratization of China

从文革到六四看中国民主化的困境 From the Cultural Revolution to 64 to see the plight of the democratization of China

中国百年现代史的多灾多难,在毛泽东时代达到劫难的高峰。 China's troubled modern history of a century, during the Mao era to reach the peak of catastrophe. 特别是文化大革命给中国带来了空前大灾难。 In particular, to the Chinese Cultural Revolution, has brought an unprecedented catastrophe. 共产暴政实施阶级灭绝、个人极权的无法无天,多数暴政的疯狂发作,都达到了登峰造极。 Extinction of Communist tyranny in the implementation of the class, personal totalitarian lawlessness, tyranny of the majority of the crazy attacks, have reached its peak. 致使经济被推向崩溃的边缘,法律秩序荡然无存,文化和道德遭到空前的大破坏,人的生命和权利遭到毁灭性践踏,政治迫害之广涉及到上亿人,上至国家主席下至繦褓中的婴儿,死于迫害的人至少几百万。 Result, the economy is pushed towards collapse of law and order vanished, cultural and moral has been unprecedented havoc, human rights have been devastating to life and trampled on the breadth of political persecution, involving hundreds of millions, from the President down to the Qiang cloth for carrying baby in the baby, who died of persecution for at least several million dollars.

文革后中国社会达成两项共识由于文革灾难的过于惨烈,将中共体制的弊端醒目地凸现出来,所以,绝对极权者毛泽东的自然死亡和文革结束,为开启经济自由化和政治民主化的改革提供了绝佳的时机。 China after the Cultural Revolution, two points of consensus reached in the community because of the Cultural Revolution, the disaster was too tragic, the Chinese Communist regime's shortcomings stand out prominently, therefore, absolutely totalitarian natural death of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution ended, in order to open the economic liberalization and political democratization of the reform an excellent time. 经历过文革的中国社会,在政治上起码达成了两项社会共识:一,现代化的实现离不开政治民主化,改革开放应该是经济和政治同步的均衡改革,而非经济开放而政治封闭的跛足改革;二,实现民主化的方式应该是官民互动的渐进改良而非激进的革命。 Experienced the Cultural Revolution, Chinese society, in politics, at least two social consensus was reached: first, the realization of modernization can not be separated, political democratization, reform and opening up should be a balance of economic and political reforms simultaneously, rather than an open economy and closed politics lame reform; 2, democratization should be a way to interact with officials and the public rather than the gradual improvement of the radical revolution. 因为改良式的社会变革,速度可能慢一点,但也降低社会转型的综合成本。 Because the modified social change, the speed may be a bit slower, but also reduce the overall cost of social transformation.

在独裁传统漫长的中国,通过改良的方式推动社会变革,首先需要民间动力自下而上的推动,其次需要官权对民意的认同,二者的互动缺一不可。 In authoritarian China, a traditional long, through improved means to promote social change, the first bottom-up driven by the need for civil power, followed by the need for official recognition of the right of the people, interactions between the two are indispensable. 只要官权拒绝改良,改良就无可能。 As long as the officer the right to refuse to improve, improvement will not be possible.

上世纪八十年代是中国改革的黄金时期,走向市场化的经济改革初见成效,思想文化领域极为活跃,政治民主化越来越成为主流民意,特别是民间的政治民主化诉求,通过西单民主墙、思想解放运动、全国高校的自发竞选、大学生的游行示威等活动,得到了日益明确而强烈的表达。 Eighties of the last century was the golden age of China's reform towards market-oriented economic reforms started to bear fruit is extremely active in the field of ideology and culture, political democratization, more and more into the mainstream of public opinion, especially in the private sector demand political democratization, through the "Xidan Democracy Wall, "ideological liberation movement, the National University of spontaneous campaign, college students demonstrations and other activities, has been increasingly clear and strong expression.

可喜的是,中共官权内部也形成了具有决策权的开明改革派,力主政经改革的同步进行。 The good news is, the Chinese Communists also formed within the right to have the decision-making power of the liberal reformers, force took charge of the reformed simultaneously. 两位开明的总书记胡耀邦和赵紫阳顺应大势所趋和民心所向,借助邓小平关于政治体制改革的讲话,排除党内政治保守派对政治改革的顽强抵抗,先后终止了清污反自由化左倾回潮,在中共十三大上提出了市场化和民主化的初步纲领,造就了中国当代史上政治改革的黄金时代。 Two open-minded General Secretary Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang and the wishes of the people follow the trend, with the help of Deng Xiaoping's speech on political reform, removal of political conservatives within the party's stubborn resistance to political reform, has terminated the "clean-up" and "anti-liberal "leftist resurgence of the Chinese Communist Party put forward 13 major marketization and democratization in the initial program, and created a contemporary Chinese history, the golden age of political reform.

八九民运旨在推动政改正是在此官民互动的基础上,青年大学生以街头政治的方式提出民主化的诉求,并得到社会各阶层的广泛支持,形成了声势浩大的八九运动。 89 pro-democracy movement aimed at promoting political and correction officials and the public in this interaction, based on the young college students taking to the streets raised in the form of democratization of political aspirations and receive broad support from all levels of society, forming a massive 89 sports. 可以说,旨在推动政治改革的八九运动,其声势之浩大、秩序之井然和动员之广泛,已经为中国的政治转型提供了非常有利的民间支持,党内开明派和自由知识界完全有条件一展身手、大有作为。 It can be said to promote political reform in 89 campaign, the momentum of the vast, order of the house in order and mobilization of a wide range of China's political transformation has provided a very favorable popular support from liberals and the Liberal Party is entirely intellectual conditions have a go and accomplish much.

可 惜的是,党内开明派和自由知识界的整体不成熟,既没有表现出应有的政治魄力和操作智慧,也没有表现出应对突发事件和驾驭自发民众运动的能力,他们缺乏组织 上的能力和技巧、策略上的成熟和明智,缺少平等的公民意识、参与精神和道义勇气,屡屡错过了引导民意的契机,致使如此巨大的民间资源白白浪费。 Unfortunately, liberals and the Liberal Party as a whole intellectual immaturity, not only did not show the necessary political courage and operational wisdom, and also showed no response to emergencies and the ability to control the spontaneous popular movement, their lack of organization abilities and skills, tactical maturity and wisdom, the lack of equality, citizenship, participation in spiritual and moral courage, has repeatedly missed the opportunity to guide public opinion, resulting in such a huge waste of community resources. 在大屠杀当中和之后,精英们更缺少在大恐怖面前坚定的道义立场和无畏的良知勇气,遂使年轻生命所付出的代价和提供的时机至今没有结成正果。 During and after the massacre, the elite are more the lack of a firm in the face of the Great Terror fearless moral conscience and the courage to stand and hardly before the cost of young lives and provide the timing has yet to form immortal.

开明派的错失时机就等于把机会留给了党内顽固派,使他们拒绝民意的独裁意志和强硬态度,在最高决策层内逐渐占据优势,最后以武力镇压的方式结束伟大的八九运动。 Liberal faction missed opportunity would be tantamount to make room for the party diehards, so that they refuse to popular will and strong authoritarian attitude, at the highest policy in a gradual ascendancy of the last to force to suppress a great way to end 89 sports. 以邓小平为代表的顽固派把善良的民意当作不共戴天的敌人,对把党内开明派作为叛徒加以清除,从而将一场伟大的政治改革运动变成举世震惊的大罪恶。 With Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the diehards to the good public opinion as a sworn enemy of the liberals within the party as a traitor to be removed, thus a great movement of political reform into a big crime that shocked the world. 邓小平的大开杀戒,不但葬送了那么多年轻生命,也葬送了中国政治体制和平转型的时机。 Deng Xiaoping's slaughter, not only ruined so many young lives, but also ruined the peaceful transformation of China's political system time.

六四对于中国的负面影响八九运动中的官民冲突,无论是对抗的产生和激化,还是解决冲突的粗暴和野蛮,邓小平和李鹏等顽固派必须承担主要罪责。 64 for the negative effects of 89 Chinese sports officials and the public in the conflict, whether it is the emergence and intensification of confrontation or conflict resolution brutal and barbaric, Deng Xiaoping and Li Peng and other diehards must take the primary blame. 六四的鲜血和八九运动的失败,对于大陆中国的负面影响是多方面的、整体性的。 64 blood and 89 movement's failure, the negative impact of the mainland China is multifaceted, and comprehensive.

一, 从官权的角度看,大屠杀葬送了执政党的合法性,使推进政治改革的党内开明派从此一蹶不振,使固守于单纯经济改革的保守派主宰高层决策至今;二,就民间的角 度看,八九失败是延续了几千年的知识份子群体整体失败的当代翻版,从道义上葬送了自由知识界作为启蒙者和代言人的角色。 First, right from the official point of view, the Holocaust put an end to the legitimacy of the ruling party to push forward political reform, liberals within the party from the doldrums to stick to economic reforms in the purely high-level decision-making since the conservatives dominate; two on the private sector point of view, 89 failure is continued for thousands of years of intellectual groups in the overall failure of the contemporary replica of losing their freedom from the moral and intellectual enlightenment as an advocate role. 以至于,在恐怖政治和利益收买之下,大陆知识界陷于整体失语,由懦弱而犬儒,由犬儒而冷血。 So, in the politics of terror and interests of the bribe, the mainland intellectuals caught in the whole tongue, from cowardly and cynical by cynical and cold-blooded. 三,从改革方向和路径的角度看,政治僵化而经济突进的跛足改革代替了政经平衡的全面改革,经济改革也只能造就权力市场化和权贵私有化的独裁资本主义,八九运动所反对的腐败非但没有丝毫收敛,反而发展成各级权贵家族的暴利集团。 Third, the direction and path from the reform perspective, the political rigidity and economical onrush of handicapping the political and economic reforms instead of a balanced comprehensive reform, economic reform can only bring up the privatization of the power market and the elite authoritarian capitalism, 89 sports are opposed to corruption, not only failed to converge the slightest, but developed into a family of profiteering at all levels of elite groups.

中国民主化的困境,当然有民间的原因,但主要原因是中共官权的权力自私和权力狂妄。 The plight of the democratization of China, of course, there are private reasons, but mainly because the Chinese Communists the power of the right to selfishness and arrogance of power. 正是由于权力自私,使邓小平们全然无视大势所趋和民心所向,而只在乎保住一党独裁的特权和权贵阶层的既得利益。 It is precisely because the power selfishness, so that they completely ignore the general trend of Deng Xiaoping and the wishes of the people, but only care about one-party dictatorship to keep the privileges and vested interests of elite classes. 所以,在改革最有希望的时期,邓小平重新强调坚持四项基本原则,逐步淡化文革和捍卫毛泽东的形象,致使历史真相无法还原,教训无从总结,现实改革无法走上健康之路,沉重的历史欠债让中国的未来不堪重负。 Therefore, the most promising period of reform, Deng Xiaoping re-emphasized the Four Cardinal Principles, gradually dilute the image of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution and defend, leading to the historical truth can not be restored, no way to sum up lessons learned, real reform can not move in a healthy way, the history of heavy indebtedness to China's future overwhelmed.

政治上一个个小文革的连续正因为权力狂妄,邓小平们才会只相信中共的自我神化及其独裁权力——只有共产党才能救中国和建设强大的中国。 A political one "a little during the Cultural Revolution" in a row is because power is arrogant, they would only believe the Chinese Communist Deng Xiaoping's self-deification and its dictatorial powers - can save only the Communist Party of China and building a strong China. 权力狂妄使他们不相信民间智慧和不尊重民意,进而把民意的公开表达视为洪水猛兽。 Arrogance of power so that they do not believe in folk wisdom and respect for public opinion, and thus the open expression of public opinion as a scourge. 所以,邓小平和他的后继者才会延续文革式的敌人意识,镇压民主墙、清污、反自由化、六四大屠杀、镇压民主党和法轮功,使改革开放的过程在政治上就是一个个小文革的连续。 Thus, Deng Xiaoping and his successors would continue the enemies of the Cultural Revolution-style consciousness, repression Democracy Wall, decontamination, anti-liberalization, 64 massacres, repression of the Democratic Party and Falun Gong, so that the process of reform and opening up in politics is a a "small Cultural Revolution" continuous.

凡 是亲历过文革和六四并至今还坚持自由民主理念的国人,不得不面临这样严酷的事实:以反思文革开始的改革开放,居然以六四大屠杀残暴而落幕;以反腐败、争民 主为主要诉求的八九运动,曾经形成过各阶层相互支援的大规模民间动员,第一次令世界对中国民间蕴涵的正义力量刮目相看,但谁也没有想到,大屠杀之后的十七 年来,中共借助于暴力镇压、意识形态灌输和利益收买,成功地扭曲了和清洗了民族记忆,用鲜血积累起来的道义资源也被挥霍得所剩无几。 Those who witnessed the Cultural Revolution, and 64, and still adhere to the concept of a free and democratic people, have to face such a harsh truth: Reflections on the Cultural Revolution began the reform and opening up, had the effrontery to 64 and ending the brutal massacre; to anti-corruption, the fight for democracy for the main demands of the 89 sports, has been the formation of mutual support from various sectors of the large-scale civil mobilization, for the first time makes the world of Chinese folk implies new look at the strength of justice, but no one would have thought that seventeen years after the massacre, China by means of violent repression, ideological indoctrination and benefits of buying and cleaning have succeeded in distorting the national memory, with blood accumulated moral resources have been squandered were running low. 亲历过那场运动和大屠杀的人们,有些人因耽误了世俗前途而后悔不已,有些人不愿再提起激情的和血腥的记忆,而没有亲历的后六四一代,甚至大都不知道八九年的中国究竟发生过什么,对文革历史更是所知廖廖。 That campaign, and had witnessed the massacre of the people, some people because of delays in the future of the secular begun to regret it, some people no longer willing to bring passion and bloody memories, but not experience the post-641 generation, or even do not know 89 years, what really happened in China, the history of the Cultural Revolution, is known to very few.

换言之,在当下中国,发动八九运动的道义激情和社会共识已经不复存在,利益诉求优先代替了道义诉求优先,社会阶层的大分化代替了社会各界的政改共识,受益的精英阶层和受损的平民阶层之间的两级分化,在利益上已经达到了尖锐对立的程度。 In other words, in the present China, launched 89 campaigns of moral passion and social consensus no longer exists, replaced by a moral interest demands the priority demands of priority sectors of society instead of the big divide the community consensus on political reform, to benefit the elite and by the loss of civilian class differentiation between the two, in the interest had reached the extent of acute confrontation. 这种分化,使主流精英阶层更倾向于稳定优先经济优先的保守立场,倾向于政府主导下的自上而下的权威型跛足改革,似乎中国只配有权力市场化和权贵私有化的经济改革,中国人只配有面包而无自由的猪圈生活。 This differentiation, so that the mainstream elite is more inclined to "stability first" and "economic priority" of the conservative stance, tend to under the government-led top-down authoritarian lame reform, it appears that China is only equipped with the power market and the dignitaries privatization of economic reform, the Chinese people only with bread without freedom of the pigpen of life.

无论今日中国的深层社会危机多么严重,从禁言文革到禁言六四,说明中共现政权仍然无意于打破束缚中国改革的政治瓶颈,仍然忽视民权和敌视民意。 Regardless of the deep social crisis in China today how serious the Cultural Revolution, from gag to gag 64 shows that the Chinese authorities still have no intention to break the shackles of China's reform and political bottlenecks, still ignores the civil rights and hostility of public opinion. 而无论是处理偶发性的棘手事件,还是保持社会的稳定,中共的对抗性思维,只能让本来温和的矛盾不断升级,直至达到双方在心理上(因为现实往往并非如此,而是人为的内心恐惧使然)的毫无退路的激化状态,然后动用强制力甚至暴力暂时解决问题。 Whether it be dealing with the thorny episodic events, or to maintain social stability, China's confrontational thinking, will only make the already modest escalation of the conflict until it reaches the two sides in the psychological (because the reality is often not the case, but rather artificial heart Fear Shiran) and there is no escape route for the intensification of the state, and then to use coercion and even violence temporarily solve the problem. 这不仅在道义上是野蛮的,社会代价是最大的,其效果也必然本末倒置,对具有道义性合法性的被镇压者如此,对失去道义合法性的镇压者更是如此。 This is not only morally barbaric, and social costs is the largest, and its effects are bound to cart before the horse, to have the moral legitimacy was suppressor of the case, the loss of moral legitimacy of the suppressor especially.

日益分化的社会走上多元化之路好在,今日中国已经由高度政治化的整体社会变成日益分化的社会,虽然还不能说已经形成了多元化的社会结构,但起码是走在多元化的道路上。 Increasingly divided society to move towards diversification of the road Fortunately, today's China has been highly politicized by the society as a whole was becoming increasingly divided society, although they can not be said to have formed a diversified social structure, but at least walking in the diversification on the road. 社会的三大组成部分——经济、政治和文化——经过二十多年的改革,已经不再是铁板一块,而是出现了越来越明显的分化。 The three major components of society - economic, political and cultural - After 20 years of reform, is no longer monolithic, but appeared increasingly obvious differentiation. 在 经济上,指向市场经济的改革已经使利益主体日益多元化;在文化上,正统意识形态的衰落已经使人们的价值趣味日趋多样化;而唯有在政治上官方仍然坚守权力一 元化的僵硬体制,但在经济和文化的多元化蚕食下,体制内也不再是铁板一块,其利益主体和价值观念一直处在急遽地分化之中。 In the economic field, pointing to a market economy reforms have already brought the main interests of an increasingly diverse; in culture, the decline of ideological orthodoxy has made the value of people's taste is becoming more diverse; but only in the political unification of the official still adhere to the rigid system of power However, economic and cultural diversity of encroachment, the system is no longer monolithic in their interests and values has been in the main body to divide sharply into. 特别是在主流民意的积极压力和消极抵抗的双重作用之下,民间资源迅速扩张,官府资源迅速萎缩,官方固守旧制度的成本越来越高,管制能力也越来越弱,力不从心已经成为中共现政权的统治常态。 Especially in the mainstream of public opinion the positive and negative pressure on the dual role of resistance under the rapid expansion of private resources imperial government resources, rapidly declining, the official stick to the old system the cost of increasing the control capacity to gradually become weaker, powerless have become the Chinese Communist normal rule of the present regime.

所以,在官权还没有开启政治改革的诚意的当下大陆,中国民主化的路径,主要依靠自下而上的渐进改良,而很难乞灵于自上而下的蒋经国式革命。 Therefore, officials still does not open the sincerity of political reform in contemporary mainland China, the path of democratization, rely mainly on bottom-up incremental improvements, but is difficult to resort to top-down, "Chiang Ching-kuo-style" revolution. 当 民间还无力改变政权之前,民间起码可以首先改变自身,在只要求臣民而不喜欢公民的制度下,从个体开始以一个公民的方式参与公共事务;在不自由的制度下,勇 敢地把自己当作自由人来发言来行动;通过自下而上的民间自觉,逐步形成自发的持续的且不断壮大的公民不服从运动,推动民间维权的进一步发展和成熟,逐渐摆 脱各自为战的分裂状态,使权益受损的各阶层在道义共识的基础上形成相互支援的维权同盟。 When the people are also unable to change the regime until the people can at least begin to change itself, the only required subjects rather than citizens, like the system, from the individual began to approach a citizen to participate in public affairs; the non-free system, the courage to put myself as a free man to speak to act; through bottom-up civil consciousness, and gradually form a spontaneous ongoing and growing civil disobedience movement, civil rights protection to promote the further development and maturity, and gradually get rid of the division of internal conflicts , so that damage to the interests of all sectors of the moral basis of consensus and mutual support the formation of activist alliance. 也就是说,追求自由民主的民间力量,不追求通过激进的政权改变来重建整个社会,而是通过渐进的社会改变来逼出政权的改变,即依靠不断成长的公民社会来改造合法性不足的政权。 In other words, the pursuit of freedom and democracy non-governmental forces, not to pursue regime change through radical to rebuild the whole society, but through progressive social change to extract a regime change, that is, relying on the ever-growing lack of legitimacy of civil society to transform the regime.

○○六年六月二日于北京家中(《动向》2006年6月号) June 2, 2006 in Beijing at home ( "trends" in June 2006, No.)

